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who you were . . . is part of who you are

click to return to siteEver wondered ...
  • if you have lived before?
  • if you were a sinner or a saint?
  • who your soulmate is?
  • is there really life after death?
  • who your guardian angel is?
  • Who were you?

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At click to return to site we help you find the answers to your own questions. We can teach you how to tap into your own intuition and connect you to your own guides or guardian angels, your own source for the information you want for living the life you came here to live.

There are many reasons to have a past life regression. All of them can help you understand yourself better. The experiences you had in a past life come forward with you into this life. Many people remember some of them as a child, but the adults in their life may have convinced them it was just their imagination. Our belief systems, as we get older, put up blocks to these memories.

The subconscious motivations for the choices we make come from past experience. Some from this life; some from past lives. At times we may wonder how we knew to do something, where our talents come from, or why we are attracted or repelled by a certain person. Instinct is tapping into our subconscious memories - all of them!

Understand yourself better and learn who you were and why some things are more important to you than others.


Lisa is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
with a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology

We work online or make house calls!
Book your regression today.

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