Phoenix's Aerie






My Egroup/Yahoo! Group (Hushichan) - my own Yahoo!/Egroup with art and some stories that could not be posted on this site.

Nice Anime - a fantastic place for all your anime and modelling needs.

gimp - the finest image editing software, used for all the graphics on this site, and best of all, it's completely free.

Sakura Media - a wonderful store for all kinds of wonderful anime merchandise.

I-on Communications - to download the I-ON VCD player.

Mandarake LA - the American counterpart to the well-known Japanese manga store.

Nihongo Circle - a wonderful service for locating hard-to-find manga and other related merchandise.

The Church of Zeta - a good site to learn about Z and ZZ Gundam.

Saint Seiya International - an excellent resource for information about Saint Seiya.


More to come!  If you have a page that you would like linked from Phoenix's Aerie, please send us an email with your site's URL by clicking the Email button to the left.  Below is our linking policy.

Phoenix's Aerie Linking Policy