

Hello! Welcome to Pamela's Place.  Take off your shoes, relax your feet and enjoy yourself as I take you on my personal journey.  This is not just a weight loss journey - but instead is a mission to find that inner peace that comes with self-discovery.  In order to accomplish this goal, I know that I need to change the way I do certain things as well as the way I think.  In order to get closer to where I want to be, I am taking one step at a time. 

I am 25 years old, 5'1" and weigh 185lbs.  I live and work in New York City.  There are a few things in my life that need changing.  Right now, my main focus is to get a new job and loose this weight.  I have a vision of myself and I like what I see.  I see a confident woman full of energy and full of life.  I want to be this woman and I know that I have what it takes to accomplish this goal.

The Beginning
  I've been overweight since I can remember. I was a slim pre-teen but by the time I reached 13yrs. old, I was chunky.  In high school working at a fast food restaurant was how I ballooned to 195lbs.  For someone who is only 5'1, that's FAT!  Being an overweight
teen seemed like the worst thing in the world - but not worst enough to do something about it.  The summer after my senior year, I quit the fast food gig and got an office job.  I started eating better and working out 3 times a week at the gym.  I did manage to loose about 15lbs. that summer.   Then came college!

With a crazy schedule and all the late night binging and drinking, I managed to gain some of my weight back.  Though I didn't know it at the time, my college years were like an emotional rollercoaster although I thought I was "having fun.". My father passed away during my 3rd year and I was in a horrible relationship - both left me devasted and emotionally drained. When I was happy I ate, when I was sad and depressed, I managed to loose weight.  I usually hovered around 165-170bls. during those years. I tried all types of diets - The Cabbage Soup Diet, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig,  Atkins, etc., etc., etc.  Nothing worked because I was never patient enough to stick to it.

The Middle
Since I graduate college in September 1998, I've started getting my life together.  I moved out on my own and started taking better care of myself.  I've started dealing with all the pent up frustrations and emotions I've been avoiding. I finally realized that the horrible relationships I've been in and the horrible habits I've had were all distractions from dealing with pain. Now that I have dug deep within and started taking a look at myself, I realized that I have what it takes to be happy.  Many people think that being happy is easy, but it is not.  Sometimes when you're used to pain, you don't know that you have a choice.  You just feel helpless and out of control. But everyone can choose to be happy - no matter what situation you're in.

The Present
I am at the point of my life where I want to be that healthy person I've always dreamt of being.  I want a healthy body, a healthy mind and a healthy spirit.   To be truly healthy, I know I need to encompass all of these three things into my life - which I am doing.  I've created this page to track my progress.  As long as I can help one person on their journey,and find my true self along the way, my hard work has not been done in vain.

As I embark upon my fitness journey, I pray that God will give me the strength and patience to accomplish this goal.  I know that it is possible because I can see it - and seeing it is the first step. 

The Future
My goal is to find a new job by October 1, 2000 and to loose 55-60lbs which would put me between 125-130lbs.  I want to give myself the gift of happiness and health for my 26th Birthday - which is July 30th, 2001.  With eating right, exercising, and support from others like you, I know I can do it!  Come see me change right before your eyes.

Enjoy this journey with me.
