buttco - 12/15/00 20:59:24
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.co.uk/meltingpot/back/340/
My Email:azotoelmono@yahoo.com
By the time the rain stopped, all of the people and nearly all of the animals had drowned. Only Kangi the crow survived. From his huge pipe bag, which contained all types of animals and birds, The Buttco selected the turtle and sent him under the water. Turtle stayed under for so long that everyone was sure it had drowned.
Then, with a splash, the turtle broke the water's surface! Mud filled its feet and claws and the cracks between its upper and lower shells. Singing, the Buttco shaped the mud in his hands and spread it on the water, where it was just big enough for himself and the crow. He then shook two long eagle wing feathers over the mud until earth spread wide and varied, overcoming the waters.
Feeling sadness for the dry land, The Buttco cried tears that became oceans, streams, and lakes. He gave the people his sacred pipe and warned them about the fate of the people who came before them. The world would be destroyed again if they made it bad and ugly.
Mandy Roth - 01/30/00 21:23:30
My URL:/mandyroth
My Email:village@execulink.com
Your due date: HA HA HA HA HA
WHERE ARE YOU?!?! We haven't heard from you in ages! Email me!!!!!
Mandy Roth - 01/30/00 21:23:00
My URL:/mandyroth
My Email:village@execulink.com
Your due date: HA HA HA HA HA
Mandy Roth - 01/30/00 21:22:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/mandyroth
My Email:village@execulink.com
Your due date: HA HA HA HA HA
Tara - 05/23/99 18:14:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Lane/3828
My Email:tourangeau@mindspring.com
Your due date: 11/5/99
Hey Nadine!
Got your update. I'm so sorry! E-mail me when you get this. Talk to you soon.
Mandy Roth - 05/04/99 13:37:24
My URL:http://millennium.fortunecity.com/savannah/717/
My Email:village@execulink.com
Your due date: July-20-1999
Fav. Web Page re Pregnancy: Baby Centre
SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP...awesome site Nadine!!! GREAT work!
Ms. Looney - 04/18/99 04:00:38
My Email:babe-ease@webtv.net
Your due date:: I'm aiming for Dec. 25, 1999
Your pregnancy tip(s):: Don't forget to involve your husband in the very beginning
Please excuse me, but I just need to try out this page because I can see I need to make a few changes.