

In honor of the lives lost, wounded,
and families of Littleton Colorado
April 20, 1999

A Senseless Tragedy of the Innocent


To the Families, Students, Teachers, Friends,
of the innocent lives that were lost to such a senseless tragedy...
My heart cries with you..
May God comfort you and wrap you with wings of Angels,
during this time of Grief. 
We do not know the horrific pain that you are suffering,
but we want to help to releive
some of the pain that you are feeling,
lean on God and your friends, family,
neighbors, and country for your strength to get thru this..
You will never forget, but you can get past this..  
The traumatic events that took place during those hours,
that you must have thought you were in a war zone and
not knowing if you would come out alive are life changing..
  You have shown us  tremendous strength..

May God be with you Always!!

Sonja''s Angels of Hope and the Angelic Network



Cassie Bernall, 17, junior
Steven Curnow, 14

Corey DePooter, 17

Kelly Fleming, 16
Matthew Kechter, 16, junior
Daniel Mauser, 15, sophomore 
Daniel Rohrbough,17, senior
Rachel Scott, 17
Isaiah Shoels, 18, senior
John Tomlin, 16, sophomore

Lauren Townsend, 18, senior

Kyle Velasquez
William "Dave" Sanders, 47

Dylan Klebold, 17, senior
Eric Harris, 18, senior


School shootings in the last 18 months

May 21, 1998 - Springfield, Ore. - A 15-year-old student shot and
killed two students and wounded 22 when he opened fire at the
Thurston High School.

May 19, 1998 - Fayetteville, Tenn. - A senior at Lincoln County
High School, aged 18, shot and killed 18-year-old senior Robert Creson.

April 25, 1998 - Edinboro, Pa. - A 14-year-old student at Parker
Middle School shot and killed teacher John Gillette. Two 14-year-old boys were wounded.

March 24, 1998 - Jonesboro, Ark. - Two boys, aged 11 and 13, shot and killed a teacher and four girls
at Westside Middle School Nine girls and one other teacher were wounded.

Dec. 1, 1997 - Paducah, Ky. - A 14-year-old boy shot and killed
three girls at Heath High School. Five others were wounded.

Oct. 1, 1997 - Pearl, Miss. - A 16-year-old student shot and killed his ex-girlfriend and another girl at Pearl High School after
slitting his mother's throat. Seven other students were wounded.

And now added to this Tragic list

April 20, 1999 - Littleton, Colorado -  Two boys, 17 and 18,
shot and killed a teacher and 12 students, wounding 25 others before killing themselves.

Columbine High School, our hearts and prayers are with you,
our tears run with yours.. May God be with you to help and
heal you from all this pain and senseless trauma..

Please, We must do something now, these children are our

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Father God,
Our children are dying at the hands
of other children.. Our country is
in crisis.  Our children are
our future and we need to let them know
that we love them, that we are going to
be there for them, and we are
going to respect them. 
We are their teachers,
You Lord only loaned them
to us for a short time,
and in that time we need to make sure that we
raise them to the best of our ability,
with all the love and compassion
that you have shown us Lord. 
The compassion and the Love
that once bonded families
together doesn't seem to be there. 
What is it that we did wrong?  where did we
turn the corner on raising responsible
healthy members of society, to raising
monsters that carry guns and kill the innocent?
Teach us again Lord that Love and compassion
are important to raise a healthy
nation..  Teach us Lord that our
Children and our families should come first
in priority, after you Lord..
Teach us that Families should come before jobs,
and social events and trips and everything
else that we tend to allow to take us
away from our families.. 
We spend more time cheering on our favorite sports
team than we do cheering on our childern,
we need to let them know that they
are important and that they
are loved and respected..
We shouldn't anger
our children but love them and teach them discipline..
They are crying out Lord
for us to do just that..
They are trying to get our attention in any manner that
they are able, be it positive or negative
and it seems that the negative attention
is winning, because the childern are in pain..
Your word and your laws must be followed..
Help us to reach out for you,
and Ask you into our hearts..
Help us to protect the innocent..
Your will be done..
In Jesus name I pray, Amen




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