When God Blinks !!

This page is a page of sorrow and grief for all in EMS. It is showing the grim reality of the chances we take to try and save others lives. If we get careless or are not ready for people to make the wroung moves in their vehicles bad things can and some times do happen. :(

Lights and sirens create many differant reactions in people. Some run from them, some run to them kids have been known to run out in the street to get better look as ambulance goes by. Some will not stop and pull to the right side of the road to let emergency vehicals go by safely. They will stop where they are, not stopp at all, or move to the right of road. Emergency Services person are required by all states only to pass on the left side because by law people in cars are required to move to the right.

Please read these stories keep in mind that everyone is human. That not just the ems personal made mistakes but also the others did by not giving right of way. Which many times with new cars tighly sealed and loud radios you can not hear sirens.

Here is the links for you also if you know of more please email me with them at: exemt@hotmail.com thanks !

Lawrence-Douglas County Fire & Med on the med after November ambulance wreck

Arlington paramedic continuing recovery after near-fatal car wreck in December this link is not a on duty accident but female paramedic almost killed and her husband was on duty!

http://kemsa.org/598fountain.htm The happy ending of above link!!

Names and information on some of the EMS deaths of 1999.

Names and information on some of the EMS deaths of 1998.

Killed in the line of duty.


