

Everywhere I go, on the streets of life I walk, I hear alot of foolish talk; As folks do tell ,as they shake their heads, "I do believe that God is dead !"

" God is dead?, I asked them why, that they think such a person could die? " Why, look around you," they exclaimed to me," God is dead, it is plain to see.'

There is so much suffering, hurt and pain; People are starving, with no hope to gain; The whole world's at war, 'it's dog eat dog,' few even go to church or synagogue;

No one cares for any other man, they even hesitate to lend a helping hand; The government is corrupt, and all, I woulden't be surprised to see it fall;

Crime is on a rampage, it is everywhere, and people are to busy to stop and care; Yes they complain , as they just shake thier heads, "I am certain that God is dead!"

If God is dead who shines the sun, giving warmth and light to everyone? Who makes the tree's grow green with shade, just Who do you think this great world made?

Who protects your 'little one's', while they are at play, when danger and evil could come their way? If God is dead, Who saved the man, from the firey wreck with His mighty hand?

Who gave the birds their wings in flight? Who put the stars in heaven at night? Who saved the child who was doomed to die, and dried the tears from the mothers eyes?

Did man do these things, I ask of you, can he even attempt what God can do? Can man answer the questions of all mankind, as to the health of the body or the ways of the mind?

Can man create life, within his needs, when God knows the mystery of the tiny seed ? Man can plant the seed, then tend and toil,but God made that seed that grows in the soil;

Man can produce the fruit that from the soil does grow, But the mystery of growth, only God does know; Man cannot 'create',he can only 'build'; He only knows what he see's and feel:

But God knows beyond the knowledge of man, for the secret of life is in the palm of his hand; In comparison, there is very little in mans head...Perhaps that is why he claims, that..."God is dead!"..

~~~ Wynell Tate Davis-Sept.16,1971 ~~~


A little tiny mustard seed, so small upon the hand, holds so many promises so few can understand. But our Heavenly Father,a promise He made to all, "Have faith as little as a mustard seed", as upon Him you call; And that 'midget' of faith alone can move mountains, ever so high; Faith can do the 'impossible', but only if you try;

So when life brings you troubles, and burdens too heavy to bear, just have faith as tiny as a mustard seed, and call on God in prayer;

~~~~ Wynell Tate Davis-Dec.20,1971 ~~~~

The Circle

The Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the end. One and the same. Where one stops, the other begins?

There is no tomorrow,for tomorrow is today, and today is only yesterday, once its past away.

What is, has always been. What was, is here now. What is to be, we've already had. A mystery to plow?

There is no beginning. There is no end. For one goes into the other, A circle to blend.

Birth goes into motion. We call new, what's already old, and what's old is a new beginning, an old story retold.

Life and Death, a mystery. So few can understand the reasons, oh so many,of this world of man.

What is first, the birth, and death the end? Or does death come first, for a new life to begin?

Only God knows the answers, and the reasons, He alone can give.

Why do we die? Better yet...Why do we live?

~~~~Wynell Tate Davis-March 3,1980 ~~~~

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