Elephant Editions

Anarchist Pocketbooks


Guerilla Extraordinary

Antonio Tellez

ISBN 1 870 133 00 5


This book tells of the life, the action and the death of anarchist guerliia Francisco Sabate in the struggle against Franco’s dictatorship until he was killed in 1960. It shows the many ways it is possible to strike the enemy, no matter what form, rendering it of great validity still today.

Strange Victories

The anti-nuclear movement in the US and Europe

Midnight Notes

ISBN 1 870 133 01 3


An interesting analysis of the anti-nuclear movement, it looks at its composition, class analysis (lack of it), the problem of violence, opening a much-needed debate on struggle and organisation against the nuclear project seen within that of capital as a whole.

The Angry Brigade

Documents and Chronology

ISBN 1 870 133 02 1



Shows some extent of the armed struggle carried out in Britain in the late sixties and early seventies, reproposing the validity of the armed attack against capital in all its forms.

The Conquest of Bread

Peter Kropotkin

Introduction by Alfredo M. Bonanno

ISBN 1 870 133 13 X


One of the fundamental classics of anarchism, its present day validity lies in Kropotkin’s vision of the revolutionary project as a totality, something that would be impossible if it were not already in course. Within this totality the movement finds its orientation, becomes process and project in the immense task of the class struggle between exploiter and exploited. All that would be impossible if the the final dream were not really starting here and now.


Anarchism and Violence

Severino di Giovanni

Bernard Thomas


Through the figure of Severino Di Giovanni and his activities in Argentina in the ‘20s a problem which has divided the anarchist movement from its beginning is highlighted¾ that of revolutionary action against the State. The narrative form and documented accounts supply the reader with both a knowledge of this anarchist and the little known period in which he lived and carried on his struggle.




The Great French Revolution

Peter Kropotkin

Introduction by Alfredo M. Bonanno


A fundamental interpretation that provides us with a number of observations of great relevance, as Kropotkin ties his interpretation of the course of the Revolution to the continuous stream of popular action, which he sees as beginning long before the Revolution itself.

In the second volume he concentrates on the clash between the Jacobins and their opponents¾ the Enragés and Anarchists. It is in this clash between authoritarians and antiauthoritarians that Kropotkin draws out the origins of Marxism and Leninism within the Jacobins.





From Riot to Insurrection

Alfredo M. Bonanno

Just as industrial conditions made the syndicalist struggle reasonable, in a post-industrial perspective the only possible strategy for anarchists is the informal one. Groups of anarchists who come together with precise objectives based on intermediate aims, who are at the same time building the minimal conditions for transforming situations of simple riot into those of insurrection.




Anarchist Booklets

Armed Joy

Alfredo M. Bonanno

The Anarchist Tension

Alfredo M. Bonanno

The Poverty of Feminism

Dominique Karamazov





Titles in preparation:

At Daggers Drawn


One part of this society has every interest in continuing to rule, the other in it all collapsing as soon as possible. Deciding which side one is on is the first step. But resignation, the basis of agreement between the parts (improvers of the existent and its false critics) is everywhere, even in our own lives¾ the authentic place of the social war¾ in our desires and resoluteness, just as in our little daily submissions.

With all this it is necessary to draw daggers, to finally draw daggers with life.

Albania, Laboratory of Subversion


Just two years ago in Albania a sudden explosion of popular rage demonstrated yet again that the State only exists as long as the complicity of the dominated allows it to. Written when the insurrection in Albania was at its peak, this account is not just an historical document but inspires us to reflect upon our own limitations in the light of such events and seek to go beyond chatter and idle talk.

Behind the Balaclavas in South Mexico Charles Reeve

…the necessary criticism¾ which no one has ever made¾ of the EZLN and mercantile indigenism, the basic common sense to be said on the subject, if you like.MP


The Insurrectional Project

Alfredo M. Bonanno

What we know about capitalist restructuring at world level today, tells us that there is no other way open to anarchists than that of immediate, destructive intervention. That is why we are insurrectionalists, why we are against ideology and chatter. That is why we are against any ideology of anarchism, and all chatter about anarchism. The time for small talk is over.AMB

Work in Progress

Let’s Destroy Work

Alfredo M. Bonanno



Alfredo M. Bonanno

Of course a "social" problem of poverty and exploitation exists. But there is also a social problem of submission, respectability, piety, acceptance, sacrifice. If the exploited is really a rebel he will certainly not begin by resolving the social problem of "all" the exploited, but will at least try to solve his own without dwelling on the wickedness of capitalism.AMB



Feral Revolution

Feral Faun

How many of us are prepared to face ideas? I don’t know. Anyone who does not want to put their certainties at risk will get reconfirmation from this book, although in another guise. They will confirm what they were already convinced of, and ruin its author’s work. Or, at least, what his intention seems to me to be, his remote aim, almost hidden between the lines. In other words, they will ruin the solicitation to look at reality in a different way.AMB.

The Revolution in the Ukraine

Nestor Makhno

My account is wholly consistent with the historical facts whether these relate to the Russian revolution generally or to our role in particular. They will be open to challenge only by those ‘historians’ who played no effective part in the events described in these memoirs and who, though having remained aloof from the revolution have nonetheless not successfully passed themselves off, by the written or spoken word, as people with a thoroughgoing familiarity with all of the minutiae of the great revolution in the estimation of foreign revolutionaries.NM


(Life, not History)

Jean Weir


Jacob (Alexandre Marius, alias Escande, alias Attila, alias Georges, alias Bonnet, alias Féran, alias Georges, alias the Burglar)

Bernard Thomas

As I see things, I am not a robber. In creating man, Nature gave him the right to live and man has the duty to exercise that right in full. So if society fails to provide him with the wherewithal to survive, the human being is entitled to seize what he needs from wherever there is plenty.AMJ.


Bratach Dubh Anarchist Pamphlets

Anarchism and the National Liberation Struggle

Alfredo M. Bonanno


Anarchists refuse to participate in national liberation fronts, they participate in class fronts which may or may not be involved in national liberation struggles.

Workers’ autonomy

Alfredo M. Bonanno


The reformist parties, trades unions and employers have coalesced to obstruct any growth in the level of the struggle, or any conquests that could lead to a revolutionary transformation. The proletariat have only one alternative: to build communism directly, passing over the counter-revolutionary bureaucratic structures. In this perspective we must provide analyses of and realise in practice, autonomous workers’ nuclei.

Armed Struggle in Italy 1976-78

A chronology


In these years the antagonist movement in Italy shed all its taboos concerning destruction, violence and the use of arms against the class enemy. It became normal to respond to the humiliation and tyranny of capital with the arms considered most effective, and the violence of the bosses, police and fascists found and immediate response both in the streets and in specific retaliatory actions.








The Struggle Against Fascism Begins with the Struggle Against Bolchevism

Otto Ruhle


As the tragic history of both fascism and bolshevism complete their course, culminating in the modern democratic State, Ruhle’s article becomes more readily comprehensible….In understanding the fascist nature of State forms such as the so-called communist ones, we realise that the only solution is the immediate and definitive destruction of power in whatever form.


Fra Contadini

Errico Malatesta


With Fra Contadini, a dialogue between two peasants in the north of Italy at the end of the last century, Malatesta’s intent was to supply the anarchist movement with an agile instrument of propaganda. Taken as a whole it is still functional to the most backward strata


Contributions to the Revolutionary Struggle



For an Anti-authoritarian Insurrectionalist International

Proposal for a debate



Armed Joy

The Anarchist Tension

The Poverty of Feminism


Work in Progress series:

Propulsive Utopia

A Critique of Syndicalist Methods

Revolutionary Solidarity


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Elephant Editions are published by anarchists as a contribution to the cauldron of revolutionary ideas and methods to be discussed, considered, experimented, and put into practice without delay…

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*One copy of each of the titles already in print, plus a copy of Insurrection nos. 0 – 6, and five new pamphlets as they come out, can be had for fifty pounds, including postage.



*Anarchists wishing to contribute money to the revival of this editorial project can do so via the above address.


All correspondence and orders Elephant Editions, B.M. Elephant, London WC1N 3XX.

Cheques payable to Jean Weir.