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Ozone Free ?

The ozone purifies the air by oxidation. Ozone is naturally occurring gas. It is created by nature when lightning cuts through the oxygen molecule in the air.  It splits the O2 molecule into O3 which is ozone. The fresh clean smell after a thunderstorm is the ozone that has just been created. Ozone penetrates into the cellular structure of odor, bacteria and fungus molecules, rupturing the cell wall of the contaminant. After this process is complete, the contaminants and odors are greatly reduced. The second step in this system is the ionization. There are two types of ionization. The first is needlepoint ionization where the particulate in the air directly in front of the unit is charged with negative ions. These ionic charges attach to airborne particles such as smoke, dust, pollen, animal dander, etc., forcing the particles to quickly drop out of the air in the breathing environment, down to the ground. These needlepoint ionizers usually cover a five to seven foot area in front area of the ionizer. The second type of ionizer is called radio ionization. Radio ionization is a newer technology that uses similar principles as needlepoint ionization except that the radio ionizer uses a specialized and safe radio wave that ionizes the air for aprox 50 feet right through the walls in all directions. With radio ionization, you can actually drop particles { allergens } out of the air in surrounding rooms. One unit can often cover an entire home. These air purifiers work especially well on removing cigar and cigarette smoke and their odors.
  • The 13 counties of the metro Atlanta region have been designated as having a "serious" air quality problem for ground-level ozone, the major component of what is commonly called "smog".

see also: Respiratory Distress
see also: Sick Building Disease
see also: One Man's Personal Experience with CFS (Chronic Fatigue Symndrome)

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