Missy's Journal
September 8, 1999
I was checking my e-mails this afternoon on Yahoo!, and noticed the banner ad was claiming I could lost 10 pounds by October 17. I don’t know what part of the air they plucked that date out of, but I was curious so clicked on it and went to e-diets.com. I filled out the questionnaire, and they came up with a “profile”. According to their “profile”, if I follow their diet plan, I could lose 20 pounds by December 13th. So, what happened to the 10 pounds by next month? Obviously, it was a ploy to get me to click and get to their site. Of course, there’s more, much more: they’ll give you recipes, shopping lists, a newsletter, etc., but it’s gonna cost you: $10.00 for a three-month membership, or a one-time payment of $70.00. Yeah, right!
Well, I really don’t have anything else for today; I just wanted to share that with you. It’s kind-of interesting, and you don’t have to become a member to fill out the questionnaire and get an initial profile, so it could be fun! Until I have something more interesting to say, I am, very truly yours, MissySeptember 6, 1999
Hey, all! Yeah, I pretty much decided to take the three day weekend off from journal entries as well as from work! Did some thinking, came to a few realizations, etc.
I just did family stuff this weekend - picnics, barbeques, that kind of stuff. I did pretty well sticking to my low-carb diet, but I did cheat a little and had the croutons with my chicken caesar salad as well as the garlic breadstick that came with it, and one piece of french bread at the picnic. Also, the “fried” chicken, which was actually baked, had a bread and cracker coating on it which, since the skin had been removed, I wasn’t able to scrape off. I only had one small leg because of that. Other than that, the weekend meals consisted of eggs, cheese, chicken, fish and vegetables. I didn’t step on the scale this morning, and don’t plan on doing it tomorrow, so I don’t know if I’ve gained or lost this weekend.
I’ve kind-of gone off the Atkins diet insomuch as I’m not planning menus out of the cook books anymore. It’s just too damn hard with my mom not wanting to eat any fat, and manipulating me into going along with her cooking. I just figured this out over the weekend: she says she supports my diet, and is willing to work around it, but she has managed to get me to change the recipes to suit her diet rather than mine. I haven’t figured out a way around this, yet, besides simply not eating anything but the meat and whatever vegetable is available that I’m allowed, which is tough because most of the vegetables at our house are peas, carrots and corn - all no-nos for someone on a low-carb, low-sugar diet. The not eating doesn’t really work, either, because then I’m famished, and end up snacking before bed. So, basically, I’m giving up on the super-strict Atkins diet, but will continue to restrict the carbs as best I can.
I’m pretty much fed up with my family, I’ve decided this weekend. They bitch at me and criticize me and pity me for being fat, but they won’t support me on my diet and help me lose weight simply because they think the diet is stupid! Well, I’d like to see their medical degrees! I also think they need someone to keep “down”, and with my self-esteem nearly 0 right now, I’m a pretty easy target for them. I do think my mom has really tried, but she’s been so brainwashed and beaten down by everyone else, that she can’t stand up to them and tell them to go to hell. I can’t really criticize her for that, though, because I’m the same way with her - it’s a sick pattern of emotional abuse my family is stuck in, and I’m stuck in while I’m living with her. I have a large credit card debt - partially my own making but with the enthusiastic support and assistance of my ex-fiancé - and a shitty job I don’t make any money at, so I can’t afford to move out. Besides, she keeps promising to drop dead any day now, then I can just have the house and the car, and not have to worry about anything again! Only just sort-of kidding, there, folks!
Anyway, there’s where my head is at right now. Confused, basically! At this stage of the game, there’s really nothing I can do to change the situation I’m in, but keep whittling down my debt so I can get the hell out of Dodge, so to speak. Once I get out from under my family’s thumb, I’ll be able to do the low-carb diet whole heartedly. Until then, I’ll keep trying, but may not be too successful at it. Until next time, I am very truly yours, Missy September 1, 1999
Hi, y'all! Just a quickie today to say "Happy September", and let you know there may be some changes coming soon! I've found a new graphics set I'm thinking of using - ya, I like this one, too, but this new one is really pretty, I promise! Anyway, I'm going to play around with it, see if I can customize a few buttons, and see if it really looks good, and if it works, I'll put it up! Also, I really am going to get those other pages up I've been promising for some time! Really, this time I mean it! And, if that's not enough, I'm working on getting some photos scanned - courageous, at last, eh, Missy girl?! - so don't be surprised if someday you pop in here and see my bright, smiling face looking back at you. Ha! Anyway, that's all for now, so until next time, I am still very truly yours, Missy
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