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Using Hypnosis for Depression

For depression Hypnosis is not an alternative but a complementary method of healing. Hypnosis will not interfere with the treatment you receive from your doctor or psychologist. In fact, hypnosis will safely enhance any treatment you receive from them.

The Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health estimates that as many as six million Canadians suffer from mental-health disorders and addictions. The figure is based on World Health Organization data showing that 20 per cent of people suffer from mental illness at some point.
"These numbers are staggering but they're also saddening," said John Service, a spokesman for the Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health. "What they tell us is that people suffering from mental illness are not taken as seriously in our health system as people with physical illness."
[Globe & Mail, Sept 4, 2003]

A short course in Self-Hypnosis will help you to deal differently with your stress. This difference will show in your body and your mind. Allowing your system to use your resources for healing rather than wasting them on stress.

As the Serenity Prayer states there may be stressors you may not be able to do much about but we can help you deal more effectively with them. We help you sort through the thought processes that are robbing you of your health. You will get help to determine where and when you can restructure your diet to help provide those nutrients to balance your brain chemistry.

In a very short time you will find that your medications will be more effective and you may not have to take as much. Throughout this process you must be in contact with the doctor who prescribed your medication as the dosage may need to be reduced, or discontinued.

We can teach you how to HELP YOURSELF!

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