MCHS Class of 1933
51st Reunion, 1984
Row 1, Floor, left to right: Harry W. Malone, E.D. Jones, Bill Marion, Kermit Schwanke (Director), Robert Newman, George Neff, Raymond Jacobson, Bill Parkins, Maxine Page Long
Row 2, Sitting, left to right:Eleanor Davis Griffin, Dorothy Wills Matthews, Dorothy Stroh Beardmore, Sybil Damon Jungers, Ruth Hayes Johnson, Ruth Hambleton Bardon, Helen Ryan Jason, Sybil Mercer, Agnes Pearson Allison, Dorothy Ann Bailly Murray, Marion Mix Wardon
Row 3, Stand, left to right:
Josephine Arpan Fleming, Minnie Peterson Krause, Margaret Morgan Kohlhase, Ruth Zeh Kahl, Ruth Dickson Romer, Elta Sparks Wollam, Noreen Dishman Mattovich, Irene Rosenau Larson, Bernice Granmo McDonald, Helen Sehramm Superneau (Director), Buelah Roberts Wills, Mildred Clawson Wersland, Marion Hyndman Merritt, Louise Verheek Johnson, Betty Cooley Meyer, Lois Edna Barnwell, Hazel Bandy Jacobsen Robert Swanberg, Maryalys Marrs Frisbee, Elsie MacIntosh Hanson, Esther Ranstrom Fiore, Pat (Reno) Neff
Row 4, Stand, left to right:
George Dickman, Ray S. Marin, Kenneth Root, Phyllis McClain Gallagher, Audry Lumby Blum, Virgil Colvin, Stella McCullough Stewart, Clarence Riley Eldridge, Frank (Frenchie) Therriault, Richard P. "Dick" Williams, Everett E. Woodgerd, Herbert Thomson, Beth O'Neil Olson, Lois Oeder Petersen, Virginia Crutchfield Reinhart, Clinton McQuarrie
Row 5, Stand, left to right:
Leif Anderson, Jack Neubauer, Bernie Hensolt, Dan Rice, Eugene R. Ball, Dale Steck, Horace "Mike" Jones, Kenneth Pine, Jim Jensen, James Field Piquette, Laurence B. Brown, Carl Sorensen, John Ailport, John H. McDaniel, Henry Buckhouse (end 1/2 below)
Yearbook Photos of the Class of '33!
"MCHS Fire of 1931" by John H. McDaniel
"The Class of '33 to MCHS", by Joanne Swango
Class of '33, Class Reunion 1988
Class of '33, Class Reunion 1991
Class of '33, Class Reunion 1995
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