Trouble Emblem


Second Guestbook

258 Very Special Guests


Name: Laura
Website: Laura's Prose & Poetry
From: Southern California
Time: Tuesday 07/03/2001 9:58:53pm

Your site is so inspirational and heartwarming to read. It's beautifully done and I'm heading back to it right now to explore and read some more. Bravo! Well done!


Name: Stephen Boursy
Website: Ethics in Ma. State Gov.
From: Boston, USA
Time: Sunday 07/01/2001 9:00:46pm

You have a very nice family.


Name: Sylke
Website: Für meine Freunde und mich
From: Germany
Time: Saturday 06/23/2001 12:24:13am

I like it very much
Sorry I come from Germany and to speak an write not good English.

As you like,you cam to my website.
Sylke /Engelchen35


Name: Elpidio
Website: Elpidio's Homepage
From: Hawaii
Time: Saturday 06/23/2001 12:24:13am

Hi Tricia,
thanks for sharing your thoughts & feelings to us.

Enjoyed your website very much. Aloha from Hawaii.


Name: Linda Brock
Website: Love Of My life ~ Our Story!
From: Ky
Time: Tuesday 06/12/2001 11:29:33pm

Dear Tricia,

I happened on your story , how I don't remember, but sure glad I did. Needed a Good cry and your story sure gave me one. I looked at all your pictures of your family and I see my son in your sons. I'm thankful you have the family you have to be with you during your battle with cancer. You are in my thoughts and prayers, and truly a lady of strength. Keep the faith always.

God Bless to you, Linda

PS I made you and an award that i'm mailing out now from one of the graphics on your site, promise I have thrown it away now, just thought it would be nice coming from your on homepage. *HUGS*


Name: Allan Svensson
Website: Jesus comes! Make yourself ready!
From: Sweden
Time: Friday 06/01/2001 3:48:41pm

I found your nice Web Site by surfing on the Internet. I wish you God's peace and blessing through Jesus Christ.


Name: Sprite
Website: Sprite's Home
From: Colorado
Time: Thursday 05/31/2001 11:14:02pm

You have a beautiful web home. I enjoyed my visit very much. I will keep you in my prayers as you continue your battle with cancer. I wish the best for you and your family in the days to come.


Name: Kent
Website: Clownbear's Circus Page
From: Mississippi but from Tennessee
Time: Tuesday 05/29/2001 8:32:42pm

Hi Tricia, Congratulations on such a Great report from your Dr. on May 16th. That is really Wonderful!!! I hope you are enjoying the beautiful Spring and are looking forward to an incredible Summer! I have thought of you many times and you are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you've also gotten out there and enjoyed what you love best ;-)

Take care of yourself and God bless and keep you! Always, Kent


Name: Eddie
Website: Eddie's Home Page
From: Spruce Pine, N.C.
Time: Monday 05/21/2001 7:42:14am

Hello from the Blue Ridge Mtns. of NC. I enjoyed visiting your site and meeting your family. I can personaly relate to your fight against cancer, as I am a cancer survivor also. May God bless you and your family.


Name: Linda Dusang
Website: Open Arms Ministry
Time: Saturday 05/19/2001 12:41:35am

Hi, Tricia.
Thank you for visiting my page and signing my guest book. I'm sorry it took me so long to come visit but I finally got here! You are a lovely lady, filled with courage and love, and a "sister" in the battle against cancer. You have a beautiful family. While none of us know what tomorrow holds, you and I have learned first-hand what it "could" and sometimes "does" hold. God bless you, Tricia. Each day, each hour, each minute, each second is a precious gift. May you be blessed at each of these intervals.
Your friend, Linda


Name: Sheila
Website: Nobody's Perfect
From: Netherlands
Time: Monday 05/14/2001 1:51:24am

You have a beautiful web site, and I had such a great time visiting your pages. Keep up the wonderful work. Peace :)


Name: Adrian and Elsa
Website: HomePage
From: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Time: Sunday 05/13/2001 2:02:24am

Hi Tricia.
I enjoyed my visit to your wonderful home on the web.
You should be very proud to have made such a wonderful site for yourself and everyone else to see and enjoy.
Your design, text and Graphics were very beautifully coordinated, a real picture.
I enjoyed visiting your pages. I read your biography and the biographies of your two sons. You are a natural story teller. I was amazed with the ease you narrated parts of your and their's lives.
Apart from your present personal problems, you have been a very lucky lady. To raise two sons so smart and well behaved, that is a very big accomplishment.
I enjoyed all your photographs. I'm a grandfather, therefore I love to see family pictures, the more the better.

I read all your trials and tribulations. I believe that people like you are the real heroes. I hope and pray you will be cured and live the rest of your life loving and spoiling you grandchildren.
Thank you for your amazing site.

Thank you for the opportunity of visiting your excellent site.
Have a great mother's day. Take care, Elsa and Adrian.


Name: Shosho
Website: Hili 1
From: United Arab Emirates
Time: Sunday 05/13/2001 2:02:24am

Nice pictures you have and nice page too..


Name: Tori
Website: Women Who Believe
From: Stoke, The UK
Time: Wednesday 05/09/2001 12:01:55am

You are cordially invited to join Women Who Believe in our Grand Opening. Women Who Believe is a new internet group devoted to women. Devoted in the things we all believe in.
Friendship, Trust and most off all, ourselves.
Women Who Believe is a place to have laughs,
meet new friends and make lasting memories.
We have several wonderful and unique committees for members to become involved in. We are looking for several staff members to become Committee Leaders.
We do hope you will consider joining our group or our webring.

With Hugs, Tori


Name: John
Website: Aging Hippy ~ A Sad Case
From: Stoke, The UK
Time: Tuesday 05/08/2001 3:49:34pm

There's a saying that comes to mind having read your story

~ 'I was sad because I had no shoes,
then I met a man who had no feet.'

Your story,helps put my troubles in perspective
~ thanks for sharing it.
All the best for now and for the future,


Name: Cindy
Website: Cindy's Home
From: Louisiana, USA
Time: Monday 05/07/2001 5:48:03pm

Hi Tricia,
I truly enjoyed reading all about you and your family and your photos areaarea are GREAT! I have a SIL who's coping w/Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and just got a stem cell transplant. I understand now why patients call it "the beast" as I've learned so much from these courageous people at a nhl Yahoo! Group. It has made me take better care of myself w/Type 1 diabetes (20 yrs. I feel lucky w/no complications except cholesterol a bit high. Thank you so much for sharing your story. Congrats on your recent news from doctor. I feel your upbeat attitude and faith will keep you going for a long time to come. Please know you will be in my thoughts and prayers. I look forward to visiting you next time. :)


Name: Rector Saddle Club
Website: Rector Saddle Club
From: Rector Arkansas
Time: Monday 05/07/2001 1:19:21pm

great site. i can tell you spent a lot of time on it.
i would like to invite you to visit mine.


Name: Max Gazeley
From: Cervantes Australia (the Pinnacles)
Time: Monday 05/07/2001 12:53:33am

Your courage and outlook on life makes me feel guilty about the small problems I face and brings them into perspective. Thank you for your web page and sharing your experiences. Max.

Name: Spijder
From: U.S.
Time: Saturday 05/05/2001 7:36:16am

Through the web spun of countless sites
Spijder meandered aimless, pausing here
in appreciation of the unique delights
and penned this poem to make it clear


Name: Ali
Website: Everything Equestrian
From: England
Time: Thursday 05/03/2001 6:50:13am

Your site is great, good luck in your cancer battle, I wish all the luck in the world for the future. And remember keep smiling! :) Alison.


Name: Angela/LadyIllusions
Website: Advice Angel
From: Victoria BC Canada
Time: Monday 04/30/2001 11:40:24pm

You have a wonderful heartfelt site I have much enjoyed the warmth in here and you are very pretty :)


Name: Lisa
Website: Sandhill Arabian Acres
From: WI
Time: Sunday 04/29/2001 12:11:11am

What a beautiful page you have here, Tricia! Horses always draw my attention but your page has so much more to offer. I was pleased to hear of your wonderful outlook on life after all you have been through. May God bless you and yours~

Keep in touch.


Name: Karron
Website: Red Frog's World
From: Seattle
Time: Sunday 04/29/2001 11:49:31am

Hi Tricia,
You are a beautiful person inside and out. I am very certain that you have inspired many people. You're the best. I wish you the best of everything.


Name: Derek T Dobson
From: England
Time: Sunday 04/29/2001 4:08:10am

Good morning,You have a great website,I have enjoyed my visit.Derek.


Name: Mabel
Website: Mabel's World
From: Florida
Time: Saturday 04/28/2001 12:01:15am

Hi Tricia,

You have a great site here and a beautiful family, I enjoyed very much surfing around your home in the web.




Name: Carol ~aka~ Coco
Website: Carols Awards
From: Scotland
Time: Friday 04/27/2001 3:15:56pm

Hi Tricia!
Just drop in to see you,
your site is lovely, Keep up the good work,
Carols Awards & Carols Embroidery
Carol ~aka~ Coco


Name: Moe
From: Canada
Time: Wednesday 04/25/2001 10:04:55pm

It's not my first visit to your site and I cannot recall if I sign your guestbook before. All I can say is that you are a lady with lots of courage and guts.
Your site is well done and beautiful to surf. Should you visit my site pls let me mnow you've been around.


Name: Janice
Website: Janice's WebPages
From: Australia
Time: Wednesday 04/25/2001 2:47:48am

I enjoyed looking over your site, and learning a little about your family. I read your story regarding your cancer and treatment. Gosh how strong you seem despite the ordeal you went through. My brother had a brief but couragous battle with canver in 1995. He was first diagnosed with a stomach ulcer, and treated for that. Unfortunately, if the doctors took a little more time and did some x-rays earlier, they would have found the cancer in time. Anyway, I'm glad you are fighting this battle head on, and no pun intended, but your courage and love of life is so evident in your website.

Best wishes, and hugs from Janice


Name: Rubylynn
Website: Dreamwevr
From: Northern Ontario, Canada
Time: 2001-04-19 11:22:04

Loved your site! Jackie is a GOOD person! Come and visit us sometime! May God be with you through your trials...Your bravery is to be commended!


Name: Nancy
Website: Kency's Korners
From: Ontario, Canada
Time: 2001-04-19 8:36:20

Hi Tricia..You have done a great job with your website..I enjoyed meeting you and your wonderful family..I was also really touched by your brave fight thru this terrible battle you are having with Cancer..You have such a wonderful outlook..I am a Cancer survivor of 18 years..I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!


Name: Jane
Website: My Place In The WebSpace
From: Jacksonville, Florida
Time: 2001-04-18 10:39:09

Hello Mrs. Tricia,
I just love Your page. With all the time and effort you had set on to it. I especially loved reading the things about your Family. I really did enjoyed my visit. It's very Welcoming. Be Blessed

Always-Jane aka lovely831


Name: AnnaMarie
Website: AnnaMarie's Place
From: Florida
Time: 2001-04-18 2:43:40

I enjoyed your site and am so glad you are doing well.


Name: Misty
Website: Welcome to my Page
From: Louisiana
Time: 2001-04-13 1:35:55

Hi Tricia...
I came upon your site by signing another guestbook. I must say you have a wonderful site. I read over it and looked at your pictures. You have a wonderful looking family. I enjoyed your site.
Visit mine if you get a chance to.


Name: TORE
Website: tore;s hjemmeside
Time: 2001-04-13 1:46:19

Hello, I loved to see your website.


Name: Astrid & Hajo
Website: Hajo & Astrid`s Homepage
From: Germany
Time: 2001-04-11 8:49:23

Jour Homepage beautyfull
Good Luck Astrid & Hajo


Name: James and Ness
Website: The Greatest Love Songs -A True Romance-
From: US and Japan
Time: 2001-04-10 10:21:45

Dear Tricia,

Thank you for giving us the pleasure to visit your pages. We are happy to be shared your joys through your love for your family and your horses. We enjoyed your family pictures very much. May you have all the happiness you so deserved...Goddess bless!

Yours sincerely,
James and Ness


Name: Lady Lisa Angel
Website: Lisa's World
From: New Jersey
Time: 2001-04-09 6:26:04

I love horses. And I love eastern Tenn.
Thats where my heart is...


Name: Marcie Martinez
From: Texas
Time: 2001-04-08 7:57:54

I just wanted to say I really liked your story. You dont know me. I was writing a report about lymphnodes cancer and your story came up. Im sorry. I hope you get better. I dont have e-mail but you can look me up on ICQ if you want.


Name: Cobra
Website: Cobra's Pages
From: Miami, Florida
Time: 2001-04-06 4:24:21

Tricia, your pages are beautiful.


Name: Toy'
Website: Miss Puppy's World
From: NC/USA
Time: 2001-04-04 9:18:45

My visit to your cyberhome was so heart warming and I will return for updates.

hugs, toy'


Name: Pat
Website: Toto's Little Piece of Oz
From: Kansas
Time: 2001-04-04 7:56:22

Hi, Tricia,
Just buzzing through seeing how you are doing? As usual the place looks great~You might want to come see me I have changed things quite alot at my place! Happy Easter!


Name: Kim
Website: MS-EAS
From: Bellevue, WA
Time: 2001-04-03 8:45:11

What a great story you have to tell. Wishing you the very best! Please keep us posted!


Name: Sharon (Shazdraco)
Website: Battle of the Ancients
From: Australia
Time: 2001-03-30 4:54:58

I have just been looking at your site, and I think you have done a wonderful job on it! I would like to invite you to show off your site in a new website competition called

Battle of the Ancients!

It is a website competition where you can put your site up against other websites to see if your site can move to the top and RULE THE WORLD!

There are ten teams in the competition (two of them new!),
The House of the Aztec (NEW!)
The House of Australis (NEW!)
The House of the Greek
The House of the Romans
The House of the Great Spirit
The House of the Vikings
The House of the Orient
The House of the Pharaohs
The House of Africa
and The House of the Celts

I hope you will come and visit us and consider joining our competition. It is a great way to gain more exposure to your site, while having a little fun as well. I know that your site would make a wonderful addition!


Name: Ashlin
Website: Garden Center Webring
Time: 2001-03-297 10:31:41
Hi there, I loved your site so much that I would be honored to have your site in our new little webring.


Name: Paul
Website: Horse Devotion
From: Ireland
Time: 2001-03-29 4:45:02
Your site looks great, keep up the good work.


Name: Rebecca
Website: Love & Honesty
From: North Carolina
Time: 2001-03-27 12:56:00
Thanks for coming by and applying for my awards (forever ago.. I'm slow lol). I really enjoyed my visit to your site. I'm so sorry you have to go through this horrible battle. I'm glad that you have had the time to spend with your family and friends though. My father-in-law died from cancer in July 97.. only 2 months after finding out he had cancer. You have handsome children and beautiful grandchildren. I loved your stories and pictures. The website is gorgeous. Very well put together and touched my heart. Thank you for sharing it with me.

:-) Rebecca


Name: Jackie Pierce
Website: Jackie's Little World
From: Tennessee
Time: 2001-03-25 6:51:02
I loved your page. It is great. I love horses also. I have an Aunt that lives in Nashvilla. Her name is Gwen Perry. She works for UPS. Just think I would love to see my award on your site, It is truely deserving of it.

Come and Visit Jackie's Place.

Pictures of Jesus,Angels,Poems. Help on Alcoholism,Send messages,Missing childrens link.

May God Bless You
Jackie Pierce


Name: Jess & Sophe
Website: Welcome to Jess & Sophe!
From: London, but I am swedish
Time: 2001-03-25 11:16:45
Hi there, you are such a lucky girl, I which I could live like you do, beuatiful horses and land to rid in....
I am do little bit lucky as well, I have a little cat called sophe, and I love her to bits, but I whish that I lived like you and sophe would be so happy and my mother, me and b/f.
And your website is really nice as well, I have not been lost yet at all, which I am easy sometimes with outhers website.
Sophe and me have a webring that calls "no more summer cats" and are for people that are against people taking summer cats, cats and other animals are for life, not for 2-3 months.

thank you very much.
jess & sophe


Name: Moira
Website: Grandma's Quotes
From: Weymouth Dorset UK
Time: 2001-03-23 01:30:21
You are a very brave Lady and I am praying for you my friend.


Name: Lisa
Website: Lisa's Grand Site
Time: 2001-03-22 0&;04:38
Thanks for visiting my site. You have a great one here also.!!


Name: Terry
Website: Terry's Special Place
From: California
Time: 2001-03-21 09:01:37
I've so enjoyed my vist and reading about you and your family. You've touched my heart deeply. My prayers are with you and your family. May God richly bless you. :)


Name: Deb
Website: Reale, et al Family Website
From: Indiana
Time: 2001-03-20 05:21:59
What a great site you have! It's been really interesting reading about you, your family, and your horses, Tricia. You're in the prayers of many, I'm very sure, as you battle cancer. Keep up the good work. God bless!


Name: Deana [Mikie's mom]
Website: Micheal's Fight
From: Charlotte, NC
Time: 2001-03-19 09:26:33
I'm so sorry for all you've had to endure. My 4 year old has leukemia. I kow what you mean by material things not being of value to you anymore. You have a lovely family BEST WISHES


Name: Cullen
Website: Cullen's Guardian Angels
From: Orlando, FL
Time: 2001-03-18 02:33:31
Tricia, I've enjoyed my visit to your world. Your touching story mixed with your wonderful outlook and positive attitude is an inspiration to be shared. Know that you are cared for.


Name: Lo Lem
Website: Lo Lem's Dwelling
Time: 2001-03-17 10:59:22
Hey you! Yes you :) What a beautiful site! I can certainly see that you have put a lot of love and hard work into creating such a lovely little corner on the web. I've had a lot of fun browsing through your pages and admiring your hard work. It certainly paid off very well. I'm so happy I visited. Have a wonderful day!

Friends-by Albert Camus
Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow
Don't walk behind me , I may not lead
Just walk beside me and be my friend

With love,


Name: Bobby Elliott AKA Ancient Soul
Website: Ancient Soul's Poetry
From: Tampa, FL.
Time: 2001-03-17 07:47:47
Thank you for your kind words you wrote and for inviting me into your world. Your story about your fight with cancer was eye opening to say the least. Thank you for sharing.


Name: Trisha
Website: Shadows In the Night
Time: 2001-03-16 11:24:23
Great personal page. You shared so much about who you are and your family. I enjoyed myself here very much.


Name: Rachel ( Memi ) Reeves
Website: My True Story
From: Tenn. U.S.A.
Time: 2001-03-16 06:57:57
Hi, Love your site. I want to come back and view it all. Right now I am very sick. I need everyone to pray for me to be healed of cancer. Doctors say would take a miracle, but I believe in miracles. I had cancer 11 years ago and now it is even worse. Thanks to all the prayers and may God bless you. Anyway one can advise me in anyway I would be thankful. Memi


Name: Lady Delia
Website: Lady Delia's Home
From: New York City and RAOK
Time: 2001-03-16 12:39:13
Hi Tricia! You have created a wonderful website and I admire you for all your courage. I enjoyed my visit very much! Lady Delia


Name: Pat
Website: Toto's Little Piece of Oz
From: Kansas
Time: 2001-03-15 01:12:54
Your pictures are wonderful and your courage great. Looks like you have a great support system. My prayers are with you! God Bless!


Name: Nick
Website: Blufwatch Poetry
From: White Bluff Tennessee
Time: 2001-03-15 00:00:33
You have a wonderful site. I know you will find victory in your struggle as well. You are a true survivor!


Name: CS Green
Website: The Green Door
From: Illinois
Time: 2001-03-13 12:01:46
More power to you and God be with you and your loved ones.
Most sincerely,


Name: Barbara
Website: Welkom bij Barbara
From: Nederland
Time: 2001-03-13 03:06:57
Thank you for the banner and i want to say that you have a beautiful place here!


Name: Debbie
Website: Debbie's Room
From: Ohio
Time: 2001-03-10 10:27:11
Hi Tricia, Wow I totally love your wonderful site sweety... everything is so inspiring to me.. I was laughing so hard at all Bo did to you as a young one.. hehehe I would have pulled my hair out...I'm so glad he grew out of all that.. and your horses are beautiful.. loved the stories you told about all them.. horses are wonderful for kids.. us big ones too.. hehe And your story about all your cancer bouts .. wow what can I say.. I had all my emotions going.. I felt like I was there with you... YOU GO GIRL.. kick its butt... I love storys like this... thanks for sharing all your stories with us.. this is a great place to visit.. I will be passing this on to my friends.. keep it up I will be back for updates.. (((HUGS)))


Name: Lindsay
Website: Jump!
From: Villingen/Black Forest
Time: 2001-03-10 05:50:16
Hey! This is Lindsay from Lindsay's Horse Clipart. Just thought I'd pop in and say that your site looks great! keep up the good work! and thanks for the comments in my book!


Name: Klaus
Website: Aktive Freizeit
From: Villingen/Black Forest
Time: 2001-03-10 04:48:54
Hallo ..:)
Bin über ein GB hier gelandet.
Gefällt uns hier sehr gut, haben uns auf dieser Homepage gerne aufgehalten. Gut gemacht, wir wünschen Dir noch viele Besucher / Einträge in Deinem Gästebuch, werden uns noch mal weiter umsehen. Freuen uns über jeden Eintrag in unser Gb
Bis denne ---O(_)O---
Gitti u. Klaus


Name: Seewan
Website: Seewan's Humble Abode
From: Alberta, Canada
Time: 2001-03-09 10:51:54
Hi Tricia,

I have enjoyed my visit here. I wish you the best with your fight with cancer. I am glad that you have your family and also your support group to help you thru this and also some very wonderful memories of your horses. You and your sister have done a great job here.

Please Take Care and All the Best.!


Name: Margie
Website: I DID IT MY WAY
From: Rush Springs, Oklahoma
Time: 2001-03-08 08:37:02
Hiya! I'm finally getting around to signing your book. Thanks so much for taking the time to sign mine. I been on vacation to my brothers in San Antonio then no sooner got back when I came down with a bad head cold which has since gone down to my chest. But doing okay now. Your web site is beautiful and I loved reading about your family. A goodlooking one too, just like the mom. Read your story about the cancer and was very moved. I'll keep you in my prayers. It really makes me mad when I think about doctors not doing more in their examinations. Time is so critical. I'm sending your site to my sister -in-law who loves horses and has a site devoted to them. God bless you.


Name: Ellen
Website: The Hilite Page
From: USA
Time: 2001-03-08 03:57:19
Wonderful site, reading about your struggle with cancer has really made me think about where my life is going. Sometimes it can be hard to realize that life will not always go as perfectly as you hope and I want to be able to live my life to the fullest because I never know what will happen next. I wish you the best in your cancer treatments and I will be praying for you! :-)


Name: Kim aka Bartling Angel
Website: Bartling Angel's A lil Piece of Heaven
From: Arizona
Time: 2001-03-08 02:15:33
Hi Tricia ~ First thanks for the kind words in my guestbook, it's nice to know I'm at least accomplishing something. Second, I must say you are an "Angel of Hope". I applaud you for your strength and in carrying on. You have done a wonderful job on this site and may many blessings come your way.


Name: Wendell and Nancy Deer With Horns
Website: Deer With Horns Native Amercian Indian
From: USA
Time: 2001-03-08 04:42:21
Hello Tricia,
We have enjoyed your site immensely and the your horses are beautiful. It shows how proud you are of them. Your story on battling cancer is an inspiration to all of us. You are a strong woman and a role-model for others. Thank you for your exceptional site.
Warm Regards,
Wendell and Nancy Deer With Horns


Name: Christy
Website: Teisme's Page
From: North Carolina
Time: 2001-03-07 11:29:22
Tricia, your page is absolutely wonderful. I love all the graphics, pictures, the inspiration you have shown everyone. You are truly a marvel. Keep up the excellent job and thank you for sharing your page with me.


Name: Jerry Boyer
Website: Heart to Heart
From: Cleveland, OH
Time: 2001-03-07 05:17:27
Well, bless ya! I have enjoyed this visit! Appreciate your sharing here. I have found it to be sooo encouraging to be meeting so many wonderful friends around the world...just wonderful! God bless you, yours and your sharing!


Name: Laura Lanning
Website: 6feettwo's Universe - An Art Gallery
From: New Mexico
Time: 2001-03-07 12:36:55
Hello Tricia, I have been through your site and found it quite moving, and was touched by your sister's comments. It is so sad when families drift apart. It is wonderful that you two found your way back to each other. It is a shame that it takes something as dramatic and fearful as cancer to cause us to realize what we should have appreciated from the get-go. May all who visit here take note. Life is precarious at best. Let's spend our time appreciating each other. God Bless you, Tricia. I don't think you really ever had any real doubt about what is truly important in this world. Since you have already apparently been to see our Life in the Chihuahua Desert site, I would like to invite you to visit the family art gallery listed above.

Have a bright and sunny day!


Name: WeaveWoman
Website: Sweetgrass Lodge
From: Houston, Texas, USA
Time: 2001-03-05 10:52:14
I am a horse lover, rider, trainer and breeder too.. Well... at least used to be. I raised Quarter horses, trained them and was a barrel racer. Martha Josey - a world renowned icon in the barrel racing realm was a major influence on me. I love her style. I saw her last week at the Houston, Texas Rodeo running the barrels and winning a few thousand dollars. Bless her heart.. she is still going strong. I sat in the stadium watching her ride her winning ride with tears in my eyes. I am no longer able to ride my horses. The dis-ease I live with is Autoimmune Hepatitis. There is no cure. I am on disability with the strength of a kitten. Oh, my how our paths have changed Martha Josey and I.

After careful review of your Site, we cordially invite you to visit Sweetgrass Lodge! "Where Spirit Meets Earth". My name is WeaveWoman, founder. I suffer from Autoimmune Hepatitis with cirrhosis as do millions of people, mostly women. It is a disease caused from two factors, genetics and a toxic environment . For the sake of humanities future, Sweetgrass Lodge has been formed to weave healing threads for a healther environment. We begin with healing our own woundedness and then extending that healing toward others in our world and to Mother Earth herself. We represent all walks of life, any race, color, creed or religious preference.

We are healers for the Earth.
Mental, Physical, Emotional, Spiritual


Name: Maurice (Moe)
Website: Moe's homepage
From: Orleans, Ontario,Canada
Time: 2001-03-05 08:42:10
Hello Trouble
I have been on your site for over ½ hour and still have some pages to go. I will come back. Your story is moving with your courage coming through the page without the writing of where you get the courage to continue your battle. I know your love for your children is related to your courage.
Tricia your horse photos are lovely and we can see why you love them so much. Enjoyed your page on "What cancer cannot do". I lost my father to cancer, he was sick for over 2 years before God came for him. With your courage you can beat it. Your belief in Him should help you get through it.
Good luck and you will be in my daily prayer.


Name: Jorge
Website: Hope for Nancy
From: Clearwater, FL
Time: 2001-03-05 08:16:29
My sister Nancy has undergone brain surgery and chemotherapy - she has sought alternative (trial)treatment in Huston at the Burzynski Clinic "Hope for Nancy" tells her story. She had brain surgery and chemotherapy - the news about the alternative treatment found on her page may interest you.
With best wishes and highest regards,


Name: Flo
Website: Flo's Angel Dolls
From: PA
Time: 2001-03-05 07:27:15
Sweet Lovely Trica~
Thank you for signing my guest book. I went through your whole sight & it really moved me as to what your going through~God Bless you~ My heart aches for you !!


Name: Pat & Bill
Website: Second Chance at First Love
From: Flint, Michigan
Time: 2001-03-04 04:52:39
While checking my newest guestbook entries I found yours with a link to your site. We came to your site and we are so glad we did.

As Bill and I read your story, and updates we couldn't help but comment on your courage and perserverance and your humor in all of this...We so admire the way you have shared your story of progression and it appears remission as well!! Stay strong in your fight. We will continue to visit your web site to check on you... God Bless you in your fight.

Pat & Bill


Name: Mary aka Solidgoldangel
Website: Moonlight Reflections
From: New Mexico
Time: 2001-03-03 10:29:23
As I read your story it uplifted me to know that the battle goes on for you. It is only thru strong desire and the will to be healed does a cancer warrior fight on when the fight has been poked, proded, drained and removed from your soul. As a cancer warrior I know the anger, frustration, midnight sweats and the uncontrolling need to be in control, as our lives at times spiral out of that control. I say "God has granted you something special, and it is in the form of faith"....Lock in on it, absorb it and call upon it as it is all we have in the end. God Bless....My warrior friend. Mary


Name: Laurie
Website: Alamo5
From: New Mexico
Time: 2001-03-03 08:06:27
Well, first off, thank you so very much for signing my guestbook...your comments were lovely. I hope you write Mary...she has such a zest for life....even with her illness. I will say a prayer for you that you beat this thing......please keep me updated as to how you are..................


Name: Sharon
Website: Wallace World
From: Tennessee/USA
Time: 2001-03-03 07:43:26
Hi Tricia, It seems odd to say I have enjoyed reading your site since you are dealing with cancer, but I have with much admiration for you. This is truly one that will give others a source of encouragement and a chance to know a little of you and the person you have become. Thank you for sharing your love of family and horses and your ongoing battle of cancer. My prayers will be with you Tricia.


Name: Sara Neiret
Website: Rincón Literario
From: Argentina
Time: 2001-03-03 01:02:09
Tus páginas son hermosas. Me encantan los caballos y tus hijos son hermosos, (yo tengo uno de 14 años), muy linda tu familia y muy lindo todo. Me tocaste el corazón.
Un beso,


Name: Jayne
Website: Welcome to Innocence
From: England
Time: 2001-03-02 06:34:02
Dear Tricia, you have a truly beautiful site here. I have been deeply moved by your courage, you have a beautiful family your love for your children and grandchildren just radiates through your pages. You are a unique lady.. bless you.
Jayne (angel Liam's mummy forever)


Name: Thee
Website: Divina
From: Switzerland
Time: 2001-03-02 02:33:13
Dear Tricia,
You are one of the bravest ladies I know. I read the story about your cancer and I'm so touched. I pray for you and wish you the best for your future: health, happiness and love


Name: Shirley Harris
Website: Cape Blanco
From: Bandon Oregon
Time: 2001-03-01 07:12:27
What a lovely and touching web site and how very touching.... I am totally impressed with your family and your Ex Husband must be a true friend, an extra loving person. How wonderful for you that they are all there for you. May God Bless You...


Name: Hydrocontroller
Website: Hydrocontroller's Homepage
From: Lake Powell, Page Arizona
Time: 2001-03-01 06:36:11
Your site is so awe inspiring and so full of love. I can see you are a very special lady and a survivor. All I can do is wish you God's Blessings and thank you for allowing me to see your wonderful site. God Bless... Jack


Name: Cheryl
Website: Welcome To Cheryl's Page
From: California, USA :D
Time: 2001-02-28 10:39:06
Hi Tricia ~ What a wonderful time I have had here. I so much enjoyed finding out about your delightful family and seeing all of the pictures. As well as reading about your horses. :)


Name: Kerry
Website: Kerry's Totally Horse Homepage
From: Arizona
Time: 2001-02-27 10:30:03
I can tell you worked very hard on your page and you spent a lot of time on it. It is very well thought out and I really enjoyed my stay. Great work!


Name: Dan Bridge
Website: The Danbridge Family Homepage
From: Azusa CA USA
Time: 2001-02-27 00:13:15
This here's a mighty fine homepage y'all got goin on.
I truly enjoyed my visit.
Especially the heartfelt letter written by your sis.
Much obliged for sharin ma'am (tips hat and smiles).


Name: Evanda
Website: MeMa's Holiday House
From: Florida
Time: 2001-02-26 02:38:24
I just wanted to say how beautiful your pages are. I found your site through your sister "Honey" ... a fellow Southern Sister. Your courage and strength is an inspiration to all.


Name: Joyce
Website: From the Heart
Time: 2001-02-26 12:10:37
Your pages are beautiful to the heart and to the spirit.


Name: Matt and Maynerd
Website: Matt and Maynerd
From: Oz
Time: 2001-02-26 07:12:26
Hiya ... thx for dropping by our site and applying for our award! You have done a great job here, really enjoyed looking at all your horse pics and reading about you! Thx for sharing!


Name: Yankee
Website: Net Buddies
Time: 2001-02-25 07:53:21
I would like to invite you to visit us at Net Buddies. Where friends from all over the world can share and grow. We have pages for teen and younger buddies too. Our main cause is the fight against Child Pornography. Please help us protect our children.


Name: Denny Lancaster (The Faerie Keeper)
Website: Lancasters Laughing Place
From: Faerieland
Time: 2001-02-25 04:59:47
Thank you for the opportunity to visit your wonderful web home during our recent review for the Heartland Golden Heart award. Perhaps the "wee" poem we have left may give a reflection of our visit.

Whispers of Equus Evolutionary Periods!
For Horse Lovers (especially Sandys Broken
Rail Farm of D'Wild West)
by The Faerie Keeper

Once upon a distant planet, long, long, ago,
land was one large mass, there was no sea,
55 million years later, my friend you are free.

North American grasslands were roamed,
you slowly extended across the Bering sea,
on cave walls, your many "breeds" we see.

Stone carvings depict you small demure size,
an inbred sure-footedness on hill slope,
when you exceeded the riders nerve and hope.

Egyptian hieroglyphics proclaimed your value,
in the Old Testament reference strength and might,
of your nobility Xinophon proclaimed and did write.

Eophippus transformed into your descendants,
Equus, off spring of Parahippus, became your name,
hearts of both young and old do you honorably claim.

In about 1500 A.D., Spanish came to conquer the New World,
their small ,sturdy mounts spread quickly, and to roam,
at last you came back to America, your very first home.


Name: Frances
Website: Sunshine's Garden
From: Georgia, USA
Time: 2001-02-25 03:24:45
Hi Trica, What a beautiful person you are and your family as well. Your website is so beautiful. My prayers, thoughts will be with you always. Honey and I belong to the same webring. Take care
** Frances aka Sunshine


Name: Lise
Website: Balihai's Persian
From: Denmark
Time: 2001-02-25 02:43:42
Hello Tricia.
Thank you for the kind comments in my guestbook. I have just been around your site. I can see you have put a lot of your heart in it,and it is interesting to read about your life and see the photos of your children and your beautiful horses. I admire you a lot, you are such a strong person who can write about your cancer, good luck with that. I am sure you can handle it.
Take care.


Name: Kent Hunt
Website: cLoWnbEaR's Circus
From: Martin, Tennessee
Time: 2001-02-25 01:39:42
Hi Tricia,

I recently got a new computer and don't have the award graphics on this computer. I love your site and would definitely give it my award if only I had the image to send you. I have to do a lot of work on my site to get it back up to its former glory.

I am also from Tennessee- Martin, TN. I wanted to ask a question and share a thought with you. Are you drinking fresh juices? I have read that juice is a natural source of living food. Many suggest several glasses of carrots and apple juice which you make yourself with your own juicer. There are many recipes for different juices which are beneficial to the body.

I have also read about magnetic therapy. Using magnets on your bed mattress, neck, wrists, hands and feet and there is even a product for magnetizing water. At least it couldn't hurt to try these things.

I have even read that Vanderbilt is now conducting experiments with magnetic therapy. I hope this information helps you. I am also happy for you that you have been able to find humor in all of this. They say that laughter is the best medicine. I'm sure you have probably heard just about everything by now. I just wanted to share with you things that came to mind when I read your story on your site.

You are amazing and I'm sure you are such an inspiration to your friends and family. Never give up hope and know that God is always with you. God Bless You and Tricia I will be praying for You!


Name: Lobo7
Website: Lobo7 Tactical Office
Time: 2001-02-25 01:20:23
Very nice WebSite..! Great job done..!


Name: MJ
Website: Southern ELegance
From: East Tennessee
Time: 2001-02-25 11:43:55
I am a "sister" to your sister. :-} So I guess that makes us at least half sisters?? I want you to know that I am in awe of the strength you possess. I realize you must have your moments but the fact that you are sharing your life and what you have been through with the world is wonderful. I will be praying and sending lots of positive energy your way. I want to keep up with what's going on, so I'll be checking back often.


Name: {Nebula}
Website: The Enchanted Hollow
Time: 2001-02-25 10:08:34
Great Site! I have truly enjoyed my visit ;)


Name: Jerry Smith
Website: Boom Towns & Relic Hunters
From: Winthrop, Washington
Time: 2001-02-25 08:57:28
Howdy, I was very much impressed with your web pages while viewing them. Such a fantastic site you have designed with a wealth of information visitors can enjoy each and every time they return. We invite you to come step back in time with Boom Towns & Relic Hunters of Northeastern Washington State, and enjoy your Wild West ghosttown adventure. It's an experience you won't soon forget! Cheers! Best regards,
Jerry Smith


Name: Tink
Website: Tink's Links
From: California
Time: 2001-02-25 04:06:48
Just came by for a visit, I have enjoyed your site very much,I love your horse pages, My daughter keeps giving me pictures of her and her horse, think I will have to do a horse page too. Hope you have time to visit my little home on the web, and please sign the guest book if you like. Tink aka Takeewa


Name: Brenda
Website: The Followell's Piece of the Web
From: Michigan
Time: 2001-02-24 07:38:36
What a wonderful site! You have amazing grace and fortitude. Thank you so much for sharing and God bless you and your family. I shall return for future updates - which God willing will be positive! Thank you again


Name: Marcia
Website: Smile, you're on flower's page :-)
From: New York
Time: 2001-02-23 10:09:18
Hi Tricia,
I'm glad I got the chance to visit your site, you've done a lovely job here both graphics and telling your story. Thank you for taking the time to sign my guestbook, I appreciate it. Best of health to you!!
Marcia (flower)


Name: Wendy & Casey Russell
Website: Casey's Celtic Charm
From: Winnipeg Canada
Time: 2001-02-23 08:50:28
Terrific Site... Lots of very good information ! Really enjoyed our visit !


Name: Marianne
Website: Java47's HomePage
From: Upstate New York
Time: 2001-02-22 06:43:39
Hi Tricia! What a lovely website you have :) :)

You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.


Name: Cheryl Rodriguez
Website: ~*~ My Purple Pages ~*~
From: Springfield Area, Western Massachusetts
Time: 2001-02-22 06:43:39
I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to your homepage. What a wonderfully designed place you have here. Loved the stories about your children when they were young too! Your site has definately touched my heart...and appropriately has earned my awards. Congrats to you! May God bless you always kind lady.
Friendship Huggzz :)


Name: Lady Lynda
Website: Lady's Place
From: Washington, USA
Time: 2001-02-21 08:37:01
Thanks for inviting me to your website.
Very inspirational and wishing you continued 'good' news about your cancer.
An award will be on it's way soon! *S*
The best to you now and always :o)


Name: Debby
Website: Debby's Digest
From: Oregon
Time: 2001-02-21 03:54:09
Hello Trisha, I read all of your cancer story and your updates. I was sorry to read that you had to wait so long for the proper diagnosis. You are an amazingly strong woman who will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers. Please continue to keep us updated. My hope is that you will have many good reports to share with us in the future. Take care and God bless, Debby


Name: Jacques Proulx
Website: Awards For You Canada
From: Canada
Time: 2001-02-20 08:53:35
First thank you for visiting my Awards Website, and signing my guestbook. You have a very nice and attractive site. Very nice horses,and a nice family.I am writing to you to send you a surprise! That you win an award from me.


Name: Lea
Website: Leigh's Home
From: Philippines
Time: 2001-02-19 01:23:47
Hi there.
You really have a wonderful site. I'm really impressed. I'm proud of you. You're such a strong person. May god bless you always. :)


Name: Roemello
Website: Spiffy Entertainment
From: MA, USA
Time: 2001-02-19 01:23:47
Nice site you have here yourself.... Your cancer story is very heartfelt and inspirational. Keep up the good work! ;)


Name: Cowboy Joe
Website: Cowboy Joe's Radio Ranch
From: Manhattan, NY
Time: 2001-02-18 10:39:52
HOWDY! I enjoyed riding down the dusty trail of your website. Have you ever heard of my world famous radio theme song, Ragtime Cowboy Joe?


Name: Karen
Website: Petal Perfect Mosaic Gallery
From: New Jersey
Time: 2001-02-18 10:13:47
Hi Tricia, Thank you for inviting me to your wonderful website. Such an honest story, told with much love. I enjoyed every minute of my visit!


Name: Alecia J Rivas
Website: Draft Dreams
From: Washington State, the Rain State!
Time: 2001-02-16 03:58:41
Nice site!! :) You are a very courageous young woman!


Name: Dave
Website: Young Horses
From: UK
Time: 2001-02-16 12:27:44
Hi, Trouble !!
Your site is a credit to your strength and resolve. Good luck in the future.


Name: Heidi Walsh
From: Germany
Time: 2001-02-15 12:09:58
Hello Tricia,
Thank you very much for the kind note you left in my guestbook.
I just read your story and I admire your courage.
I wish you all the best


Name: Bella
Website: BellaDesigns
From: Adelaide, South Australia
Time: 2001-02-15 11:43:27
Hi Tricia! You are truly a wonderful and courageous lady! I have enjoyed reading thru your wonderful site. ThankYou for visiting me, signing my book and your wonderful comments. God bless and keep happy - Hugs, Bella.


Name: Sexycowgirl23
Website: Down Home Page
From: Texas
Time: 2001-02-15 11:11:47
LOVE the graphics, and the content, very nicely done!! Please accept my awards! :)


Name: Ed & Martha
Website: Pet Lighthouse
Time: 2001-02-14 01:37:43
Great Site we enjoyed our visit alot!


Name: Sylvia
Website: The Elisha Tree
From: Arizona
Time: 2001-02-13 05:41:11
What a fabulous site and very well done! Enjoyed my visit immensely. Thanks for sharing your story with others. God speed! Best of Wishes. Thanks for signing my guestbook.


Name: Sue
Website: Demeter SRC
From: Canada
Time: 2001-02-13 02:50:00
You have a beautiful website..and you are a courageous woman! I enjoyed checking out your pages and was happy to read your latest update. Thank you for sharing your experiences.


Name: Cris
Website: * Cristela *
From: California
Time: 2001-02-13 02:37:04
Hi! Thanks for dropping by and leading me here. I wish you and your family the very best!


Name: Inger Rosy Wings
Website: Rosy Wings Design
From: Denmark
Time: 2001-02-13 09:35:15
Hello Tricia.
Thank you for sign my guestbook and the visit on my homepage.
I love your homepage and I will send my Awards to you with friendship and god bless you too.
Best regards
Inger Rosy Wings Design


Name: Eddy
Website: Eddy's World
From: Adelaide - South Australia
Time: 2001-02-13 09:20:22
Hi Tricia!
ThankYou for visiting me, signing my book and your great comments.
ThankYou also because this has allowed me to find your site and read all about you. You have an absolutely great site and I take my hat off to a great Lady - you! God bless you, your family and your courage.
Hugs, Eddy

We Do Not Inherit The Earth, We Borrow It From Our Children.


Name: Beato
Website: Beato's World
From: Montreal, Canada
Time: 2001-02-12 09:44:03
Hi Tricia, you have a lovely site. It is very nice to read about your family and learn how much you love them. Your horses are beautiful!! Keep it up :)


Name: disneyduck
Website: Disneyduck
From: New York State
Time: 2001-02-12 02:57:04
Your site is wonderful. I am going to pray to God that he makes your journey to him as far off as possible. You are a very inspiring woman. I hope to have your courage someday. Your site is a 10 to me.


Name: Inga
Website: Ingas Hundliv
Time: 2001-02-12 11:38:15
You have a great site. I like the design. What to say about your cancer, I don´t have any words. It´s great that you can talk about it through your site. Inga


Name: Shells Manson
Website: Shells' Homepage
From: Glasgow, in BONNY Scotland
Time: 2001-02-12 08:06:07
Hi Tricia
What a wonderful site even if it's sad too. I admire your spirit very much and wish you all the best in your fight against this terrible disease. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Love and Hugs
The Queen of Scottish Knits


Name: Desporado
Website: Desporado
From: Kent, U.K
Time: 2001-02-11 08:16:42
Tricia, I don't know what brought me here...but I'm glad to have found you. Your web site and how you shared your battle against the trials in your life is touching. You are a beautiful human being. May you be rewarded for all that you do. God bless you.
Your friend,


Name: Annette
Website: Annette at Home
From: Gothenburg, Sweden
Time: 2001-02-11 05:32:30
Hi Tricia. You have a lovely site, and your pages about cancer touched me very much, thank you for sharing all this.


Name: Anita Bautsch
Website: Anita's Christian Oasis
From: Spring, Texas
Time: 2001-02-10 07:51:59
I thoroughly enjoyed meeting your family and reading about your trials, tribulations, and victories. You are a special lady and you have a beautiful family who is obviously a reflection of their mom. You are blessed! I am very happy to send you my 'hot site' award from my heart to yours. Job Well Done! Hugs and God Bless You, Anita


Name: Maria Wallner
Website: In Born's Labrador Retrievers
From: Hedesunda, Sweden
Time: 2001-02-10 04:48:19
Hi Tricia,
Lovely site, with many interesting things to read. Loved all the horses. You have a wonderful family. Bless you. Maria


Name: Elizabeth
Website: Tequila's Country Home
From: NYC Area
Time: 2001-02-09 11:22:36
Hi Tricia, your site is great & I enjoyed visiting it. I love horses too.
I was pretty impressed by the number of awards you received. I thought quality was better than quantity, now I wonder...
Thanks for stopping by!


Name: Simone
Website: Monis Country Corner
From: Germany
Time: 2001-02-09 07:20:32
Love your site and horses


Name: Jim
Website: He Is Lord!
From: Texas
Time: 2001-02-09 04:50:57
I came back for another visit and spent time in prayer for you and your healing. Thank you for sharing your painful journey. I pray that it will continue to bless others. May God bless you and heal you! Jim


Name: Micheal
Website: Visions of Reality
From: Canada
Time: 2001-02-08 12:56:13
Great site. You have done a fine job. Peace.


Name: Silvana
Website: Silvana's
From: St. Louis, MO
Time: 2001-02-08 06:16:30
You have a very inspiring site and a great looking family..You are very courageous and I wish you the best..Thanks for sharing your story..
Thank you for visiting my site and signing my guestbook..
Kind regards,


Name: Diana
Website: Tara Hill Lane
From: New Hampshire
Time: 2001-02-07 09:14:50
Hello Tricia! I sure enjoyed visiting you! Your site is full of love, and heartfelt life! Thanks for sharing your story! Lani


Name: Liz
Website: Alanis' Anime
From: Maryland
Time: 2001-02-06 04:59:05
Hey there Tricia. I had a lot of fun looking at your site. I can tell that there was a lot of work put into it. I love the design. I love horses myself so I feel at home here. I really do think you did a wonderful job. Please feel free to inform me when updates are made. I will check back here often to see if any changes are made. Thanks for sharing your site with me! Keep up the marvelous work!


Name: Letlet Münstermann
From: Germany
Time: 2001-02-05 10:01:37
"Grant me, O Lord the mind to see the blessings which my sickness brings, and give me, in adversity, a heart that still can trust and sing"

You have a wonderful homepage. God Bless you and your family. Keep smiling. Meanwhile, I humbly invite you to my newly built site to know me better. See you there :-)


Name: Erin
Website: Keltic Knights
From: Melbourne, Australia
Time: 2001-02-04 07:16:13
Thank you so much for inviting me to your site. I'm at the office now almost crying at the sincerity of everything you have written. Well done, thank you for emailing me.


Name: LeeAnn
Website: Having A Great Time... Wish I Was Here!
From: New Jersey
Time: 2001-02-03 10:23:45
Your Web Site is great!! Good luck to you!!


Name: Teman
Website: 4 Star Listening Post
From: Merced, California, USA
Time: 2001-02-03 02:48:04
You have a well-organized and informative web site. I commend you for sharing your experiences, and I wish you well in the future as you face each day with positive attitudes.


Name: Calla Lily
Website: Petsburgh Butterflies
From: Nova Scotia
Time: 2001-02-02 12:56:04
I very much enjoyed my visit to your wonderful site and would like you to accept this butterfly as a gift. You may put it on your page if you wish.  I'm so glad you entered the contest. Keep up the great work and good luck.


Name: Prissy
Website: Prissy's Place
From: North Carolina
Time: 2001-02-02 04:55:15
Hi Tricia, I feel like I know you after reading your cancer updates over the past 2-3 weeks. Looks like you finally have some good news this last time. I sure hope the good news keeps up! Enjoyed the pics of your slumber party and all of your homepage. I admire your courage. KEEP LOOKING UP! I'll keep your page bookmarked and look forward to more "positive" updates. Sharon


Name: Vie Daughton
Website: Alan & Vie
Time: 2001-02-01 05:17:21
Hi, WOW, So much here to look at. I will finish lookin' around in a minute but I first wanted to let you know I was here and that I am enjoying myself. Thank you for offering such a wonderful site for us



Name: Louisa
Website: Women Worldwide
From: Belgium
Time: 2001-02-01 12:18:10
I read your page on cancer and don't know what to say. You have so much courage.Your site shows us how fragile live is and must not be wasted; Thank you for sharing and I wish you the best
greetings from Belgium


Name: Carol Rapp
Website: Pencar Creations
From: West Virginia
Time: 2001-02-01 08:33:05
Wonderful job on the site..thanks for inviting me in! You have a terrific family and a lot of courage and great spirit! Keep up the are in my prayers!


Name: Gabi
Website: Gabi_In_Fl
From: Florida
Time: 2001-01-31 09:50:05
Hi Trouble.....Loved your site....and love you....You did a fantastic job on this site.....hope you visit my site, and hear my story with breast cancer. Hugs.....Gabi


Name: Tori Humphreys
From: Tennessee
Time: 2001-01-31 08:21:21
Thanks for a good meal and great company. I love coming over and hearing all your tales. Great page!! See ya soon!


Name: Jackie
Website: Totosplace
From: Australia
Time: 2001-01-31 05:34:34
Hi Tricia I found your site in "Positive Steps" I too am horse mad and I just want to let you know you are in my prayers. Your pages, pics and story touched my heart. GOD bless you and thank you for allowing me to visit your lovely site. I loved the stories about your family and your beautiful horses....Bless you and God will hold you close. Jackie...

PS My standard-bred was named Beau so we have something in common..*S*


Name: Pat Rose
Website: Pat's Homepage
From: P.E.I. Canada
Time: 2001-01-31 05:14:16
Your story really touched me. My daughter was diagnosed with terminal cancer when she was 6 years old. She is now 47 yrs of age and in good health. I will be praying for your complete recovery. You are very couragous and you will be an inspiration to lots of people. I also love horses and thank you for sharing such a wonderful website.


Name: Idee
Website: Beach Place Romantic Moods
From: Florida
Time: 2001-01-31 11:34:55
Hi ..My congratulations on such an inspiring site... I enjoyed my visit very much. Best wishes, God Bless* Idee


Name: Iminia
Website: Sometimes
From: Australia
Time: 2001-01-31 02:03:34
Hi - called in for a visit and enjoyed my stay. Your story is inspirational and spreads hope to all those who read it. I love horses also.


Name: Jeannie
Website: Jeannie's Country Awards
From: Oklahoma
Time: 2001-01-31 01:01:08
What a beautiful site you have here, thank you for sharing your experience with me. My heart and prayers are with you and your whole family. What a blessing that both sisters have found the love they share, and it shines in this website.


Name: Serdar
Website: Welcome to My Page
From: Turkiye
Time: 2001-01-30 04:21:16
Your page is very proud.Thanks for humanity.


Name: Butterfly Iris
Website: Petsburgh Butterflies
Time: 2001-01-30 07:32:49

I am a butterfly
Wild and free
you have just given
Some joy to me

Your site is so lovely
With stories and such
I stayed here awhile
I loved it so much!

Reach for the stars
In whatever you do
Believe in yourself
And your dreams will come true.


Name: Angela
Time: 2001-01-30 09:23:54
God has his angels watching over you.


Name: Kemii
Website: Kemii's
From: New York
Time: 2001-01-29 06:19:23
Sorry it took so long for me to get back to you but I don't get online much anymore. I've been all over your webby and it's adoreable! I'm a horse lover myself and used to work cattle. Best job I ever had. I don't have horses anymore but have not lost my love for them. Read your story. You are very courageous and I'm SO glad you have kept a sense of humor. Humor can just about get ya through anything. Congratulations on the MRI you mention in your update! Hope the next one is even better! I'm glad you shared your story and other parts of your life. Hang in there!


Name: ~Debbii~
Website: Debbii's Designs
From: Australia
Time: 2001-01-28 03:13:19
Your website is lovely. You are a true inspiration :)


Name: S a n d y
Website: Perdido Business
From: Sacramento Calfornia
Time: 2001-01-28 01:18:19
Greetings from Perdido Key. We come your way pretty often. Tennessee is beautiful. Y'all keep up the good work. We just finished our site and know how much work you have put into your wonderful site. See you again soon, Sandy


Name: Michelle Goodrich
Website: Mandarin Design
From: Sacramento Calfornia
Time: 2001-01-28 01:15:45
Came to see the horses. You have a great site here. Thank you for sharing so much on your pages. Regards, Michelle


Name: Lady Sha'Lea
Website: Lady Sha'Lea
From: Indiana
Time: 2001-01-28 09:32:59
Hi I just stopped in and your site is super. I loved your family site . You have some wonderful looking children there. I love horses too. I use to have a Tennessee walker horse. Her name was Reba, a beautiful horse she was.You are welcome to stop by and visit my site , there are lots of nice pages there I have created. Have a great day Lady Sha'Lea*S*


Name: Mary
Website: BB's Home
From: CT
Time: 2001-01-27 08:56:07
I have enjoyed my visit with you.You are an inspiration to many.Thank you for sharing your personal story in the hopes of helping others.God Bless you!!!


Name: Brit hagerup
Website: Brit og Stein-Arne sin hjemmeside
From: Fleinvær,Norway
Time: 2001-01-27 02:46:39
A very beautiful homepage you have here. Beautiful horses. I enjoyed my visit here. Thank you for sharing it with me. I hope you take a trip to my hompage sometime. Have a nice day, Love from Brit. in Norway.


Name: Lafaro
Website: Lafaro Works
From: Japan
Time: 2001-01-26 11:37:09
Comments: Hello Tricia,Thank you for signing my guestbook and for the kind comment.You have a wonderful supportive family in your struggle.Your story gave me courage.Thank you for the wonderful time. I will come again to your website. lafaro


Name: Linda Cass
Website: Linda's Home Page
From: Holden Beach, NC
Time: 2001-01-25 03:29:21
Comments: Dear Tricia: I am moved beyond words. No site has ever affected me the ways your site has today. I don't know how to explain what I feel. I love all you said about your family. I love how you love do I. I also am from Tennessee....Johnson City to be exact. I miss the mountains so much..and will never feel at home until I'm back. Your fight with cancer is a hard one and you are incredibly strong. I admire you from a distance and will keep you in my daily prayers. Thank you for sending me this special link. You say my site touched you. The truth is...yours; I believe is the most meaningful of the two. God Bless and Keep You.


Name: Suzanne
Website: My Little World OnThe Web
From: PA
Time: 2001-01-25 05:33:55
Comments: Hi Tricia,
I am returning a visit you paid my site a few weeks ago. Your guestbook entry intrigued me because you said we have a lot in common. I enjoyed "meeting" your family and getting to know all of you. I didn't have much experience with cancer until a sister-in-law and my SISTER were diagnoised with cancer in 99. Reading your story makes me realize how brave you are to keep fighting and striving with the will to beat it. I wish you all the best. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers and I will be looking for the 3 month update on your last scan. Looking forward to hearing good news. Take care of yourself and thank you for sharing your inspirational story with myself and the rest of the net!
God are one fantastic lady!


Name: John Lyon
Website: My Art Work Links Pages
From: Edmonton, Canada
Time: 2001-01-25 03:47:16
Comments: Hello Tricia, Thank you for visiting Me and for your fine comments.I enjoyed my visit to your site seeing your family and reading about your horses. I hope that you are able to win your battle with the big "C" good luck and best wishes. John.


Name: Terri
Website: DeucesRWild's World
From: VA.
Time: 2001-01-24 08:46:45
Comments: Love your pages will be back for another visit soon


Name: Sylvia Hancock
From: U.K.
Time: 2001-01-23 05:26:39
Comments: You are a brave and lovely lady and I take my hat off to you. I will remember you in my prayers with love Sylvia


Name: Stargate
Time: 2001-01-22 10:12:59
Comments: I have visited your sight and have enjoyed your story! It was very warm and inspirational! I want you to know that you and your family will be in my prayers!


Name: Reba
Website: Reba's Place
From: Phoenix, AZ
Time: 2001-01-20 01:08:56
Comments: Just here to say Hi and hope that you have a great week-end. I loved your site.


Name: Christine
Website: My Equine World
From: N.Y.
Time: 2001-01-20 11:24:59
Comments: Your horse are so beautiful!:) My prayers are with you! You have a really nice site, keep up the good work!:)


Name: GGG
Website: God's Glorious Gift
From: Florida
Time: 2001-01-19 03:21:57
Comments: Thank you for sharing a bit of your struggles on your web site. God Bless You!


Name: Starbird55
Website: Wit, Wisdom and Inspiration
From: Middle Tennessee
Time: 2001-01-19 06:13:32
Comments: Hello,

I just wanted to let you know that I visited your lovely and informative web pages. I heart goes out to you and your family. Thanks for sharing your story with others.

Starbird55 - Member of Ladies Of The Heart and Positive Steps Winners Circle


Name: Cheetah88
Website: Cheetah88's Homepage - It's All Over
From: U.S.A.
Time: 2001-01-16 09:43:34
Comments: Hi! Thanks so much for signing my guestbook! I REALLY appreciate it! But really, how DID you get there? lol I was just wondering...thank you so much for the AWESOME comments! It's rare to come across a person as nice as you on the internet...and with the brain to say things that actually make sense! I mean, I get entries where people don't know the difference (or can't spell the difference) between: your, you're; were, we're; two, too, to; by, buy, bye...etc.! lol it's weird...haha...I think you have a wonderful site too! I loved the graphics and stuff to do! And um...oh yeah! You deserve my award! Several, actually...I have different ones with different meanings...and you deserve the awards you already have! Like the 2000-2001 Golden Web Award! I was looking at that site a while ago and thinking how cool it'd be to get that award...! lol I can be so simple...sometimes someone will be speaking so fast (in English) that I'll think they're speaking another language! I'll be like 'Hey, was that Spanish, German, or French?' and then I will have been talking to no one because my family had left me there......and then other times I will try to explain something about HTML to my mom and she'll say 'I see your mouth moving, but you're speaking a language I don't know.' lol...hey, that's a cool background on your page! I like it...goes nicely w/ the page...oh, listen to me ramble...haha I'm good at that. Haha...SSSOOO...ANYWAY! I will add your page to my ~*Top 5 Links of the Week*~, then I'll send you the awards u deserve, and then...I dunno what. OK, sorry for taking so much space. I think ur site rocks, ur a cool person, and...bye.


Name: Phil
Website: Phil's Place
From: Toronto Canada
Time: 2001-01-15 06:52:35
Comments: Hi there. You have a wonderful supportive family in your struggle. Your story is touching. Keep going. Hope you have a good day. Phil


Name: Nicole
Website: Nicole's Animals
From: Illinois
Time: 2001-01-15 03:37:12
Comments: Your horses are beautiful!! Your story of your fight with cancer really touched my heart. I have many close friends and family that have had to go through these types of sickness and are living healthy lives today. Just keep kissing those is a magical cure!


Name: Tazzie
From: Illinois
Time: 2001-01-15 10:53:30
Trouble, you are a special person. I'm glad to call you my friend..You and V are the lights of my life thanks for (BEING)....Julie You have a nice site.


Name: Priscilla
Website: Lazy Horse Quarter Horses
From: Wisconsin
Time: 2001-01-13 10:13:26
Comments: I just surfed via a guestbook and came to your site. I like it a lot. You have a super great site. I hope that you will come and visit me . I'd love to hear from you! Love & God Bless !! Gustav. The very best to you and yours ! We wish you Happy New 2001


Name: Gustav Stenmark
Website: Gustav Stenmarks hemsida
From: Sweden
Time: 2001-01-14 05:10:11
Comments: Love your site. You have a beautiful family and great horses. Good luck with your battle, I know you will win!


Name: Sheepskate
Website: Friends So Fancy
From: U.S.A.
Time: 2001-01-13 07:53:02
Comments: I am enjoying my visit. Your designs are a treasure! Still checking this site. Love the place already.


Name: Joey Gore
Website: Gores Miniature Horses
From: Loris SC
Time: 2001-01-13 06:57:05
Comments: You have a nice site.


Name: Val
Website: Val's Dream
From: Maine (Yep, the sticks! LOL)
Time: 2001-01-13 11:54:08
Comments: Hi Tricia! Thanks so much for having visited my site and signing my guestbook with such kind remarks. You also have a truely beautiful family! Your skills with horses and the big beautiful smile on your face in your pictures tells me you have led a blessed life! Your cancer story and the beautiful faith you display inspires me and touches my heart beyond words and reminds me to hold dear every precious moment with my loved ones.

May the comfort of Jesus surround you and may the wings of angels cradle you in love and beauty, my friend.
Much Love being sent your way! Hope you can feel it!


Name: Amy Hermanson
Time: 2001-01-13 06:05:08
Comments: Tricia I want to let you know how much your web site touched my heart today. I was talking with a friend and she said to go to your web site. I have been in the cancer chat before my name is woo67. I wish you the very best and I will be praying for you. My heart is out to you. You are very strong and loving. I wish you the very best. Hugs and kisses to you.


Name: Coyote Jo
Website: Welcome To My Page
From: Alberta, Canada
Time: 2001-01-13 10:05:57
Comments: An absolutely wonderful site. I had a great visit. Thanks for sharing. Wishing you peace and love always. God Bless.


Name: Rosie
Website: Rosie's Parent Page
From: Maine
Time: 2001-01-12 08:08:25
Comments: You have a really great page here!!! Thanks for sharing your story.


Name: Di
Website: Shadows of AngelwithPain
From: Western Colorado
Time: 2001-01-12 01:37:39
Hi Tricia
Thank you so much for inviting me to your site.
I Love Visiting sites like yours,
It makes me feel "Down-home"!
Let me know of updates.
Please Keep in touch.
This site is an
"Award Winning Site"

Just From Di


Name: Margo
Website: Randy Bob's Ranch
From: South Florida
Time: 2001-01-11 03:18:34
Comments: I like your site. It has great graphics.


Name: Ronnee
Website: Ronnee's Breast Cancer Page
Time: 2001-01-11 09:24:37
Hi Tricia,

It broke my heart to read of your plight with cancer. So many people are misdiagnosed every day. I pray that your treatments are successful, Tricia.



Name: Laine
Website: Shoot for the Moon
From: MI *From KentuckyAlabama
Time: 2001-01-10 08:03:33
Hello Tricia.. I Love your site.
Beautiful. I love horses & enjoyed all your pics.
Made me a little homesick. :)

May God Bless You.
(Hugs) ..Laine


Name: Mike
Website: GrammyMike's Southern Pages
From: Alabama
Time: 2001-01-10 01:03:24
Comments: Hello Tricia, thank you for signing my guestbook. It has taken me a while but I wanted to come and see yours and it is so nice. Please come back to my page and leave your link ok?


Name: Kathy LeDuc
From: Florida
Time: 2001-01-09 09:14:08
Comments: I am so impressed with this homepage that Honey designed for you. She did a fantastic job and it helps to go into to get updates on you. Thank you so much for that, Honey.


Name: Deb
Website: John and Debbie's Place
From: Tucson, AZ
Time: 2001-01-09 02:50:45
I had to stop by to tell you that I am sooooo excited that we may have a chance to meet you and your sister when you come to Tucson to see John Bishop and his wife next week!!!!!! What a thirll to meet our internet buddies!!!!! John knows where I work and once you guys fly in if you are not too tired maybe you can stop by and meet us where I work. If not then hopefully while you are here, we can meet!
Take care and God bless,


Name: Peggy
Website: OhhhNana
From: Tennessee
Time: 2001-01-08 02:01:16
Comments: You have a wonderful site and I found myself totally lost in your story with your battle with Cancer. I pray you will beat the odd with this..... I have two sons and two grandsons and know how we want to continue to be with our family. I notice we are from the same state..... I wish you a wonderful day of peace and love.


Name: Darlene
Website: Widaan Stables
From: Washington
Time: 2001-01-08 01:58:13
Comments: Wonderful site you have here! Your words of encouragement to others are a true blessing. I've been there too, and am greatful to God for seeing me through it all. Take care and keep up the good work! :)


Name: Deb
Website: Debbie's Humble Home
From: Australia
Time: 2001-01-08 07:08:25
Comments: Wow what a wonderful site you have l have enjoyed it very much, l have book marked your site l will be back, my best wishes are with you always!!


Name: JerryD
Website: JerryD's Music Site
From: Pearland, Texas
Time: 2001-01-07 07:15:44
Comments: Great site. It has been a total pleasure to visit your site. It is without saying one the most well designed and beautiful sites I've seen in a long while.
Thank you for letting me visit.
Have a nice day. Your Awards Are On The Way!!
JerryD - JerryD's Music Site


Name: Rick Poff A.K.A Blklabman
Website: My Home Page Blklabman
From: Oregon
Time: 2001-01-07 11:34:00
Comments: Your battle with cancer is a real eye opener!! I hope it will be a battle that can be won!!!


Name: Jeanette
Website: Nette's World
From: Louisiana
Time: 2001-01-06 11:34:00
Comments: Greetings! You are cordially invited to join Women Of Strength & Inner Beauty! We are an online organization for women of all kinds, to come together, to live, laugh and learn. I think you and your lovely site would be a wonderful addition! We'd love for you to join us! If you're not interested in our membership, be sure to check out our awards program, free graphic sets and much more!


Name: Chris
Website: Women Of Strength & Inner Beauty
From: Web Ring
Time: 2001-01-06 08:15:32
Comments: Hi! I loved reading all about your wonderful family. How blessed you are that even after a divorce you have remained friends and raised your wonderful boys together. You must be a very loving person. You certainly held my interest and anyone can see you deeply love and respect your children and grandchildren. God bless you.


Name: Beth
Website: Beth's Page
From: Florida
Time: 2001-01-05 01:37:22
Hi Tricia, a little "bee" (honey bee, haha) gave me your URL and I came to say hello. I have just finished reading your cancer page and my heart goes out to you. You are truly blessed, because even though you have suffered, you still can reach out to others. My prayer for you is that you will recover fully. I know miracles do happen each and every day.
You have a beautiful family and I know you are so proud of them. God speed Tricia.


Name: Wendy Kohlhoff
Website: Angel In Disguise
From: Palmdale, CA
Time: 2001-01-05 11:26:56
Comments: Hi Tricia,
I met your sister Honey online and she pointed me to your site. What a wonderful lady! But I know now that you must just have an all around wonderful family now that I've visited your little place in cyberspace. I just wanted to say hello and send some warm hugs and prayers from California. Please be good to each other and God Bless.


Name: Brandi & Patti Ward
Website: Brandi Ward Country Music Entertainer
From: Scottsville, Ky.
Time: 2001-01-05 07:55:45
Comments: We want to extend our heartfelt prayers to you and your family. What an inspiration you are to other cancer survivor's. Your site is just beautiful as your family and horses are. We wish you the best!!


Name: Mary Smith (MrsRedHead)
Website: Expressive Moments
From: South Carolina
Time: 2001-01-05 07:20:31
Comments: Hello, I have looked all over your site. I love horses too and we have two of them. Your sons, Bo and Josh, are so handsome. Apple of Moms eye I can see. Your Ex hubby doesn't sound like an ex at all. I am SO glad that you both have been close and that you are still in each others lives.
What a fun time you and your chat friends had. No matter if anyone can sing or not, a good time was had by all! I will be praying for you hun and that you will have ease of pain and comfort of heart.


Name: Nancy
Website: Nancybratt's Home
From: Yelm
Time: 2001-01-04 06:18:38
Comments: Wonderfull and touching and inspiring website. God bless you sweetie. Nancy


Name: Kiddos
From: Australia
Time: 2001-01-04 03:38:10
Comments: G'Day
I actually found your site from Postive Steps Newsletter. Your site is beautiful and is so full of love. I loved the horses they are so cute. I am so sorry to hear about your battle with cancer. I am 12 years old and Cancer is a illness that I know a bit about as it has been a part of our family. I only wish one day that they can find a cure for all types of cancer and illnesses. Please know that you are in my thoughts. Please stay strong. Love Kiddos


Name: Carol
Website: The Slama Family
From: Florida
Time: 2001-01-04 01:29:31
Comments: Hi Trisha, Your courage is mind boggling. I'm so sorry to hear about your fight with this dreaded desease at such a young age. There isn't much more I can say, except I admire you for telling your story to help others cope. God bless you, Carol


Name: Nancy
From: Dushore, PA
Time: 2001-01-04 11:52:52
Comments: Hi Tricia,
Just a note to say I will be thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers. May God place a veil of protection around you, all of your family, and your doctors and nurses. Get well soon, Nan


Name: Colleen
Website: Colleen's Corner
From: Canada
Time: 2001-01-04 10:59:36
Comments: Hi Tricia, You have created a wonderful site here.. full of love, hope and courage. I have had a wonderful time exploring your pages and meeting your lovely family. I share you passion for horses and thoroughly enjoyed your horse pages. I am so sorry to hear of your terrible battle with cancer. I applaud your courage and your determination. Your pages on this subject are an inspiration. Thanks for a most enjoyable visit. I wish you well.
~ Colleen ~


Name: Sally
Website: Sally's World
From: Positive Steps Newsletter
Time: 2001-01-04 08:01:35
Comments: Hello, read your site and found my problems aren't as bad as I thought. What a special person you are. I wish you all the blessings of God upon you and yours.


Name: Marsha
Website: Vaquero's Home Page
From: Crown City, Ohio
Time: 2001-01-04 01:28:42
Comments: Hello Tricia! I have viewed your web site, it is super! Your sister did a wonderful job! You have a beautiful family and your love for them shines through. I really enjoyed your horses as I am an avid horse lover too. My first job at age 13 was in a Riding Academy and I was showing horses and giving riding lesson for them by age 15. Having a family and moving interrupted that, but I owned and continued to break and train horses till age and injuries finally stopped me. :o) Hence the name Vaquero. :o) I was especially moved by your story of cancer. You will remain in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs, Marsha. May The Grace Of God Be With You Where Ever You Go!


Name: RoseMary
Website: In Memory of Shawn
From: Alaska
Time: 2001-01-04 00:01:09
Comments: Hi Tricia, Hope your health is improving at this time...Cancer is the word that scares the heck out of us all..I lived in Tenn. as a small child and my mam-maw was from Tenn. I want to come back for a tour someday soon...Have a good day...


Name: Charlene
Website: Charlene's Pure Country
From: Texas
Time: 2001-01-03 08:01:28
Comments: Hi Trisha... you have a beautiful site.... I was very touched... you are a very brave and courageous lady... thank you for sharing your story with us all... thank you for stopping by my site and I hope you visit again soon... take care and God bless..... ~Love-n-Hugs~....Char


Name: Coyote Jo
Website: Welcome To My Page
From: Alberta, Canada
Time: 2001-01-03 02:42:27
Comments: An absolutely wonderful site. I had a great visit. Thanks for sharing. Wishing you peace and love always. God Bless.


Name: Button
Website: Button Shelton Ministeries
From: Brevard NC
Time: 2001-01-03 07:09:03
Comments: Trouble, Thanks for visiting my website and I wanted you to know that I really loved my visit to your site. You, without a doubt, are a very brave and courageous lady. I put you on my prayer list, and I pray that as GOD heals and comforts you, He will continue to bless others that visit you. One thing I thought of while reading your remarkable story....Billy Graham... What I mean is you have a ministry and on your computer you are reaching tons of people that no other preacher can, and I know that there are lots of Christian sites on the web, but not many that can encourage EVERYBODY to make every day count .... I thank God that you came by and I look forward to keeping in touch with you....I am also sending you my "bearing the cross" award to post on your website, cause it really does show a lady that is surely bearing the cross for Jesus !!!! love and prayers to you and yours....button


Name: Janea
Website: Cyberspace Mountain
From: Oregon
Time: 2001-01-02 11:06:15
Comments: Oh My! I am so very touched by this beautiful website. What a wonderful and brave lady you are. I have really, with a few tears, enjoyed my journey through your site. Thanks for sharing the wonderful "you" with others. I do hope the best with your treatments. And your family pages are just great! Peace be with you always.


Name: Lynda Valkyrie
Website: Poetic Vision
From: Australia
Time: 2001-01-02 10:40:24
Comments: May god go with you - Your site is lovely and you are an inspiration to us all. I love horses as well :-)


Name: Stephanie
Website: Stephanie's Place
From: Kentucky
Time: 2001-01-02 10:18:49
Comments: Thank you very much for stopping by my site a while back. I'm finally getting the time to answer everyone who has signed my guestbook LOL sorry it has taken sooo Long. You have a very nice web site going here. I love horses!!! Keep up the GREAT work and may the Lord bless you in all that you do.


Name: Angel Heart
Website: Angels All Around Us
From: Virginia Beach, Va
Time: 2001-01-02 08:43:24
Comments: I have so enjoyed visiting your slumber part page and your meeting of net friends..have had that luck myself and made great long lasting now real life friends...I have visited you before I remembered your site the second I hit it..Thank you so much for visiting me and signing my GB..I want to take this time to wish you the Best New year ever with Gods love to protect and keep you safe always, AngelHeart


Name: Shirley Winters
Website: Shirley's Web World
From: Moses Lake, Washington USA
Time: 2001-01-02 08:06:34
Comments: Hi Tricia just checking our your home on the web and I really enjoyed my visit. Love horses too...Just love animals. I haven't had the time to really go through your pages but plan on doing this a little later..Just wanted to let you know that your award is on it's way...


Name: Terry
Website: Cited by R.S.V.P.
Time: 2001-01-02 04:25:30
Comments: Just wanted to tell you that I enjoyed your site, especially the "Horse" section!


Name: Leigh
Website: Leigh's Corner
From: Colorado
Time: 2001-01-02 12:01:13
Comments: Your site has moved me beyond words. Your beautiful family and your devotion to them; the reconciliation between you and your Sister; your battle with cancer; and your precious little nephew -- it's just all so ...... beautiful and sad at the same time. Thank you so very much for sharing your story with all of us. By doing so, I know you have touched the lives of more than you realize! God Bless You!


Name: Candace
Website: He Is The Light Of The World
From: North Carolina
Time: 2001-01-02 11:09:47
Comments: First I would like to say thanks for visiting my site and taking the time out to send me an e-mail. Your site is wonderful. Although I don't have Cancer myself, I have seen what a horrific disease it is in many ways. Awareness is so important. I would love to add more to my website about it, I am just not very knowledgeable in that area. If you have any ideas let me know . I am willing to do whatever it takes.
May God continue to place His Hands upon you and bless you.



Name: Heather Forrester
Website: Forrester Family Homepage
From: Loganville, GA
Time: 2001-01-02 10:01:28
Comments: Great page you have here. I really enjoyed my visit and reading about you and your family. Sounds like you have a lot of support with the battle of your cancer. God Bless You! Come and visit my site sometime!


Name: Wayne Hollier
Website: Look Through My Eyes
From: Crowley, Louisiana
Time: 2001-01-02 09:15:11
Comments: Found your site through the Positive Steps News Letter. I can see why they added you to their Circle of Winners ! You have a great site and I enjoyed my visit. Thanks for sharing.


Name: Deb
Website: John and Debbie's Place
From: Arizona
Time: 2001-01-02 08:15:45
Comments: You have a wonderful site here and very informative on all of your treatments! My prayers are definitely with you and with your faith and courage you will do just terrific! Please stay strong in your faith and hold onto every moment. May God richly bless you, Deb-n-John


Name: Claudette
Website: Petit's House
From: Maine
Time: 2001-01-02 06:11:25
Comments: Wonderful site! I have enjoyed being here and would like to give you my Tweet Site Award. Keep up the great work and Happy New Year!


Name: Wolfgang
Website: BallOOns Museum
From: Germany
Time: 2001-01-02 03:51:05
Comments: Hi Tricia, You´ve developed a very nice and interesting homepage. Regarding Your horsepages I have to say they are also very beautiful, but horses for me are dangerous in front and back and quite uncomfortable in the middle.
With regards


Name: Dama da Noite
Website: Fragments
From: Brazil
Time: 2001-01-01 09:35:16
Comments: I liked very much...good job!!!
Brazilian's hugs


Name: Judyful
Website: Pleasant Times
From: Northern N. J.
Time: 2001-01-01 09:09:31
Comments: I LOVED your very interesting and
extremely informative homepages. I
especially enjoyed the music you selected for your fantastic page on horses. I can see that a lot of time and a lot of love was put into your fantastic homepage. *CONGRATULATIONS*
You deserve my Bear Jester BEST Award
and details will follow in an e-mail.


Name: Cokera
Website: Cokeras Cool Stuff
From: Dallas, Texas
Time: 2001-01-01 06:41:53
Comments: Enjoyed your site.
Have a happy new year.I


Name: Susie
Website: Susie's Angels
From: Kentucky
Time: 2000-12-31 08:43:30
Comments: Tricia,thank you so much for visting and signing my guest book. I read your story, and you truly are incredible. God does still have plans for you!. I got such a good feeling when looking at your pictures.. You are truly a survivor!
We don't always understand the trials we have have to go through, but I do feel all will be ok... For the both of us!
God Bless you and you will remain in my heart and my prayers...With Gods Love, Susie


Name: Marlene
Website: Precious Pages
From: Ontario Canada
Time: 2000-12-31 08:06:05
Comments: I am so happy to meet you and your beautiful family. I loved all the pics of your family and your horses. Your story of cancer touched my heart, you are a fighter..... your family must be so proud of you and so happy that you are a fighter... what a blessing to have someone like you in their life.

Happy New Year wishes to you!!


Name: Susan Helene
Website: Old Souls Station
From: Yakima, Wa.
Time: 2000-12-31 11:23:55
Comments: What a lovely Website Tricia! I have added you to my favorites, and will be back many times. My daughter raises Sport Horses, so I am aware of the pleasure Equine are. Much love and prayers, Susan


Name: Angel A Bit O' Sunshine
Website: A Bit Of Sunshine
From: Ohio
Time: 2000-12-29 08:24:10
Comments: Hi Tricia! On behalf of the Elegant Angels, I would like to give you a loving Hug from all the Angels!


Name: Kathalise
Website: My Pages
From: N.C.
Time: 2000-12-29 09:35:32
Comments: My prayers and thoughts are with you. You are a very beautiful and brave woman, that I admire very much. My husband is in remission from sinus Cavity Cancer stage IV. He will be clean 4 years in May if his Jan. scan comes out clean. I know that the pain of chemo and radiaion all too well watching him go through it for 8 months. He took a clinical trial of 5 FU and Cisplatin. They tried Carboplaton but it didn't work for him. He was nearly bald when he was dx and actually grew hair. Only a man......right.
I am glad you have your family and Mike with you. You have a beautiful family, just beautiful.
God BLess


Name: Rhonda
Website: Mrs Smittys
From: Nova Scotia Canada
Time: 2000-12-29 10:50:13
Comments: Thanks for visiting my web home. I have just had a nice visit at your site. Nice work.


Name: Lynda
Website: Nyn's Recipe Corner
From: Great Meadows, N.J.
Time: 2000-12-29 07:36:01
Comments: I commend you on your courage to share with others your battle with cancer. I love riding horses. Such a free feeling. It's been years since I last rode.


Name: David John Brophy
From: Dublin, Ireland
Time: 2000-12-29 06:07:38
Comments: Loved reading about your wonderful family and moved by your courage and love of life. May God answer all your prayers. keep smiling.


Name: Annika
Website: The Black'n Tan Boys
From: Sweden
Time: 2000-12-28 09:38:42
Comments: Tricia, thank you so much for sharing your site!
I'm also a horselover (my sister has a quarter and a paint)
but nowadays my heart belongs to dogs and especially Cocker Spaniels.
I wish you all the best for 2001 and keep up the spirit!
Hugs from Annika, Gibson & Timmy


Name: Crystal
Website: Horses 24/7!!!
From: Texas
Time: 2000-12-28 10:58:31
Comments: Hi Tricia.
I really love your website and your will to live. I know that my comment may not mean much to you after all the heartfelt comments that others have made and that I am 'just another one in the crowd' but I just have to tell you that I really admire your strength and your persistance to hand it over to God. He's there for you and He'll always be there. Trust in Him and everything will be alright.


Name: Dee
Website: Al and Dee's Place
From: Wisconsin
Time: 2000-12-28 04:29:45
Comments: Hi Trisha:
Thank you for such a beautiful site. You are such a strong courageous woman in all you have gone through with the cancer. I am a breast cancer survivor. I found the lump a year ago and went through it all. Just the other day, during a routine mamogram, they found another lump. So back to the doctors and possibly going through everything once again. But like you, I am a fighter. Thank you for sharing your story with everyone.
God Bless


Name: Martha
Website: Mtnmoma's Scrapbook Pages
From: Virginia
Time: 2000-12-27 09:57:25
Comments: Thanks for visiting my site and taking time to sign my guestbook leaving this URL. You have a lovely encouraging site and I enjoyed my time spent here. I am so sorry that I accidently deleted your award application but am so thankful you signed my gb and I associated the name with your email. I don't know which award you were applying for but am sending you my best one as your site is very deserving. I will be sending by email but if you would rather take it from my site please feel free to take the one of your choosing. God bless of good courage for He loves you. ~hugs~ Martha


Name: Jennifer Redwine
Website: The Redwine's Homepage
From: Kentucky
Time: 2000-12-27 07:36:32
Comments: Wonderful site. I have enjoyed my visit alot. God is with you, and He will help you. You will be in my prayers. Please come by and visit me. I would love to talk to you.


Name: Sherry
Website: Pleasure Gait Farms
From: Missouri
Time: 2000-12-27 11:46:40
Comments: What a beautiful website!
You are a wonderful source of inspiration and determination to all who suffer with cancer.
You are in my heart, thoughts and prayers.
Best wishes always and God bless you and your family.


Name: Jaana Mäkipää
Website: Miliisin kennel
From: Finland
Time: 2000-12-26 10:29:34
Comments: Greetings from Finland!
I had a great time visiting your site. I will come back and visit again.
My best wishes to you and your family.

Jaana and Miliisin tibbies
Finish-horse Sandokan


Name: Christie
Website: Christie's Home Page
From: Williston, N.D.
Time: 2000-12-26 07:32:39
Comments: I am very impressed with your site, it really brought me to tears. You have a beautiful family. I hope that one day there will be a cure for cancer, and you will be free of pain. God Bless You


Name: Linda Cutlip
Website: Platinum Plus Arabians
From: Apopka, Florida
Time: 2000-12-26 01:15:36
Comments: I am impressed and inspired by your wonderful website. The love of horses helps us get through the worst of times. You make me proud to be a horse lover and also a girl that grew up in wonderful Nashville. I miss Nashville so much. Happiness always, and may your health continue to improve.


Name: Venus
Website: Venus Home On The Web!
From: Kentucky
Time: 2000-12-26 12:21:41
Comments: I've enjoyed my stay at your 'home' very much! You've got a truly beautiful site here with a wonderful family....May God Bless You!!!


Name: Peggy
Website: Just Thinking...
From: New Jersey
Time: 2000-12-23 05:34:56
Comments: Thank you for sharing your story. I was feeling quite blue today (it's Christmas time), feeling sorry for myself. After reading your story I just don't know what to say other than thank you. It seems you have lived a wonderfully exciting life, have people that love you and that you love. What more can we ask for? I pray that you continue to thrive and live to be a very old lady with love, family and friends. God Bless you Tricia.


Name: Wanda
Website: Wanda's Paintshop
From: Texas
Time: 2000-12-23 01:39:04
Comments: Tricia, your site is exceptional and I have been very blessed by my visit. You are a precious person and I thank you for getting touch. I will certainly return and will forward this site to others.

God bless you.


Name: Tristen
Website: Tristen's World
Time: 2000-12-23 09:49:55
Comments: Tricia, you have a beautiful site, and such a strong, loving personality. Your committment to your family and friends, and your courage with your battle with cancer brought tears to my eyes. You are truly a very special woman, and I wanted to thank you for giving me a glimpse into your life. Life is very precious and we all need to appreciate what we have.


Little Bit Of Trouble Wesbsite

"Little Bit Of Trouble"