The Ancient History of Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is a serious bacterial infection caused by a tick bite and affects humans and animals.

This page contains links to citations for medical and scientific articles from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Library of Medicine (NLM) Gateway access to the MEDLINE and OLDMEDLINE databases. As of 1 June 2000, the NLM Gateway access citations are sorted by date for the MEDLINE database and by relevance for the OLDMEDLINE database.

Table of Contents

Composite link to citations on diseases or conditions now known to be
Lyme disease or often caused by the Lyme disease bacteria

Diseases or conditions now known to be Lyme disease
Diseases or conditions often caused by the Lyme disease bacteria
Web pages and other information on the history of Lyme disease
Miscellaneous links on the history of Lyme disease

For more information on Lyme disease

The Ancient History of Lyme Disease

Composite link to citations on diseases or conditions now known to be Lyme disease or often caused by the Lyme disease bacteria

NLM Gateway - Citations for "Lyme disease" (ACA, Bannwarth, EM, etc.) published prior to 1977 [i.e., pre-"Lyme"] - 99 on 31 May 01 [67 MEDLINE, 32 OLDMEDLINE]

Diseases or conditions now known to be Lyme disease

NLM Gateway - erythema migrans (EM) NOTglossitis prior to 1977 - 35 on 31 May 01 [22 MEDLINE, 13 OLDMEDLINE]

NLM Gateway - acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans (ACA) prior to 1977 - 48 on 31 May 01 [28 MEDLINE, 20 OLDMEDLINE]

NLM Gateway - [Garin-Bujadoux-] Bannwarth syndrome OR lymphocytic meningopolyradiculitis OR meningopolyneuritis prior to 1977 - 8 on 31 May 01 [8 MEDLINE, 0 OLDMEDLINE]

Diseases or conditions often caused by the Lyme disease bacteria

NLM Gateway - (acrodermatitis NOT atrophicans) AND (borreli* OR tick* OR ixod* OR arthropod* OR insect) published prior to 1977 - 4 on 31 May 01 [4 MEDLINE, 0 OLDMEDLINE]

NLM Gateway - lymphadenosis benigna cutis (LBC, LABC) AND (borreli* OR tick* OR ixod* OR arthropod* OR insect) prior to 1977 - 1 on 31 May 01 [1 MEDLINE, 0 OLDMEDLINE]

NLM Gateway - lymphocytoma AND (borreli* OR tick* OR ixod* OR arthropod* OR insect) prior to 1977 - 0 on 31 May 01

NLM Gateway - meningoradiculitis AND (borreli* OR tick* OR ixod* OR arthropod* OR insect) prior to 1977 - 6 on 31 May 01 [5 MEDLINE, 1 OLDMEDLINE]

Web pages and other information on the history of Lyme disease

See Appendix I of "Everything You Wanted To Know About Lyme Disease" by Karen Vanderhoof-Forschner Karen references Lyme disease back to as early as 1883.

LDF -- Lyme Disease -- Where did it come from?

Lyme disease is not new - found in rodent pelts stored in museums since the late 1800s
NIH: Stories of Discovery: Lyme Disease Vaccine: Preventing an Emerging Disease
Borrelia basics - History, Biomedica Gruppe, Austria
The Neuropsychiatric Manifestation of Lyme Borreliosis, Brian A. Fallon, M.D., et al., 1992
Neurological Manifestations of Lyme Disease, Arthur Kim, M.D., 11 Oct 00
Nervous System Lyme Disease - Introduction, John J. Halperin, MD, Infect Med, August 2000
What is Lyme Disease?, UCLA
Overview of Lyme Disease, Douglas S. Dodge, 1999

Miscellaneous links on the history of Lyme disease

Google Search: "montauk knee" - 6 on 27 May 01
MEDLINE - museum AND Lyme disease - 5 on 4 Jan 01
Google Search: lyme disease museum mouse tick collection OR collections - 105 on 27 May 01

For more information on Lyme disease see: Lots Of Links On Lyme Disease

Comments or questions concerning this page should be directed to Art Doherty.

Last updated on 1 June 2001 by
Art Doherty
Lompoc, California