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Midnight Lady - 01/28/00 12:22:38
My URL:http://home.seol.net.au/shentall/midindex.html
My Email:saturn@seol.net.au

Hello Marilyn Thank you for signing my guest book ..you have a lovely site...beautiful applets and poems..Take care Midnight lady :o)

Gustav Stenmark - 01/25/00 23:36:57
My URL:http://w1.243.telia.com/~u24302222

Hey, cool page, thanks for taking the time to visit mine, and the nice comments !!! Love & God Bless !! Gustav
Rosemary Mc Lean - 01/25/00 22:42:13
My Email:pedro@tbaytel.net

I must say that I have enjoyed my visit here so much I have fallen in love with the beautiful applets you have here and the poems.I know you have a lot of hard work here and the outcome is the tops.Return I shall for this is a site worth seeing over again in my books.I have come here from my best friends home page at Rachel's Reflections and am so glad to have done so.I leave here with a very good feeling in my heart after this visit.Rosemary

Rosemary Mc Lean - 01/25/00 22:32:57
My URL:http://members.spree.com/family/semar
My Email:pedro@tbaytel.net

I have spent a splended time going through your site I love all the applets and the poetry here.Also you have such beautiful flowers.It warms my heart to see a site as nice as this I shall return.I came to visit you through my best friend's site Rachel's eflections.God Bless and keep up the great work.Rosemary

Terry - 01/25/00 16:37:36
My URL:http://www.mindspring.com/~tlcard/index.html

I saw your lovely site listed in the Positive Steps newsletter. I'm on my lunch break and have run out of time. I'll be back to see your Spring pages!

Teman - 01/25/00 03:18:15
My URL:http://www.elite.net/~tjohnson
My Email:tjohnson@elite.net

Hi, Marilyn. I got your web page address from John's Positive Steps Newsletter, and I have enjoyed my visit here. I love gardens, and you have some beautiful plants. Living in Central California, we don't s e the snow like you show in your front yard after a hard snow, so it is interesting to see it. If we want to see snow we have to head for the mountains.

Please visit my homepage and sign my Guest Book

ronnie - 01/24/00 14:29:09
My URL:http://members.aol.com/regiebear/index.html
My Email:regiebear@aol.com

marilyn.....loved your web page.......Ronnie

Paul T. Ayers ( Fuzzy ) - 01/24/00 13:33:30
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/Showbiz_3/theatre.html
My Email:Fuz2@bellsouth.net

A very beautiful Home Page, just filled with delightful winter photos. I have enjoyed my visit, and shall return. p>

Debi - 01/22/00 20:31:45
My Email:Dchow90529@aol.com

You do such wonderful work. You have a peaceful spirit, and I love you. Keep it up. You restore faith in mankind.

Rachel Mayer - 01/21/00 22:37:49
My URL:http://www.baynet.net/~wagon/index.htm
My Email:wagon@baynet.net

Thank you so much for the opportunity to visit your beautiful site. I did begin my visit yesterday but was called away so I had to return today to finish reading about your dinner guests. I totally enjoyed my stay and your african violets are beautiful! have always seen the beauty in snowy winter scenes but on days like today am glad for the warmth of my cozy little house. Thanks again for the wonderful visit. Rachel

Allan - 01/21/00 13:36:55
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/allansseascapes
My Email:allanwsr@aol.com

Marilyn - beautiful picture of snow in your front yard, although I confess I'd rather see it there than in my front yard. Glad I visited again!

Dorothy Goodness - 01/20/00 01:14:19
My Email:dalmost@hotmail.com


TONY - 01/19/00 13:23:44
My Email:TFiorentin@AOL.com

Marilyn the scenes and pictures are beautiful. Reminding me of my younger days living in New Jersey. Living in Georgia I miss them winter scenes. Whenever I feel left out I can always bring your beautiful winter scenes into view and remind me of the hap y days I spent in the snow of winter that I miss, now living in Georgia. Thanks for the beautiful web page. You are very talented.

john - 01/18/00 09:43:40
My URL:http://positivesteps.homestead.com
My Email:john@positivesteps.zzn.com

Marilyn, You have created a wonderful site. I have really enjoyed my visit with you. The winter graphic is terrific. You are very talented and creative. Well done.

Laura Lee - 01/14/00 07:09:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/8973/index.html
My Email:Bella1830@aol.com

Marilyn, I adore your "Winter at Marilyns Place" it is simply wonderful. I, too love the winter and the snow, it looks so fresh and clean. I can just imagine the how crisp air must be, just by looking at the photos. As always your site is very professiona ly put together with great care and taste. The Rose looks beautiful too.

Charlie - 01/14/00 04:41:01
My Email:CH19276683@aol.com

You are a beautiful person to share this collection. Thanks for making people happy.-----Charlie

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