     Self-Help Network

  Vancouver TTM Peer Support Group
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  About the TTM Self-Help Network

We are a grassroots self-help network whose purpose is to provide peer support for adults in the Greater Vancouver area suffering from trichotillomania (TTM), also known as compulsive hair-pulling.

Our members include people with diverse backgrounds, ages, education, and interests.

Monthly meetings in Vancouver, BC give members an opportunity to come together in a safe and relaxed environment on an equal and voluntary basis. We explore common issues, share experiences, understand past failures, encourage future success, and most of all, accept and support one another.

If you have ever felt alone in your struggle with trichotillomania, please consider joining us.


What is Trichotillomania?

Trichotillomania is the compulsion to pull out one's hair resulting in noticeable hair loss. Those with TTM may pull from the scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows, beard, pubic area, or other areas of the body.

Tension is often experienced just before pulling or when attempts are made to resist pulling. A sense of pleasure, gratification, or relief occurs when pulling out the hair.

It is not uncommon to examine and play with the root of the pulled hair. Other rituals may include biting the roots or even eating the hair (trichophagy).

In individuals with TTM, the disorder interferes with many areas of their lives such as their work or relationships.

Many people who compulsively pull out their own hair go to great lengths to hide the resulting bald spots, sometimes living in isolation due to the shame and embarrassment that they feel.

Behavioural therapy and medications are the most common treatments for TTM. Individual therapy and group support can also aid in overcoming this disorder.

More information can be found at the web sites listed on our links page, or by contacting the Trichotillomania Learning Center (TLC). Our group is not affiliated with TLC.


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visitors since August 5, 1999 

This page was last updated January 25, 2002.
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