March 23rd

Both remembrance of how to code the information for the pages of this website and the disease are receeding from my mind. It's been so long since I've created any pages, and each day that passes puts the memories farther back in my mental files. Sure, I think about it everyday in some way. The disease's reminders are my rather puny physical condition, and the emails I get from people like you.

Here at the end of winter, as usual, I feel a little sluggish. Having put on a few pounds, and spending too much time in front of a monitor or TV, I feel like I need to get going on my exercise program. Remember, I was going to run a 10K footrace and get back to riding bicycle till I could ride 50 miles, like I used to with some regularity. I'm sorry to report, there hasn't been much real progress in these two areas.

Well, there's been, up until this point, a lack of energy, an inertia that's been difficult to overcome. I look out the window at the grey cold and think to myself, "Jeez, I don't really want to go out in that." Procrastination. Lassitude. Oh well.

But hey! It's spring. And like the maple, I feel the sap starting to rise. With my wife and daughter, I vacationed in south Texas for a week, spending the time visiting botanic gardens, caves, and driving the countryside. The weather was good. We hiked and filled our eyes with the natural beauty of the state. Energy is returning to these limbs. I'm inspired to work on some new projects for the grounds around my home. The will to action returns. There's more light at the end of the tunnel.

Some of you have written wondering how I'm doing. In terms of this diary and the disease, I don't have that much to say. I'm free of the disease. I'm pleased with the response the site has gotten. I'm gratfied when someone writes telling me of the benefit they've received from reading the pages. What more can I say? I don't want to bore you with my plans and the details of my little life. Maybe you've developed the habit of visiting. I wish I had more current info for you, but nothing earthshaking happens, thank God.

In terms of this website, I'm still considering ways to make it more beneficial to those visiting it. Some viewers are using the Reader's Comments section very efficiently. A forum about the disease would be very helpful. Yet, because of its rarity, real dialogue isn't likely. It's more like post a message, wait, wait, then maybe days later you might get a response. That's fine, as long as the information gets transferred.

Catch ya later......M