Congratulations are in store for Beth and Brian Kargauer on the birth of their first child. Sarah Rose Kargauer was born August 16, 2003 @ 6:40 a.m. weighing 7lbs and 19 1/2 inches long. The proud gradparents are Jim and Mary Anne Hall. Next time you see them, I am sure they will have a big smile on their face.

05-11-02 Richard Taylor, our webmaster for the Festival Runners will be out of running commission for some time due to his injury. He has a fractured Fibula and Tibia bone in the right leg.

05-11-02 Reagan, the girlfriend of Jim Powell's son James, has broken both ankles.

05-11-02 Just wanted to let you know that one of the Festival Runners has got a new job and has left us. THat is Jim Powell. We will miss him. I am sure he will be back from time to time to run with us.

Beth Hall and Brian Kargauer were married on May 6th, 2000. Beth is the daugher of Jim and Mary Anne Hall of Memphis. Brian is the son of Elliot and Arlene Kargauer of Florida. Congratulations! Brian and Beth.

Congratulations are in store for Mary and John Hall on the birth of their first child. Michael Patrick Hall was born May 1, 2000 at 2:20 P.M. weighing 9lbs 7oz and 22 inches long. The proud gradparents are Jim and Mary Anne Hall. Next time you see them, I am sure they will have a big smile on their face.

Congratulations are in store for Nicholas Meyer, Chris Meyer and Jim Powell for completing the First Tennessee Memphis Marathon. Way to go guys. We are proud of you.

Two of the Festival Runners are planning on making that Marathon Milestone a reality in the First Tennessee Memphis Marathon on Sunday, December 5, 1999. The two members that I am talking about are our very own Nicholas Meyer and Jim Powell. We wish you the best of luck in achieving the milestone that you are about to make. Good luck. Richard will be cheering for you at the 16 mile mark and Jim and Mary Anne Hall will be waiting at the finish line.

The 1999 annual Festival Runner's Christmas Dinner/Celebration will be held on Sunday December 19th, 1999 at 6:00 P.M. at the Coletta's on Appling Road in Bartlett. Hope to see all the Festival Runners there at the party.

It was great to have John and Mary Hall (Jim and Mary Anne's Son and Daughter-in-law) come out to cheer the Festival Runners on in the Hope House 5K. John and Mary are from St. Louis, Missouri and came to be with Jim and Mary Anne for Thanksgiving! They are expecting their first child in May.

The Festival Runners wish the best of luck to BILLY BOND, one of our own runners as he makes his journey to New York City to run in the New York Marathon on Sunday, November 7, 1999. Billy go and do you best. We hope to see you on TV. Good luck. Have a save trip and enjoy the Marathon.

Peachtree Update! from Atlanta The race got off to an official start at 7:30 A.M. Unfortunately, I was in Time group 9 that did not get to the start line unitl about 8:00 A.M. As I waited for the my group to start, I met many nice people. The conditions at the Peachtree was hot and humid. The water stops all along the race course was well utlizied. There was a lot of spectators cheering us on as we ran. I attacked and survived Heartbreak Hill. I did have a good time in the race. My time was 1:12:45 and I got that coveted T-shirts that is so important to get from the race. By the way, this was the 30th Peachtree.

Congratulations! go out to Jim & Mary Anne Hall on the birth of their first granddaughter. Olivia Elizabeth Hall was born at 11:21 PM on June 24, 1999 and weighed 5 lbs, 13 ounces, 19 inches. The proud parents are Stephen and Ann Marie Hall.
