I started to feel dizzy, my legs started to shake, I thought I was dieing,
my heart started to race and immediately my only thought was to run.
So, I ran . . . "Getting out of situation" that was causing a temporary
relief, of what is known as a "Panic Attack". Having no knowledge of
what was happening to me - It took me from 1977 to 1988 to be
diagnosed with Panic/Anxiety Disorder, which lead to being so frightened of another which lead to being so frightened of another attack, I started living a reclusive life. I was not afraid to go out of my home in the yard or in my neighborhood, but other than that I had to be with my "safe people". While making my home my "safety zone", I
had increased my vocabulary to this huge/mysterious word called
O.K., so I’m anxious, I have anxiety, I have had a panic attack, and
at the age of 29 I was virtually a "prisoner in my own home". I began
researching this"flight or flight" response and found that it begins
with heart palpitations, sweaty palms, the fear of loosing control or
dieing, delusional thinking, out of body experience, and a huge rush
of adrenaline. I had question upon question. How could this possibly
happening? Why? What caused this? Trying to understand the "fear
of fear" seemed incomprehensible
to me.
After filling a library of every book that could be obtained on these
disorders, information from several hospitals, learning from other
people’s own experiences, and yet after all of these years I am still
intrigued as to why???
Briefly, I will try and describe the following disorders (which may or
may not apply to others reading an interpretation that only I have
experienced personally).
Sometimes/Most Times I would have to say that was is known as
anticipatory anxiety can be extremely debilitating. It is the fear, before
the fear. The fear that is experienced before you are getting ready
to do something that could possibly cause a ‘panic attack". It is
a constant problem with worrying about what might happen. This
is where we can easily place ourselves in the "what if" situation.
I was taught to stay out of the "what if’s", but sometimes it is ex-
tremely difficult, when your faced with a situation that feels is literally
scarring you to the point, that you have almost convinced yourself
not to do the project, appointment, or whatever it is that is planned.
This can become extremely exhausting. Learn to stay out of the
"what if’s" and go for
Panic Disorder is essentially the occurrence of panic attacks. These
attacks consist of periods of intense fear or discomfort in which four
or more of the following
symptoms can cause severe anxiety as well:
* dizziness, unsteady feelings, or faintness
* shortness of breath (or a smothering sensation)
* accelerated or heart palpitations
* trembling/shaking feeling
* sweating
* choking
* depersonalization or derealization
* numbness or tingling sensations
* fear of dying or fear
of going crazy/uncontrolled feelings
After experiencing the first panic attack, it is difficult not to continue
thinking that another one might occur and at any given moment, so
it is like you stay on
edge waiting and wondering. . .
In trying to understand depression, it is considered a mood disorder
characterized by varying degrees of sadness, disappointment, loneliness, hopelessness, self-doubt, and sometimes guilt. People
often feel depressed at one time or another, but for some people they may experience these type of feelings more frequently with some-
times deeper, lasting longer effects. Symptoms of depression can
sometimes become more intense and last for a longer period of time.
Our daily activities may become more difficult. . . but a person may
still be able to cope. Sometimes the depression that we may feel can
cause us to suppress and
hide these feelings.
* Crying spells /lack of emotional responsiveness
* Feelings of hopelessness/worthlessness
* Exaggerated sense of guilt or self-blame
* Lack of interest in
past activities that once was enjoyed
* Neglect of responsibilities and appearance
* Irritability, Constant Complaints
* Dissatisfaction about life in general
* Reduced ability to cope on a daily basis
* Chronic fatigue/Loss of energy
* Loss of appetite/Over-eating
Servers may be involved with depression. This can include person-
ality, environmental,
or biodedicalfactors. Shortages or chemical imbalances in the brain may
play a significant role in lots of cases of depression. Being able to identify
and understand the causes of stress is n necessary step in learning to
cope with depression.
Depression can also be detrimental for people that suffer what is
known as "Seasonal Affective Disorders." This is sometimes known
as the "winter blues". Symptoms that people may have and should
take notice of are:
* Less energy
* Weight Gain
* Difficulty getting up in the morning/when it is still dark
* Short Days of Winter
Some people have been known to feel chronically depressed and
fatigued, and want to withdraw from their social contacts. Sleep
may be increased as much as up to four hours per day. If you suffer
from this disorder, it has been shown through research that certain
types of light bulbs during the winter months can be affective for
certain people - but this is a normal type of depression that can be
easily treatable.
Last Updated: January 22, 2000