Welcome to my Guestbook!

Jim - 09/24/00 15:17:35
My URL:http://www.supervirtualmall.com

Nice Site-very informative! Dont forget to visit my site and peak around.

Harlan - 09/13/00 03:26:28
My Email:harlantks@home.com
Location: not far
Hobbies: Instrument Making

Judy: This is a very nice website. I enjoyed visiting and finding many of the links you have here. Thank you Harlan (T)

Amber Star - 09/01/00 22:56:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/8338
My Email:amber_star_98@yahoo.com
Location: TX, USA
Hobbies: gardening

Thank you so much for dropping by my site today and leaving such a kind message. I totally enjoyed my visit to your home, and it is very spirtual.

T-Rock - 08/31/00 00:37:17
My URL:Sorry none
My Email:jesus_saves_1@yahoo.com
Location: Fremont, CA
Hobbies: Cycling, running (basically any outdoor sport)

I thought you had a really neat website and thought I'd let you know. God bless

stranger - 08/18/00 09:58:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/stranger_a_2000/index.html
My Email:vdmispel@hotmail.com
Location: Netherlands
Hobbies: a lot

Thank you for your visit. Your site is very beautifull,and I enjoyd it so much. Untill the next visit With love and blessing, Cor.

Heather - 08/11/00 03:25:54
My URL:http://www.dork.com/veggiegirl

Nice site.

d.m.moore - 08/01/00 13:26:33
My URL:http://www.dmmoorescartoongallery.com
My Email:comtutdmm@mailcity.com
Location: florida
Hobbies: drawing cartoons

thanks for visiting CITYC and making me feel at home at kindred spirits....be well...EVOLVE OR REVOLVE...dmm

Swt MeloDe - 07/28/00 21:14:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/swtmelode
My Email:SwtMeloDe@aol.com
Location: NY
Hobbies: Riding my Horses

Hi Judy :) You've made some wonderful changes here since my last visit. Once again I enjoyed reading your pages. Very infomative. Keep up the great work!

alknight23 - 07/21/00 21:55:36
My Email:al_knight23@hotmail.com
Location: WA
Hobbies: Sports, outdoor life, reading, music.,travel, pets

This is a great webpage! I was just browsing thro geocity, wondering if I should get a personal webpage here, and I found myself rooted to your webpage for minutes! Great job! :} Al

AngelEnlighten - 07/21/00 06:56:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/angelenlighten
My Email:AngelEnlighten@yahoo.com
Location: Dallas, TX
Hobbies: God, Family, Spirituality, Angels

You have an absolutely beautiful website! Thank you for signing my guest book and sending me your link. I love it! Love & Enlightenment....AngelEnlighten

Mama3chick - 07/20/00 17:46:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/River/5125
My Email:Mama3chick@aol.com
Hobbies: crotcheting, being with my kids, building webpages

You have a lovely home here and I have enjoyed my visit.

Anna - 07/14/00 20:08:29
My URL:http://e-webcreations.com/angels/
My Email:mara114828@aol.com
Location: NJ

Beautiful site, thank you for sharing, Anna src="http://www.e-webcreations.com/angels/annasangels.jpg" width="284"
height="167" border="0">

Arcy - 07/10/00 04:15:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/ruth302/index.html
My Email:higg@hutchtel.net
Location: Hutchinson MN RAOK
Hobbies: Visiting websites

Thank you signing my guest book. Also thanks for the gift. I'm not sure of myself doing that yet. Still new at this. You have a great site. I enjoyed it. Hugs and blessings. Ruth aka Arcy

Big Unicorn - 07/10/00 03:47:28
My URL:http://on.to/BigUnicorn
My Email:goundrytrans@idirect.com
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

http://on.to/BigUnicorn Hello...Nice to Meet you...It was a pleasure to veiw your site...I enjoyed my visit tremendously!...God Bless You...Big Unicorn

Random Acts of

Annelie - 07/07/00 20:53:01
My URL:http://Chymak.tripod.com/Welcome.html
My Email:chymak@chello.nl
Location: the Netherlands
Hobbies: Nature and my homepage

Hi Judy, as your neighbour I just wanted to say: "Welcome to the Core of Life is Love-ring". Enter the world of Spiritual Nature with Love

Agnes - 07/07/00 20:07:58
My URL:http://go.to/Agnes_Gedichten/
My Email:rijmelarij@mailcity.com
Location: the Netherlands
Hobbies: Poetry, Art, Reading, and many more things...

Hello Judy, i like your homepage very much, and i welcome you to the Core of Life is LOVE webring, nice to have you with us!!! Hope to see you soon on my homepage, you're welcome anytime! bye for now, Agnes vd Vegt.

Margret - 07/07/00 13:32:44
My URL:http://fortuna.n3.net
My Email:1winnie@hetnet.nl
Location: Netherlands

Hello Judy, My Englisch is not that good but I want you to know that I love your webpage very much en I like it that you also become a member of the Core of Live is Love Webring. With love. Margret

Linda aka Angel Dixie - 07/06/00 23:37:56
My URL:/franklinsalem
My Email:franklinsalem@mindspring.com
Location: SC, USA

Welcome to The Core of Life is Love Webring. Wonderful to have you with us and extend our best wishes!

Patrice - 07/05/00 20:23:48
My URL:http://www.patriciajonker.com
My Email:p.jonker@cable.a2000.nl
Location: netherlands
Hobbies: Mandala's, bellydancing, yoga, webbuilding

Hi, I would like to let you know that it's difficult to come to your homepage when you surf in on the page with webrings, i had to try something with the url. Maybe you would like to fix that? Allright, the rest of the page looks very nice!

Linda - 07/02/00 19:53:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/franklinsalem
My Email:franklinsalem@mindspring.com
Location: SC, USA

Do you have time to lend a listening ear to someone in need? If so, you are invited to join us! For more details please click to visit us at our website!

Donna - 07/02/00 04:42:03
My URL:http://www.crosswinds.net/~angelsonmyside/welcome/welcome.html
My Email:angelsonmysde@aol.com
Location: New Yorl
Hobbies: Web building

I thank you so much for visiting my site! You have so much information here, that I will have to come back. You have done a great job, and thank you for sharing your story, and your Mom's. She must have been a wonderful woman. ~*~ANGELS ON MY SIDE~*~FLEW THROUGH~*~ TO WISH YOU LUCK~*~IN ALL YOU DO~*~

Joyce - 07/02/00 03:06:56
My URL:http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/SpiritSt/micjoy
My Email:joymlcat@yahoo.com
Location: ca

A great site, very informative, and i loved the time i spent here. thanks for sharing.

Deelight - 07/01/00 13:21:23
My URL:http://www.gardenoffriendship.org
My Email:deelight@gardenoffriendship.org
Location: Canada

Beautiful site...enjoyed my visit!!!

Gene - 06/27/00 09:01:53
My URL:http://www.reliv-now.net
My Email:jg2r@hotmail.com
Location: MI
Hobbies: Surfing

You have a wonderful site, very well done. I enjoyed reading your page, and will be leaving with more knowledge than when I arrived. Keep up the great work. God Bless..<><...

linda ackerman - 06/27/00 03:01:18
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nh/amyboyer20
My Email:almfacv@aol.com
Location: w.v.

Just in case I have already sent this message, I do apologize..i would not be my intention to bother anyone/.If i am intruding on your space ..sorry..this message needs to get out..i am not sen ing unsolicited mail. I find the emails from signed guest books..to which i will return to enjoy. right now this is my mission..We need to get this out there, and I don't mean to send it twice..Sorry..We the family of Amy Lynn Boyer have dedicated two si es in her honor..we need to prevent any other family from the pain we now find ourselves having to face on a daily bases..please help us help you..your emails and signing the guest book keep us going...this does help us some..always adding info..www.amybo er.org also http://www.angelfire.com/nh/amyboyer20 Don't let this happen again..help us..anything you can do is better than nothing..add our link..add yours to us..help us..also visit www.amyboyer.org and leave a note to amy's mom, my si ter, Helen and her family..Thanks If you wish to be removed from my mailing list hit the reply button and send “Remove”, I will then remove you . thank you God bless you and yours Linda ( a grieving aunt )

Vicky - 06/19/00 15:37:26
My URL:http://Hem.passagen.se/vickypix/vickypix/VictoriasHomepage.htm
Location: Sweden
Hobbies: Painting and drawing

Very nice page!

Carolyn - 06/19/00 03:41:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/7055
My Email:LadyMarmalade42@hotmail.com
Location: Arkansas
Hobbies: Working on my page! :)

Hello! Thank you so much for visiting my page! I love your site! So many interesting things to see! Keep up the fantastic work and God Bless you. ~Carolyn

Lady Sunshine - 06/17/00 18:22:58
My URL:/msgtswife
My Email:msgtswife@hotmail.com
Location: FL

Thank you for signing my guestbook and for the wonderful birthday greetings! You helped make my day extra special! Thanks again!

wishmisstress - 06/17/00 13:57:10
My URL:/wishmisstress.geo
My Email:wishmisstress@webtv.net
Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Hobbies: Graphics, HTML had hoc.

Great help site here, you have invested a lot of your time. Thanks for the efforts.Visit when you get the chance.

wishmisstress - 06/17/00 13:55:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/wishmisstress.geo
My Email:wishmisstress@webtv.net
Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Hobbies: Graphics, HTML had hoc.

Great help site here, you have invested a lot of your time. Thanks for the efforts.Visit when you get the chance.

Mary - 06/15/00 16:20:44
My URL:http://web.tiscalinet.it/lefavoledinonnamary
My Email:lemary@tin.it
Location: Italy
Hobbies: garden

Very nice site you created. You did a great job! I enjoyed my visit.

Dee - 06/14/00 14:20:49
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~tuffyg

Want to thank you for the warm welcome.I have enjoyed your site.makes me want to get out there and walk.

yankee - 06/13/00 00:09:07
My URL:http://www.netbuddies.is-here.net
My Email:sorry@nowhere.com
Location: USA



I would like to invite you to visit us at Net Buddies. Where friends from all over the world can share and grow. We have pages for teen and younger buddies too. Our main cause is the fight agianst Child Pornography. Please help us protect our children.

These roses are a gift for your page (if ya wanna put em there).

Cablepeeker - 06/12/00 22:23:22
My URL:http://cablepeeker.debox.de
My Email:uweseins@01019freenet.de
Location: Germany/NRW
Hobbies: My Homepage

Hi Judy ! Your HP is very nice.I`ve found the link at my brother`s guestbook (Karsten`s Horka Homepage). Please visit my HP too and please sign my guestbook. with the best compliments Uwe (Cablepeeker)

Angel Smiles - 06/08/00 16:14:18
My URL:http://www.ridinshotgun.com
My Email:clangelsmiles@yahoo.com
Location: CA
Hobbies: crafts,reading,surfing

Angel Star, thank you for visiting me! Really like your site!

toh - 06/07/00 12:04:31
My URL:http://animalwatching.com
Location: singapore
Hobbies: web surfing

You have a great site !

Tiny Angel - 06/06/00 13:29:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Bluffs/9332
My Email:missya@jellico.com

Truely enjoyed my visit!! So glad you're a member of Divine Angels!!!!

JMDS - 06/06/00 05:21:51
My URL:http://members.spree.com/entertainment/jmdglobes/
My Email:jmdglobes@spreemail.com
Location: USA
Hobbies: computers

H3> Hello, Just wanted to take a minute to tell you how much we enjoyed our visit to your site. You have some useful information here. Very nice work! Happy Holidays to you!

Angel LadyX - 06/06/00 01:37:30
My URL:http://twarrington.tripod.com/index.html
My Email:t.warrington@ns.sympatico.ca
Location: Canada
Hobbies: NA

Great site you have here.Just wanted to welcome you to the Divine Angels.

Angel Scarlett - 06/05/00 00:46:17
My URL:http://PreciousScarlett.tripod.com
My Email:mandilyn@bellsouth.net
Location: Florida
Hobbies: Spoiling the Queen Cat of the house

Welcome to the Divine Angels. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. I wish you all the best. You have a nice site!

Angel Kath - 06/04/00 15:02:54
My URL:http://www9.50megs.com/lilones
My Email:kathslilones@aol.com


Hi Angel Girl :-)

Having a blast,
I'm visiting all the Angels
so I can get to know all better :-)
Thanks, Have a great day:-)

Angel Kath

Kaths Lil Ones

STAR - 06/03/00 06:57:23
My Email:lstarcevich@shastalink.k12.ca.us
Location: California

Hi Judy! I just wanted you to know that I looked through your web page. Thank you for sending it to us. It helps us to get to know you. I noticed that many people call you "STAR", it's funny since that is what people call me as well! Talk to you soon Your distant relative, Lauren Starcevich

Angel Snowflake - 06/02/00 05:28:21
My URL:http://www.michyland.com
My Email:Michele@Maine.Maine.EDU

Hello! Welcome to The Divine Angels! Its so nice to have you join us as a new member! I hope you have a delightful time! *hugs*

Angel Marsha - 06/02/00 00:27:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/mkincaid_2000/
My Email:mkincaid@co.davidson.nc.us
Location: N.C.
Hobbies: Birds


Welcome to The Divine Angels, I hope you are ready to make friends, I am so gald to meet you.

Angel Dixie - 06/01/00 18:43:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/franklinsalem
My Email:franklinsalem@mindspring.com
Location: SC, USA
Hobbies: computer

We are delighted to have you as a Divine Angel and extend our Best Wishes!

Angel Sunshine - 06/01/00 13:55:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/msgtswife
My Email:msgtswife@yahoo.com
Location: NC

Welcome to the Divine Angels! So nice to visit your wonderful home again! *G*

ACL Angel~T~ - 06/01/00 07:45:06
My URL:http://geocities.com/boopy2u
My Email:divineangels@egroups.com
Location: NM
Hobbies: Making Friends


~~Welcome to Divine Angels~~
I'm sure you will be very happy here!
~~ Angel Star ~~
~~~Angel hugs to you~~~
~~~ ACL Angel~T~ ~~~

Cathy A. - 06/01/00 04:32:59
My URL:http://welcome.to/CathysDreamRealm
My Email:Ladycat@excite.co.uk
Location: UK

Hello!I want to *Welcome* you to the Divine Angels!!..I really enjoyed my visit to your pages! Thank you for creating such a lovely site and sharing it.The best to you always.~Angel Lady Cathy

I enjoyed my visit!

CL Angel Eyes - 06/01/00 03:46:05
My URL:/ms_flirtn
My Email:clangeleyes@yahoo.com
Location: Michigan


Abbee - 05/31/00 10:41:58
My URL:http://www.simba.com.au/~tpine/myhome.htm
My Email:gypsiesdreams@yahoo.com
Location: Australia
Hobbies: Craft, reading.

Your page is great., Love the inspirational stories. Thankyou so much for your words for Melisa and Andrew.

Random Acts of Kindness

toh - 05/30/00 18:59:20
My URL:http://animalwatching.com
Location: singapore
Hobbies: web surfing

You have a great site !

Angel Marsha - 05/29/00 17:36:49
My URL:http://welcome.to/DivineAngels
My Email:divineangels@yahoo.com
Location: USA
Hobbies: Birds


You are cordially invited to join The Divine Angels in our Grand Opening. The Divine Angels is a new internet group devoted to women. A safe place where members can join together to discuss their problems, stories, and lives. A place to have laughs, meet new friends and make lasting memories. We have several wonderful committees for members to become involved in. And are looking for several staff members to become Committee Leaders. We do hope you will consider joining our group or our webring. Love and Laughs...The Divine Angels

Teresa - 05/28/00 18:07:51
My URL:http://redrival.com/tntgraphics
My Email:justmetee@REMOVETHISnetzero.net
Location: Michigan


Hi Star! Just Travlin' The First Ever RAOK Friendship Parade... So That I Can Say Hello To You!

SueCat - 05/28/00 17:42:26
My URL:http://www.sjcreations.com/parade.htm
My Email:sjc@sjcreations.com
Location: NYC

Just stopped in along the parade route to view your lovely webhome. I am having a great time!

Venusstern - 05/28/00 05:23:13
My URL:http://members.tripod.de./Venusstern/
My Email:Sternenkalb@myokay.net

Hey Judy your German is good Thanks for visit my Homepage I hope to see you later With best wishes from Venusstern

Shell - 05/28/00 05:11:16
My URL:http://www.theanimalspirit.com
Location: Kindred Spirits

I wanted to stop by and welcome you to Kindred Spirits. It's great to have you with us.

Sadie - 05/25/00 18:55:05
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/sadiesadie/index.html
My Email:Sadie45@webtv.net
Location: Akron, OH
Hobbies: Herb garden, reading

Welcome to Kindred Spirits! Your page is a wonderful resource for women! Glad to have you!

Angelwinks~ - 05/24/00 22:30:41
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/il/angelwinks/index.html
My Email:crsangel@midwest.net
Location: IL


Hi...Sending you a "Warm Welcome to Kindred Spirits"....So glad you decided to join us!...Blessings...Angelwinks~

Ian D. - 05/24/00 12:18:00
My URL:http://www.haucknet.de/techno
Location: Germany
Hobbies: music

cool page, just go on cu Ian

jetzt mit mehr Links, Charts und bald auch MP3!!

Venusstern - 05/23/00 22:36:21

Hey it is a great Site,my English is very terrible ,but im have a lot of fun to look your sites. See you later your Venusstar

Songviolin - 05/23/00 14:26:07
My Email:songmarianne@care2.com
Location: Sweden
Hobbies: Music & the Internet

Welcome to Kindred Spirits!!! So glad you joined!!!

luterana - 05/23/00 13:00:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/Gazebo/9563/index.html
My Email:luterana@sc.rr.com
Location: RAOK and SC

Stopping by to wish you a RAOK great day!

Betty - 05/23/00 06:44:21
My URL:/Heartland/Shores/3985/
My Email:a.vantulden@chello.nl
Location: Lelystad, the Netherlands


Thank you for letting me visit your site. I have enjoyed my visit! Just popping in to welcome you to Kindrids!

Claudia - 05/23/00 03:55:42
My URL:http://www.survivingasthma.com
My Email:aliarene@pacbell.net
Location: Los Angeles
Hobbies: Painting, crochet, cross stitch

I'll like to give you a very warm welcome to Kindred Spirits. I am so happy you joined us. If you have any questions, just ask. Love, Claudia

Firestar - 05/22/00 23:27:33
My URL:http://www.dogstarr.com
My Email:dogstarr@dogstarr.com
Location: Morehead City
Hobbies: dogs, internet , piano

Welcome to Kindred Spirits. It is nice to meet you.

Camomile - 05/22/00 22:52:13
My URL:http://afairyworld.com

Welcome to Kindred Spirits. You have a beautiful site.

I enjoyed my visit

Pat & Moe - 05/22/00 22:06:31
My URL:http://members.aol.com/moe1pat2/page/index.htm
My Email:moe2pat2@aol.com
Location: USA-SC

Hi! Welcome to Kindred Spirits. We enjoyed the visit. You have a good looking Page. Keep up the good work. Have a great day! Come visit us at Pat & Moe's Place. It was designed to allow our family in SC to stay in touch with my sister, her six children an their families in New England.

Love doesn't make the world go 'round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile. Franklin P. Jones

Christopher - 05/22/00 18:57:19
My URL:http://www.zyworld.com/chriscross3/home.htm
My Email:chriscross_3@yahoo.co.uk
Location: Manchester, England
Hobbies: Football (soccer to you!)

Nice page, welcome to Kindred Spirits! Keep up the good work, especially in your fight against rascism. Please feel free to stop by my site, Best Wishes, Chris.

Kenghi - 05/22/00 17:39:32
My URL:http://users.pandora.be/clement.hoste
My Email:clement@pandora.be
Location: belgium
Hobbies: selfdivence

nice site good work loved to visit and say welcom to the kindreds spirit

Starrynite - 05/22/00 16:26:44
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/wh/astrophysics
My Email:astrophysics@ivillage.com
Location: midwest US
Hobbies: star gazing, singing, sewing, reading, crafting, bird watching, hiking

Thanks so much for visiting my site. I enjoyed my tour of yours...I really like the links you have to health and alternative medicines (I'm a fan of Dr. Weil's)!

-=Form@tjee=- - 05/22/00 14:19:27
My URL:http://users.pandora.be/formatjee
My Email:formatjeee_nospam@pandora.be
Location: */Belgium\*
Hobbies: Internet.

I enjoyed my visit to your place. Keep up the good work and have the best greetings from Belgium.

Rachel - 05/22/00 13:48:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/rachelad
Location: Michigan USA

Hi! Welcome to Kindred Spirits! I am so glad you joined us. You have a great site!

Lady Sunshine - 05/22/00 12:46:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/msgtswife
My Email:msgtswife@hotmail.com
Location: NC

Welcome to Kindred Spirits! So glad you joined this wonderful group!

Connie O. - 05/20/00 02:22:14
My Email:connieo@swbell.net
Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Hobbies: Crafts and computers

Just stopping by on the Friendship Parade.

Random Acts of Kindness

Aunt Lynnie - 05/18/00 17:12:48
My URL:http://auntlynnie.freeservers.com
My Email:AuntLynnieCooks@aol.com
Location: Tennessee

Hi Star! I really enjoyed visiting with you on the Friendship Parade. May your day be Blessed with Friends and Love!

Lainey - 05/18/00 15:06:36
My URL:/laineybug59
My Email:laineybug59@yahoo.com
Location: Ohio

I like your pages. I'm glad I got off the Parade Route here.

Lady Paje - 05/18/00 14:30:50
My Email:ladypaje@ivillage.com

Hello. You have a wonderful website. I enjoyed my stay very much. Take care. Lady Paje.

Random Acts of Kindness

Swt Melode - 05/18/00 05:45:14
My URL:http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/swtmelode/index.html
My Email:SwtMelode@aol.com
Location: NY & RAOK
Hobbies: Riding my Horses

Hi Judy :) Excellent site you have here! I loved all the links & passed it along to some of my friends. Thanks for visiting me & your wonderful comments in my guestbook. All my best to you & your family!

Sweetnsassy - 05/17/00 02:00:23
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nb/myfriends
My Email:wilkied@nb.sympatico.ca
Location: NB, Canada
Hobbies: crotching, music, my kids and working out at the gym

I liked your site very much lots of stuff about fitness I like to work out at the gym to keep in shape.

Random Acts of Kindness

Kelli - 05/15/00 15:25:50
My Email:kelliludwick@dp.net
Location: PA

Thank you for signing my mothers day page. Your site is very nice I like it

Random Acts of Kindness

Wendy - 05/15/00 01:35:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/w_madison
My Email:w_madison@yahoo.com
Location: Georgia, USA
Hobbies: computers

Thanks for visiting me for the Parade! I am enjoying this so much! I was so happy to visit your site, and I just will have to come back again for the encouragement to try to be fit!:-)

Random Acts of Kindness

RiRi - 05/13/00 08:13:16
My URL:/Wellesley/Garden/5475
My Email:riri2000@optonline.net
Location: Connecticut, USA and RAOK
Hobbies: Web graphics and design, reading, amateur radio


Hello Star,
I reas your pages and links nd cried over the journal on Alzheimers. My mother has dementia and I am her fulltime caregiver. It's a long, lonely road few understand. Thank you for sharing.
Friends are those who make you laugh yet wipe your tears away. Your pages are pretty terrific. nice
Random Acts of Kindness Friendship Parade
Random Acts of Kindness

MrsGrace - 05/13/00 04:50:55
My Email:mrsjgrace@yahoo.com
Location: Ohio, USA/RAOK Friendship Parade
Hobbies: Reading, my computer, cooking,etc.

Hello! Just stopping by on the RAOK Friendship Parade to let you know you were thought of today. I enjoyed my visit to your web home!!

Random Acts of Kindness

Missybelle - 05/12/00 22:34:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/missybelle1/
My Email:missybelle1@hotmail.com
Location: Florida

I'm stopping by to say hello during the RAOK friendship parade! I hope you have a wonderful weekend. I enjoyed visiting your beautiful pages. Hugs, Missybelle

Random Acts of Kindness

Ani - 05/12/00 06:40:19
My URL:http://wald.heim.at/schwarzwald/520077
My Email:spueli@balcab.ch

Hi Star:)) realy a wonderful site !!

Richard Lowe - 05/12/00 04:24:14
My URL:http://internet-tips.net
My Email:richlowe@pacbell.net
Location: Los Angeles

I loved your site. Thanks for sharing. Richard Lowe

Thanks for creating such a wonderful site. I enjoyed my visit. Random Acts of Kindness

Nana - 05/12/00 03:57:12
My URL:http://geocities.com/nanaio_99/index.html
My Email:nanaio@mmcable.com
Location: Oklahoma

Hi Star, Stopping in on my walk in the friendship parade. I enjoyed my visit very much. God Bless Nana

Random Acts of Kindness

Jan Gardner - 05/12/00 03:35:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Farm/2858
My Email:jjgard@earthlink.net
Location: Iowa
Hobbies: puter

Wow, it must be nice to be so "into" health & fitness! I think it's wonderful! (My body is falling apart at an early age!) LOL!!! I was just traipsing through on the Parade route!

Kate - 05/11/00 20:04:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/pastrykate/
My Email:caitlingal@prodigy.net
Location: Virginia
Hobbies: xstitch, my computer, my cats

Just paradin' by to wish you a great day!! ((hugs)) Kate

Random Acts of Kindness

Joelle - 05/11/00 18:24:03
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Revjoelle/ME.html
My Email:Revjoelle@aol.com
Hobbies: figure skating--if it were easy it'd be called hockey!

Enjoyed my visit--have a great day!

Random Acts of Kindness

Amber - 05/11/00 16:39:48
My URL:/kiddosmama/a_mommas_life.html
My Email:john.amber@ns.sympatico.ca
Location: NS, Canada

Dear Star, Just stopping by to send you (((friendship huggles))). I hope you are enjoying the Friendship Parade and I hope to get to know you better soon!

Anna - 05/11/00 16:35:32
My Email:skbosset@hotmail.com
Location: RAOK Friendship Parade

Hi You sure have a great homepage here I have really enjoyed my visit thank-you for sharing it with us... Have a great and Happy RAOK Friendship Parade Day! Love and Hugs Anna xx

Random Acts of Kindness

Cranky_Angel - 05/09/00 14:51:00
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/jazz/crankz/jazz/index.htm
Hobbies: reading, dancing, cooking, yakking me head off :P , and so much more

Thanks for taking the time out to sign my guestbook. Thanks for this wonderful about fitness and diet and so much more.I will be back soon for sure. Peace be with ya !!

Klemens - 05/05/00 08:29:09
My URL:http://home.t-online.de/home/k.taplan
My Email:k.taplan@t-online.de
Location: Germany
Hobbies: music, internet

You have a nice site with a lot of interesting stuff. Thanks for sharing. Greetings from Klemens

Susie - 05/02/00 23:15:50
My URL:http://members.aol.com/alabamasnow
My Email:alabamasnow@aol.com
Location: Alabama
Hobbies: This Dang Computer..lol

You have a wonderful site and thank you so much for sharing it with me. Thank you for signing my friends GB. I know it made her so happy. It only shows what a precious person you are.

Wendy - 04/30/00 23:11:53
My URL:http://personal.alt.bellsouth.net/~madone
My Email:madone@bellsouth.net
Location: Georgia,USA
Hobbies: writing, computers

I enjoyed my visit, and will visit again!

Random Acts of Kindness
Visit Wendy's Pages!

- 04/29/00 03:58:41


Random Acts of Kindness

Gramma Mimi - 04/29/00 01:34:23
My URL:http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/PicnicPl/denislm/index.htm
My Email:lden267@msn.com
Location: Florida

Hi, stopping by to extend a warm Welcome to RAOK. So glad you could join us. I'm sure you will enjoy this family as much as I do! I have enjoyed visiting your beautiful site. Thank You for sharing.

Flutterby - 04/28/00 21:55:57
My Email:sunniesmiles@hotmail.com
Location: Indiana/RAOK


Just fluttered in to give you a GREAT BIG Warm Welcome to
Random Acts Of Kindness!
I'm so glad you've joined our happy family!
Random Acts Of Kindness Welcoming Committee
HUGS to You!!
Flutterby :)

LadyJ - 04/28/00 11:47:26
My URL:http://www.kyladyj.com
My Email:jgood@mis.net


A big, warm welcome to our loving RAOK family! Your addition to our group is another wonderful blessing....another way to spread love, peace, and friendship throughout the net. I hope you find as much love and friendship here as I have. Again....welcome!< font>

Welcome to Random Acts of Kindness!

Kodesmom - 04/27/00 02:42:38
My URL:/kodesmom/
My Email:kodesmom2000@yahoo.com
Location: RAOK/NH


Welcome to 'Random Acts Of Kindness'!! :o)
I'm so happy you've decided to join our wonderful group! I'm sure you'll love it as much as do! *hugs* ~Kodesmom~

Polly - 04/26/00 02:32:49
My URL:http://pdevery.homestead.com/Pollys.html
My Email:devery@zebra.net
Location: Mobile, Alabama
Hobbies: this

I stopped by to welcome you to RAOK. We are so glad you decided to join us. If I can be of any help please let me know. I look forward to seing everywhere around the website.

Ditsy Wabbit - 04/22/00 07:55:07
My URL:http://no,no
My Email:ditsywabbit@usa.net
Hobbies: eating carrots

Just hopping in to look at all of your pretties and to wish you a VERY happy Easter!!

flower - 04/21/00 22:18:25
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~flowerk/welcome.html
My Email:flower@magiccarpet.com
Location: NY
Hobbies: computers


Hi, Just wanted to stop by to wish you and your family a wonderful Easter holiday! Your cwazy rabbit is doing a fine job on your pages :-) Marcia (flower)

Bunnybabie - 04/21/00 18:01:57
My URL:http://dogstarr.com
My Email:bunnybabe@mailbits.com
Location: BunnyPatch
Hobbies: Spoiling my sisters

Have a happy and wonderful Easter... Lots of love..

Wascal Wabbit - 04/20/00 04:37:48
My Email:eventscommittee@hotmail.com


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