Ok... For those of you who have nothing better to do, I thought I'd make a photographic chronicle of sorts of my journey to Mesa and my new life. I found a modestly priced digital camera (Hewlett Packard $299 at Amazon.com) and decided that you are only reborn once or twice (if ever) in this life... And besides, my niece is going to have a baby, so there will be lots of pictures to be taken...
Well, for starters, Abigail wishes to go on record with the opinon that this whole thing is just a BAAAAAAAD idea. She is going to be 18 years old on May 17th and she has no desire to travel or meet new siblings. Her once fine home is a MESS! An AWFUL mess! Boxes are everywhere! She is all for small boxes she can crawl into, but these big things that seem to be accumulating and multiplying are just an outrage. (She would not like me telling you this, but not being as spry as she was in her youth, she actually got stuck in one of the boxes the other night. She was SO embarrassed...
I haven't had the heart to make her try on the pretty red harnass and leash I bought her for the car trip... Oh, dear...
Friday, June 23rd - Almost Two Months Since My Move
Well, sorry for the delay in finishing up this adventure section. Abby and I have both survived. She STILL thinks it's a BAAAAAD idea, and is pretty much spending her days as a lump under the blanket in our bedroom (photo to come). She ventures forth from time to time only to be barked back into exile by the dogs (Charlie and Sadie) but you'll meet them and hear that part of the story later... .
Don't know if I told you before but my beloved camera went and broke just before I left. If it was going to break, it did it in the best way possible - kept taking pictures, but just wouldn't unload them into the computer which meant a) that I couldn't keep posting the story and b) that I had to curb my enthusiasm so as not to use up all my picture capacity too soon. So, there are a lot of things I wish I had pictures of that I don't.... It's a kind of random adventure, I'm afraid.
I've decided to break things into sections because I think it will be easier that way than scrolling down one incredibly long page. Hopefully, I'll get things finished up this afternoon or tomorrow.
Hopefully too, there will be new adventures to report. I'm already walking much better and have more stamina. Cindy and Rick have made me SO welcome that it's just an incredible gift. They are amazing, wonderful people. That's not just a proud aunt talking. (Well, it IS a very proud aunt, but... even objectively, they are extraordinary. I see how many friends they have and how much they are loved by all of them. My sister must just be beaming with pride in Heaven...)
But on to the adventure....
Packing Is Not My Favorite Sport