Say Hi! To Your Friends And Recommend Purple Tear's Website At The Same Time!

Say "Hi!" to as many friends as you like. Simply fill in the e-mail address of the person/s you wish to say "Hi!" to, with your name and email address (so they do not think it is spam), and click the Send It! button.

If you wish, you may also enter a message that will be included in the email. After sending the email, you will be transported back to the homepage. Thank you!

Name Email Address
Friend 1
Friend 2
Friend 3
Friend 4
Friend 5
Friend 6
Friend 7
Friend 8
Friend 9
Friend 10

Your Message
(Say a few words to your friend/s - You do not have to add your name, as the form automatically adds it to the bottom of the email)

Here's a copy of the message you are sending:
To: (Recipient's email address)
From: (Your email address)
Subject: Hi (Recipient's name)!

Hi (Recipient's name),

(Your name) stopped by (Your website name) today and suggested that you visit our
website. Please visit soon by clicking on this link:

(Your website URL)

(Your message)

(Your name)


Say Hi! script courtesy of the eBoz! Directory