- Chlamydia psittaci infection in birds and its transmission to humans:

                                                                                                                                               - Symptoms: 

 - Chlamydia psittaci infection in birds and its transmission to humans:

  lnfection with Chlamydia psittaci is an important cause of systemic illness in companion birds and poultry (Chlamydiosis).
  lnfection can be transmitted from infected birds to humans, causing illness with pneumonia (psittacosis).
  Chlamydiosis is a zoonotic disease caused by Chlamydia psittaci. The bacterium has been isolated from at least 129 avian species and is most commonly identified in psittacine birds (for example, parakeets, parrots, macaws, and cockatiels).  Among non-psittacine caged birds, infection occurs most frequently in pigeons, doves, and mynah birds.  The incidence in canaries and finches is relatively low.
  The time between exposure and illness (the incubation period) in caged birds varies from days to weeks, and may be as short as 3 days. Among infected birds, lalent infections are common and active disease may occur years after exposure.  Shipping, crowding, chilling, breeding, and other stressful factors may activate shedding of the infectious agent.  Normal appearing birds may be carriers and intermittent shedders of C.psittaci. The organism is excreted in the droppings and nasal discharges of infected birds, is resistant to drying, and can remain ineffective for several months.
  The fact that this organism lives within a celll, instead of on the outside of the cell, makes it difficult to diagnose and treat by veterinarians and aviculturists. Another major problem with Chlamydia psittaci or psittacosis involves the zoonotic potential of the organism. A  zoonotic disease is an infection that can be transmitted from animals to humans. In birds, psittacosis may present as an upper respiratory infection with nasal and ocular discharge, diarrhea or as a combination of both. In some cases, birds may be infected but show no signs. These cases are of concern because the animals are carriers and shed the organism.
  Psittacosis in humans can result in mild to severe disease. In severe cases, humans that are infected often have severe fever with night sweats leading to pneumonia. lt is very important that pet bird owners become aware of this disease in order to prevent outbreaks from occurring in their aviary or to protect their pet bird and families. The two routes of transmission of psittacosis are respiratory and oral. Respiratory transmission insides the inhalation of infected particles of fecal, ocular, nasal, and respiratory discharges, and feather dust.  Oral transmission includes the ingestion of food and water contaminated with Chlamydia bearing feces. Parents that are carriers can infect their nestling via the regurgitated food they feed the babies.

  Chlamydia psittaci can enter the bird through the respiratory system or the oral cavity. This usually occurs through infected fecal material that has become airborne, on aerosolized nasal discharge or from the clothes of a bird owner that has been exposed. lt is very important that pet bird owners have a post purchase exam performed on all new birds before they are quarantined or if quarantined birds become ill.  Quarantine procedures should be in placed at all aviaries/households to prevent introducing infectious agents into a resident population.  Quarantined birds should be maintained in a room or building with a separate airflow-ventilation system than the resident population. Quarantine should be for at least 30 days with no medication given unless prescribes for a specific illness by an avian veterinarian. This allows quarantined birds to "break" with an illness they may be carrying, instead of the disease becoming evident when the bird is released. There is not an adequate diagnostic test available at this time to diagnose Chlamydia psittaci in a carrier bird. The three day new bird guarantee, based on a veterinary exam, is useless when screening for C.psittaci. A bird that is carrying the organism with no obvious signs of infection may break one month, one year or eight years later with other exposure. All dead birds should be necropsied by an avian veterinarian to determine the cause of death.  Necropsies are helpful to the aviculturist because they identify problems or potencial problems in an aviary before they occur. lf a problem already exists, then treatment and preventive measures may be taken before any more losses occur. Because of the zoonotic nature of psittacosis, owners should protect themselves if they have birds that have been diagnosed, through proper cleaning and management and wearing a face mask. Any bird owner with high fever and pneumonia like symptoms should inform their physician that they own birds. Physicians commonly do not associate Chlamydia psittaci with pneumonia, therefore you may aid in making the right diagnosis.
 A prior infection of psittacosis does not guarantee the bird is immune from reinfection. Due to the fact that C. psittaci lives "inside" the cells of its host it does not stimulate high production of antibodies against Chlamydia.
 lf you have to treat birds, doxycycline, a fifth generation tetracycline, is the drug of choice.  Doxycycline or tetracycline derivatives may he administered in seed, pellets, orally or by injections. All treatments must be for 45 days. The long treatment period is required because the intracellular life cycle of the organism makes it difficult to treat. lf the treatment is not followed for 45 days, the bird may get better, but probably will become a carrier and shed the organism to other birds and become ill again.  When medicated feed and pellets are used in the treatment regimen, they should be the only food item offered to ensure that the bird will receive the appropriate amount of medication. Oral dosing of medication must be done twice a day. A calcium supplement should be added to the diet or available in the cage at all times, since tetracycline hinds with this mineral which may cause a calcium deficiency. lf the bird(s) being treated become ill during the treatment period contact your avian veterinarian.  The antibiotic injections provide some relief to the pet bird owner because long acting doxycycline may he administered every 5 to 7 days over a 45 day treatment period.  Whatever treatment regime you and your veterinarian decide on, it must be followed religiously to be successful. lt is a very costly disease to treat because all forms of doxycycline are expensive and the treatment period is extensive. Birds that have been diagnosed with Chlamydia psittaci can be treated. lt is important for owners to understand this illness to prevent the spread, of this highly infectious disease. Working closely with your avian veterinarian will allow you to become knowledgeable of the latest diagnostic testing and treatment programs. There are research projects looking at more efficient testing and possible vaccine protection.  Until this new information is available, good aviculture management techniques will hope prevent an aviary or household from becoming infected with Chlamydia psittaci.

- Symptoms:

  Symptoms of psittacosis are variable. They depend upon the strain of C.psittaci with which the bird is infected, the bird's immune system status, species, age, and the presence of other concurrent infections. Mild outbreaks of psittacosis may go unnoticed because there will be very few symptoms. Alternatively there may be very mild respiratory symptoms and diarrhea.
Symptoms are usually related to respiratory and digestive system involvement.

  During the acute phase those symptoms may including:

  Subacute or chronic psittacosis may show the following symptoms:
    In addition to the above manifestations, other symptoms may be noted: