
 Much research has been undertaken recently, and is underway, to investigate infant massage and massage in general, to scientifically prove the benefits of massage. What I include here is a brief background to some of what has been done, but for more information see the links page, in particular the TRI page.

Premature Infants

There has been much research into the effects of massage on preterm infants, and it is very encouraging. Premature babies gained up to 47% more weight when massaged, were more responsive and left hospital 6 days earlier than non-massaged infants. This saves the hospital a massive $10,000 per infant. Eight months later, these babies were still showing a definate advantage. They have also been proved to sleep easier and sounder than non-massaged babies.

Newborns and stress

It has been shown that infants subjected through necessity to the harsh surrouundings of ICU (bright lights, noise, medical procedures) show lesser signs of stress, with less clenched fists, fewer startle responses and a lesser need for ventilation.

Infants of Depressed Mothers

Infants that were massaged instead of being rocked gained more weight, were less fussy and had more organised sleep patterns. There was also evidence of less stress and depression in the baby.

Grandparents giving Massage

to infants had great results for themselves, having less stress, a decreased pulse rate and felt happier and healthier. These effects were more pronounced in the group massaging infants than those who received massage themselves.



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