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How can Hypnosis help your Health?

Over the past few years, you may have been hearing about the *mind - body connection. How our emotions and our thoughts contribute to our overall state of health. *(The Mind - Benign or Malign?- read about the technical side of this issue)

Through self-hypnosis you can learn how your thought processes and behaviours affect how you feel. Re-learn new processes and also aid your body, through your mind, to increase the benefits of any of the health care you are receiving. You can even call up your inner physician to help you maintain higher levels of health!

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Lower Blood Pressure

Have you ever stuck your head out of the window in a moving car? Did you find it difficult to breathe? This is what blood pressure does to your cells. The blood is the air and your cells are you trying get at the oxygen in the air! Learn relaxation techniques to lower blood pressure, this aids in improved healing times. Your blood pressure does less damage and your cells are able to pick up the medications and nutrients easily.

Find out how your belief system interacts with your medication. See what you can do to make your meds more effective. You may even be able to reduce the need for meds, thus being able to avoid some of the complications associated with the higher doses!

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Control Pain

Training your mind to rethink the pain signals is fast and easy with self-hypnosis. Pain serves to tell us something is wrong. That's fine in the first few moments but if the pain persists it is detracting from your health and well-being!

Learn how to manage pain in a more efficient way through relaxation techniques and guided imagery. Once again, reducing the need for medication because you've reduced your pain. You may even find there are times you can control your pain through your mind entirely!

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Surgery and Dental

If you are going in for surgery you can inform your surgeon how s/he can best help you. You can trigger a sense of well-being, reducing stress which in turn increases the efficacy of the anaesthesia and even reduces healing time!

The same works at the dentist's office!

Minimal medication and minimal damage because the muscles are relaxed, leads to improved efficiency of your meds and your surgeon, in turn leads to decreased healing time.

Less damage, and less clean up equals less work for your body to do!

Can we help activate your inner physician?

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