Conditions for Massage

This is a guide to the best circumstances in which to massage your baby - remember though, you know baby best, and none of this is set in stone!

Time - it is good to get baby into a routine where he/she knows when the massage will happen, whether it be first thing in the morning, after a bath, just before bedtime - the choice is yours. Remember - you don't have to do everything every time, if time is short, just do the bits baby likes best!

Temperature - make sure the room you are massaging in is warm - babies are not good at regulating their body temperature (especially premature infants) and you will be taking their clothes off.

Light - it is best not to have the room too bright - and be especially careful not too have either electric or sunlight shining in your baby's face as it will be uncomfortable for them.

Oil - it has been shown that babies prefer massage with oil - so which to use? I and most (if not all) massage therapists would recommend a vegetable or plant oil, ie not traditional baby oil, which is mineral based. Plant based oils are easy to absorb into the skin, and easily digested if your baby sucks his thumb with oil attached! Mineral oils are not readily absorbed and, if not harmful are certainly not good for you. So which oil? The two most common are grapeseed oil and sweet almond oil. I personally use grapeseed, I like the way it feels. Why not try them both and see what suits you best?

Nappy or no nappy? - or diaper for those non-Brits out there! I would go for no nappy, if at all possible. If you are worried about leaks and messes then you can use plenty of towels to lay baby one. But think - if you were a baby being massaged, wouldn't you prefer to be able to kick your legs freely and get fresh air ..... well ..... you know where :)


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