Fitness & Diet Journal




Tuesday, May 3, 2005



Wednesday, Apr. 27, 2005
Weight: 147.5
I haven't been journalling or dieting in a really long time as my weight will attest to. I started weight watchers this week. They gave me a goal of 14.5 lbs to loose. That will put me at 133. Just one pound less than the weight I left off at in 1999. How awful! Still, I'm very motivated. I also like the weight watchers point system. We'll see how this goes.

Thursday, Jan. 13, 1999
Weight: 134
I haven't been journaling for a long while...Christmas, flu, company, etc., etc......  ,but now I am ready to get back to my regimen.  I am going to try adding a little running to my exercise program, at least on nights when I'm not doing something else.  I gained a little weight back, but I'm not going to worry about that and keep going.


Tuesday, Nov. 30, 1999
Weight: 131
I haven't been journaling the past 2 weeks.  I got really busy at work and with Thanksgiving.  .  I'm still being pretty good, but nothing is happening.
1 Sm. Slice pound cake
60 Leg Lifts

Tuesday, Nov. 16, 1999
Weight: 131
I went out to lunch with co-workers, but the restaurant had a nice grilled chicken sandwich, which I had without mayonnaise.  The scale seems a little stuck.

1 Pear
1 chicken sandwich

(2 slices bread & 4 oz. chicken)
1 c. honeydew melon

60 leg lifts
Walked 2 miles

Monday, Nov. 15, 1999
Weight: 132
I didn't keep track of what happened food-wise over the weekend.  Weekends are usually a blur for me.  They go by so fast.

2 White Castle hamburgers
1 c. honeydew melon

1 Apple
1 Egg w/mushrooms

60 leg lifts
Walked 2 miles

Sunday, Nov. 14, 1999
Weight: 133
60 leg lifts

Saturday, Nov. 13, 1999
Weight: 132
60 leg lifts
Went hiking 3 miles

Friday, Nov. 12, 1999
Weight: 131
131 for yet another day.  This is very good.

1 salad
1 slice pound cake

1/2 c. rice & beans

60 leg lifts
Walked 2 miles

Thursday, Nov. 11, 1999
Weight: 131
It looks like 131 today.... yea!  I had both lunch and dinner out today.  Still, I was pretty good.

1 slice pound cake
1 chili relleno

1 slice cherry pie (didn't eat much of pie shell)
1/2 hot dog

Exercise: 60 leg lifts

Wednesday, Nov. 10, 1999
Weight: 132
I finally made it to 132.  That was my first goal.  Unfortunately, the other part of my goal was to fit nicely into a pair of jeans that I bought but was never able to get into (at least comfortably).  So now my next goal is still to get into those jeans and to get to 130.  I'd like to get there by Thanksgiving.  Doable???  We'll see.
1 Sickle Pear
Tortilla chips w/cheese
chicken fajitas
60 leg lifts

Tuesday, Nov. 9, 1999
Weight: 133
I was a really bad girl last night.  I was so hungry.  I had planned to buy the kids some hamburgers so I wouldn't have to cook, but then I just couldn't resist having some myself.  So I had 1/2 of the triple cheeseburger.  Then I was still hungry so I had the soup.  I still wasn't full, but I stopped.

1 frozen waffle
2 graham crackers
1 salad for lunch

1 salad for dinner
1 bowl chicken noodle soup
2 rice cakes

Exercise: none

Monday, Nov. 8, 1999
Weight: 134
The weekend wasn't too bad.  Steven brought a bag of cheetos into the house.  I hope that I can withstand the temptation.

2 White Castle Hamburgers
1 Apple
1/2 triple cheeseburger

1 bowl chicken soup
1 frozen fruit pop 170 cal.
5 cheetos

60 leg lifts
Walked 2.5 miles

Sunday, Nov. 7, 1999
Weight: 134

Roast Chicken
Mashed Potatoes

60 leg lifts

Saturday, Nov. 6, 1999
Weight: 133

1 egg w/mushrooms
1 1/2 taco bell tacos

1 frozen fruit bar - 70 cal.

60 leg lifts

Friday, Nov. 5, 1999
Weight: 134

Vegetable Lasagna 220 cal.
1/2 c. cole slaw
1 Apple

3 c. Hot and Sour Soup

60 leg lifts
Walked 3 miles

Thursday, Nov. 4, 1999
Weight: 133
I weighed in today at 133 again.  I was pretty surprised that it stayed there.  I thought it would go up as that seems to be the way the chart was going.

1 Sm. Slice Pound Cake
1 Graham Cracker

2 rice cakes
1 bowl onion soup w/french bread

60 leg lifts
Walked 6 miles

Wednesday, Nov. 3, 1999
Weight: 133
I was shocked when I got on the scale this morning and it said 133.  Jeans are still too tight though.  Still, I'm happy.

1 Pear
1 Chili Relleno
1 Apple

1 Salad w/Chicken & Cheese
Approx. 7 pieces candy (needed sugar!)
1 Choc & Fruit Bar 170 cal.
1 very sm. slice pizza

60 leg lifts
Walked 2 miles

Tuesday, Nov. 3, 1999
Weight: 134
OK.  I think I'm back on track today.  Yesterday was pretty good.  I exercised and didn't eat too much.  I tried on my too-small jeans today and I really think that they're fitting better.

1 c. Tomato soup
1 pkg. Manicotti (290 cal)

1 Pear
1 Chili Relleno
1 Frozen fruit bar 70 cal.

60 Leg Lifts
Walked 3 miles

Monday, Nov. 1, 1999
Weight: 135
I always think that I'm going to be able to remember what I've eaten over the weekend, but then when Monday comes, it's a blur.  It's really hard on the weekend to go out, feed the kids and still be good.  Oh well, I'm doing the best that I can.  Now it's Monday, I'm back on track.

1 Apple
Sweet & sour chicken 340 cal.
1 rice cake

1 rice cake
Vegetables and Italian bread
1 Frozen fruit bar

60 Leg lifts
Walked 2 miles

Sunday, Oct. 31, 1999
Weight: 135
What a nutritious day, huh?

4" Roast beef sub sandwich
Arby's junior sandwich
1 Apple

1 Slice of pound cake
1 Mozarella stick
About 15 Pringles chips (1/3 less fat type)

60 Leg lifts
A lot of shopping (does that count as exercise?)

Saturday, Oct. 30, 1999
Weight: 135

1 Slice Sourdough bread

1 Frozen fruit bar
1 Slice Pound cake

60 Leg lifts

Friday, Oct. 29, 1999
Weight: 135
I was so hungry last night.  Even after I ate dinner I wanted more.  I had some candy and that seemed to help my cravings.

1 cupcake
1/2 gyro

3 Slices Sourdough bread
1 Frozen fruit bar

60 Leg lifts
Walked 2 miles

Thursday, Oct. 28, 1999
Weight: 135
The scale said 135 again today, so I guess it's official.  Now that I've dropped 2 lbs. I can't get cocky and think I can start to eat again.

1 frozen waffle
1 8oz. glass iced tea w/3 tsp. sugar
1 Apple

1/2 gyro
1 bowl of noodles
1 frozen fruit bar
5 gummy peaches (needed something sweet)

60 Leg Lifts
Walked 2 miles

Wednesday, Oct. 27, 1999
Weight: 135 - yea! it finally dropped
Got on the scale today and found it finally dropped a pound.  I know this is going to be slow.  I'm finding that the graph with the trend line is encouraging.  We're going dancing tonight to a place with a buffet.  Must be careful!  The buffet was awful so it wasn't too hard.

1 graham cracker
1 McDonald's Cheeseburger 320 cal.
1 Apple

1 plate chinese food
1 frozen fruit bar

60 Leg Lifts
Walked 2 miles

Tuesday, Oct. 26, 1999
Weight: 136 - 3 days at same weight
OK.  Three days at 136.  When will it budge?  I thought that I did pretty well yesterday.  I'm hoping that I'll have a big jump downward on the scales one day.  Maybe I'm retaining water and that's why nothing is happening.  I feel thinner.  Is it psychological?

V-8 35 cal.
Manicotti 290 cal.
1 apple

1 TacoBell taco
6 oz. 2% milk
1 graham cracker
1 frozen fruit bar

60 Leg Lifts
Walked 2 miles

Monday, Oct. 25, 1999
Weight: 136 - 2 days at same weight again
I'm not too good at journalling on weekends.  Too much else to do around the house.  I'm a little upset that the weight seems to go up and down.  We're talking about the same pound too.  I tried on the pants again today (first goal - part B).  They actually seemed like they fit a little better.  Could I be imagining it?  Or maybe I'm just stretching them by trying them on every day or so.
2 Rice Cakes 100 cal.
16 oz. Hot & Sour Soup
1 Apple
1 rather large slice pizza (bad girl)
no treat tonight
Exercise:  Walked 2.5 miles

Sunday, Oct. 24, 1999
Weight: 136 - Down again.  Will I ever hit 135, nevermind my first goal of 132?  I really feel like I'm being pretty good, yet nothing is happening except I'm really, really hungry.

rice and Chinese food
1 sm. pork chop
1 c. mashed potatoes
1 c. light popcorn

1 frozen fruit bar
5 jordan almonds (candy)
1/2 c. corn

Exercise:  Work around house.

Saturday, Oct. 23, 1999
Weight: 137 - A little disappointing

Chili & Rice

10-20 cheetos (the bag is finally gone)

Exercise:  none

Friday, Oct. 22, 1999
Weight: 136 - 2 days at same weight - this is good
I think that it's a good sign that I'm down to 136 for 2 days in a row.  I only have 4 lbs. now to get to my first goal.  I know that this is really happening soooo slowly, but the trend line in my graph has been steadily going down and that's encouraging.

1/2 Gyro Sandwich
1 Apple

1 frozen fruit bar
Eggs w/broccoli

60 leg lifts.
Walked 2 miles

Thursday, Oct. 21, 1999
Weight: 136 - that same lb. again.  My plan for today was to be careful.  I lost that same pound again today and I don't want to be too hopeful.

1 Graham Cracker
10 Sm. Pretzel Sticks
1 Apple
1/2 Gyro Sandwich

1 Salad
1 Open Hot Chicken Sandwich
1 frozen fruit bar
10 cheetos

60 Leg Lifts
Walked 1 mile

Wednesday, Oct. 20, 1999
Weight: 137 - fluctuating again
I thought that I did really well yesterday and so I was pretty discouraged when the pound came back on the scale.  Still, I'm expecting it to go up and down.  I did my exercising and I brought some fruit with me and hot and sour soup.  It held me through the day.  At night there was a buffet at the place where we dance.  It was Mexican food and I'm particularly fond of the chips with melted cheese.  I only had a little bit and no seconds.  I thought I did pretty well although I was still a little hungry by the time I got home.

1 Graham Cracker
10 Sm. Pretzel Sticks
1 Apple
1 c. Hot and Sour Soup

1 pear
Mexican Food-1 plate
1 frozen fruit bar
10 cheetos

60 leg lifts
Walked 2 miles
Went Dancing

Tuesday, Oct. 19, 1999
Weight: 136.  Great.  So it was just a fluctuation.

6 cheetos for breakfast - the breakfast of champions.
2 graham crackers
Gyro sandwich

1 pear
10 sm. pretzel sticks
Salad w/croutons and 2 tbl. dressing
Italian bread

60 leg lifts
1 hr. tennis

Monday, Oct. 18, 1999
Weight: 137.  Boo!  The lb. came back.  I think it's just a fluctuation though so I don't feel too bad.

5 sm. stick pretzels.
1 sm. (1/2 fist size) serving of lasagna
5 strawberries
1 pear
Chinese leftovers for dinner - 1 plate

10 cheetos - I'm not binging on them, but that open bag is sure a temptation 
1 banana fruit bar

60 leg lifts
Walked 1.5 miles

Sunday, Oct. 17, 1999
Weight: 136.  Yea!  I lost my first lb.

1 frozen waffle
3 strawberries
spinach salad w/2 tbl. dressing
6 oz. 2% milk

2 graham crackers
1 plate Chinese food (there will be more of this - lots of leftovers)
5 cheetos

60 leg lifts
no walking

Saturday, Oct. 16, 1999
Today was not too bad.
Weight: Did not weigh

1 white egg omlet with brocoli
1 graham cracker
6 oz 2% milk
1 apple
Spinach salad w/ 2 tbl dressing

1 skinless chicken breast
1 baked potatoe
string beans
10 cheetos
1 fruit ice pop

60 Leg Lifts
No Walking

Friday, Oct. 15, 1999
Today was not a good day.  We had a pot luck for lunch at work.  The theme was "Italian".  The best I can say is that I ate reasonably and didn't stuff myself.  Still, I ate more than I would have liked to.
Weight: 137

1 cinnamon roll

2 mini cheesecakes
1 slice fruit torte
1 slice Italian bread
10 cheetos

60 leg lifts
no walking

Thursday, Oct. 14, 1999
I wrote that my end goal was to get down to 120 lbs.  That's still goes.  However, I would like to add my first mini-goals here.  I would like to drop 5 lbs. which would bring me to 132 lbs., and fit into a pair of jeans that I have out sitting on my table.  I can right now get into these jeans, but not without fear of breaking the clasp (very tight).  At 132 I am hoping to wear these jeans and breath at the same time.  Now I need to set a time frame for this goal....  Would 4 weeks be too ambitious?  Probably, but I am going to shoot for it.  So my goal is to lose 5 lbs. by Nov. 11th.
Weight: 137
6 sm. pretzle sticks
1/4 cantaloupe
1 Taco Bell bean burrito (370 cals.)
60 leg lifts
Walked 2.5 miles

Wednesday, Oct. 13, 1999
Weight: 137

3 rice cakes (50 cal. ea.)
1/2 sm. cinnamon roll
10 sm. pretzel sticks
roast beef sandwich on 3" roll

1 pear
1 apple
1 plate Chinese Food
1 frozen fruit bar - this was really delicious! (170 cal.)

60 leg lifts
Walked 2 miles
Went dancing

Tuesday, Oct. 12, 1999 - Walked 2 miles.  I'm going to start listing what I eat.  I usually just try to watch what I eat, but I am probably eating more that I think.  So here goes...

1 ham sandwich w/3 thin slices ham and 1 tbl. mayo
1 apple
1 pear

20 sm. stick pretzles
Beef w/mushrooms on bread
Salad w/Italian dressing
1 fudge pop (abt. 160 cals.)

Oct. 11, 1999 - It's been awhile.  I've been busy.  I went to the PBS developer's conference in Miami for a week.  I tried to go swimming every night after the sessions were over.  Then last weekend went to LA for my cousin's 50th birthday.  I've been pretty good though.  I haven't been over-eating and I've been exercising pretty regularly.  I've been encouraging my co-workers to walk with me.  We go to the basketball stadium at the university where I work.  You can walk around the upper level and each lap is 1/4 mile.  We've been doing about 2 miles a day.

Sept. 9, 1999- Steven's birthday.  A lot of hubbub in news for the date 9-9-99.  Matt came over to print out his homework project.  We spent the night trying to get the printer to work.  It took up the entire night so I did not get any exercising in.  At least I walked at work.

Sept. 8, 1999 - Went dancing at Cactus Moon.

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You can send email to me at eehrlich@U.Arizona.EDU

This page last updated on Jun. 8, 2001.