At 6:00 pm est* on October 2nd, I invite everyone in his or her own time zone to connect in Spirit and join in my peace and love visualization. I chose October 2nd for two reasons. It is the anniversary of the murder of my older sister, Carole, and it is Ghandi's birthday. My hope is that this will not be a one time event, but that each and all of you will make it a daily practice, that you will stop once or twice or three times a day - just for a few minutes - and add your Love and Light to this chain of healing. If you want to gather in groups, that would be lovely too, just as long as we build and strengthen and deepen the visualization until it become totally real in our hearts and our minds and our bodies - and in the world. That's my hope and my prayer.

One other thought. A wise teacher once told me about channelling healing energy, that we don't need to direct it. The energy has its own wisdom and knows what to do without our guidance. Our guidance in fact can get in the way. We just need to let the Love flow and It will take care of the rest.

*I would not worry too much about the time for two reasons. Time is fluid. Your energy and love will move across distance and time with your intention. In addition, it is my hope that this will be an ongoing process - a daily and continuous fluctuating chain of love rippling across every hour of every day.*

A Collective Peace Visualization

Imagine all the peoples of the world holding hands and circling the globe. We are united in Love. Let yourself see and be part of this line or lines of people. Feel their hands in yours and feel the energy of love and peace moving through their hands into your own. Sense the vastness of the crowd who is standing with you. If you believe in them, feel free to invite angels and Spirit beings to join with us also and feel the light and love of their presence also as we all collectively send love and healing to one another and to the earth.

As you connect with all these loving and gentle souls, with all the angels and spirits, let love flow through your whole being, through heart and hands out into the world and also back to all those loving beings who are standing with you. Feel the power of your united love grow as it circles through each of you deepening and growing as it circles around and around the globe. Feel it bursting from your heart and let it radiate from your whole being. Let yourself become Love, become Light. See this love shining out of your own heart and all those other hearts and as you watch, notice that it is blanketing the earth with light. Maybe at first the light is just a thin layer, like a light dusting of snow, but as the love continues to pour out from you and those around you, it grows deeper and deeper. Soon it will become ankle deep, then knee deep, waist deep, heart deep, over your heads, then there will be so much that it will have no end or beginning. And as this love flows through and from and around you, know that it is feeding and healing all things: the physical and spiritual body of Mother Earth and the physical and spirit bodies of all her people. See it bathing all of humanity with healing and compassion. Make sure you let it wrap your own body and spirit. Feel it comforting sorrow and loss, washing away thoughts of anger and revenge. Feel it's depth and it's beauty and it's power. Feel it's sacredness and your own oneness with that glorious beauty. In the embrace of such Love, hate and anger and violence become as nothing. They are specks of dust that have no power and they quickly and gently fade away.

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