Mindy jepson - 01/29/00 17:46:49
My Email:mrjeps@juno.com

I was checkimg out your site because we adopted a little boy whose birth father has Good Pastures Syndrome. I was speciffically looking for information on heredity.

grau_dolphin - 01/24/00 03:04:33
My Email:grau_dolphin@hotmail.com
Location: Arkansas

thanks for this site I am a 12 year survivor of the gps it came out of nowhere and hit me and my family hard, after many treatments and meds I have been in remission for 11 years now and gave birth to a chils they said would never happen

Laurie Brott - 01/12/00 23:09:59
Location: Phoenix

I wish the internet was as big a deal when my husband was sick as it is now. Paul developed syptoms (coughing up blood) very quickly and before I knew it, he almost died. We had no idea until today that this disease was this prevelent. We were told very ew people (50-100 in the US) had this and that it is fatal. Paul has been in remission for about four years and has gone without any treatment. I will be making him an appointment soon, I had no idea it could come back. Thank you

- 01/10/00 22:57:41


Gerrie Climer - 12/19/99 04:36:59
My Email:Mtnclimers@aol.com
Location: Edmond, OK

Your site is very informative, and well written.

Tom Kimble - 12/17/99 18:10:34
My Email:wallrdhome@aol.com
Location: Wadsworth,Ohio

My wife and myself were on vacation December 1, 1999 in Hilton Head enjoying life when my 33 year old newlywed wife developed flu symptoms. December 8th she was in intensive care with a creatinine level of 20.3 and a BUN level of 113. She has Goodpastur Syndrome. I thought I was going to lose her. She lost the kidneys but the lungs have not yet been affected. Are there any support groups for this.

mandy ausbon - 12/11/99 23:56:50
Location: uw green bay

i just want to say thank you for the information i just recently found out one of my good friends has developed this disease. i was looking here for some information about it and i found it thank you once again. a concerned friend,

Geoff Taylor - 12/10/99 19:05:38
My Email:gtaylor@globalnet.uk
Location: Isles of Scilly

Thanks for some comprehensive and comprehendable info

karen - 11/24/99 05:05:37
Location: canada


Chris - 11/22/99 01:34:23
My Email:digicrew@aol.com

God Bless anyone and everyone that has this disease and the health care team.

James Johnston Jr. - 11/03/99 19:33:05
My Email:Gunnabl8@aol.com
Location: Las Vegas

The only good definition of good pastures that i have seen on the web

Christian Johansen - 11/03/99 19:06:34
My Email:RMARTIAN51@aol.com
Location: Las Vegas

I recently got out of the hospital for this but they couldn't save my kidneys. I ended up with end-stage renal failure and am curently on dialysis.

Andy - 10/31/99 15:02:24
My Email:indybra@aol.com
Location: U.K

I have had goodpastures for a year this month. It is only now that things are starting to settle down. It wasn't diagnosed for 8 months and subsequently I became very ill. I still feel terrible alot of the time and if I don't take my medication I am told become very irritable...something I very much doubt!!!honestly. I am relatively new to the internet but i'm glad i now have it as it will hopefully help me to keep in touch with others who are suffering or are in need of answers.. please don't hesistate to email me if you want to talk.

Daphane Hoover - 10/24/99 23:55:03
My Email:DaphaneH@aol.com
Location: Walker, Iowa

I know of a neighbor who died of it and now his son has it. My husband had Weggner's Gramalatois which is similiar.

Judy Gillingham - 10/22/99 13:43:11
My Email:jgillingham@mailcity.com


Judy Gillingham - 10/22/99 13:43:10
My Email:jgillingham@mailcity.com


sue - 10/18/99 13:21:22
My Email:rdyfireaim@aol.com
Location: Philadelphia

My Mom was just diagnosed (last week) with Goodpasture's after a false diagnosis of pneumonia. Since the treatment is so aggressive, I have been trying to find out about short and long term quality of life issues. Also, is a transplant always necessary f r cure? Anyone with info please e-mail me and include subject "G-P Dsease" otherwise I am likely to delete it. Thanks

Gerri - 10/17/99 21:47:01
My Email:Goneill726@aol.com

My father-in-law has just been diagnosed with Goodpasture's Disease. He is age 68.

Charone VanAtter - 10/14/99 13:22:38
My Email:charonev@hotmail.com
Location: Michigan

I have never heard of this disease before, but I found it very interesting. You gave a lot of interesting information!

gayatri - 10/13/99 06:04:07
My Email:devigayatri@usa.net
Location: Hyderabad,India

My father passed away from good pastures syndrome. Although he was under doctors notice from day 1 no one diagnosed it. His initial symptoms we multiple joint swellings!

Sunshine35 - 10/09/99 03:13:24
My URL:http://www.geocitied.com/RainForest/Jungle/4510/
My Email:sunshine35@prodigy.net
Location: Ala. USA

Excellent website, I am impressed.

Pam Groeschl - 10/08/99 14:27:14
Location: Fond du Lac, WI

My sister inlaw's grandmother of 85 years of age was recently diagnosised with this syndome. Finding information was difficult but your explaination has been very helpful. Good luck to you.

Denis O'Brien - 10/05/99 21:13:36
My Email:Denisbart@hotmail.com
Location: Cork, Ireland

My father has this syndrome he was hospitalised 4 years ago for 3 months. his kidneys were damaged but still function enough. He has a fistula in his arm in case they deteriorate further. he still takes some medication but greatly reduced from when he fir t got out of the hospital.Thanks for your information!

Denis O'Brien - 10/05/99 21:08:50
My Email:Denisbart@hotmail.com
Location: Cork, Ireland

My father has this syndrome he was hospitalised 4 years ago for 3 months. his kidneys were damaged but still function enough. He has a fistula in his arm in case they deteriorate further. he still takes some medication but greatly reduced from when he fir t got out of the hospital.

Elaine Prue - 10/05/99 15:54:35
My Email:elainefromfl@webtv.net
Location: florida

You did a very good job on your page

JOEBOB - 10/04/99 00:29:41
My Email:rzrback26@aol.com
Location: ORLANDO

diagnosed a year ago, now I'm just kickin it here in sunny Florida!!!Nice site, didn't realize GP was so common.

- 09/26/99 13:39:01


ADAM SELLAR - 09/25/99 09:45:08


ADAM SELLAR - 09/25/99 09:45:07


Jaime Hall - 09/17/99 02:27:21
My Email:cajungal23@eatel.net
Location: Baton Rouge,La

Thanks for the information. I needed it for a friendwho was diagnosed with this.

khalid - 09/04/99 17:22:48
My Email:khalid_80@hotmail.com


cheryl van der veen - 08/27/99 22:17:41
My Email:cheryl@multiweb.nl
Location: alkmaar, holland

My cousin of 13 years old has the disease. Thank you for the information. it is very understandable. She is diagnosed 2 dayes ago. We have a long road to go. I hope she will survive. Please mail me if you have more information.

Claudia Gonzalez - 08/09/99 22:19:40
My Email:claugtella@yahoo.com
Location: Mexico City

1978 I was diagnosed with GP.I was only 8 years old. They said I would not make it. Had a transplant in Los Angeles by Dr. Richard N. Fine.Lasted for 19 years. Two years ago, lost the first one and received a second one. Doing fine. would like to talk to eople with this disease. I believe I am the only survivor in Mexico. Is there anyone out there who knows Dr. Fine or where I can find him? I would like to tell him I'm still around.

Michele Orr - 08/05/99 12:59:11
My Email:ShelyOrr@aol.com
Location: New York

A Very dear friend of mine was diagnossed with Goodpasture Syndrome yesterday (8/5/99. Thanks for explaining it.

Laurie - 08/05/99 02:35:21
My Email:MsLaurie10@aol.com
Location: Upstate NY

This was quite an interesting site. My son's father has been diagnosed with Goodpasture disease. My concern is that they don't tell you what the prognosis is. Will he need a kidney transpant or will this disease just get progressively worse. If anyone can answer these questions, please email me them for I would love any information on this disease. Sincerely, Laurie

Anne Siemer - 07/29/99 18:27:57
My Email:anneys@juno.com
Location: Pittsfield, MA 01201

Your site just keeps getter better and better! Keep up the good work!

Michael Johnston - 07/22/99 03:00:43
My Email:MPJ56@aol
Location: Presque Isle, Me

I just wanted to give an update since the last time I signed the guest book and let everyone know what my personal e-mail address is. I am a person living with Goodpasture's syndrome and thankfully I have been in remission for 2 years. Creatinine is strong 1.9, and lungs have recovered fully. The only thing I have to do is watch my salt intake 2000 mg/daily and protein intake 90 g/daily. I would still be curious to hear from anyone who has been exposed to chemicals befire they were diagnosed. I worked in a garage the summer before getting sick when I was 18. Up untill that point in my life I had never had anyting more than a common cold. I have read that chemicals called hydrocarbons found in gasoline, pesticides, cigarette smoke and other chemicals might trigger Goodpasture's syndrome. I am a non-smoker so I think that maybe the chemicals I was exposed to while working were what triggered the disease.

Michael johnston - 07/22/99 02:54:32


- 07/14/99 18:15:17

Thank you so much for sharing this information. My cusine Bob, age 43?, died of Goodpastures syndrom in '97. About two weeks ago, his 20 year old son, Chris, was also diagnose with this syndrome. I have seen the pain and heartache this desease causes and y heart and prayers go out to you and your family.

Leona - 07/12/99 15:49:14
My Email:l.izzi@worldnet.att.net
Location: Providence, R I

This was a new syndrome that I had never heard of. This is a very informative site and is presented clearly and well. Thank you.

Frans van Houwelingen - 07/09/99 22:33:53
My Email:frahouw@gironet.nl
Location: Netherlands

First, sorry for my poor english. 1 1/2 week ago my nephew of 18 yrs old was send to the hospital. He was sick for about 2 weeks and the doctor thought it was a flu. After a blood sample he was send immidiately to the hospital in a rather bad condition and after about 2 days the goodpasture syndrome was diagnosed. Each day he is dialysed and he has lung problems (throwing up blood). It seems that his kidneys are allready destroyes for about 85 % and we are all very nervous for the future. Thanks to your homepage we learned more about this severe desease.

Joey Putnam - 07/02/99 18:57:11
My Email:theputnams@aol.com
Location: Apex, NC

We have a youth at our church that is suffering from Goodpastures and still very critical. Your site has made it possible for the rest of the youth group, the youth leaders, and the entire church learn more about what Lisa is going through. It also give us all hope for her! Thanks!

ron rose - 06/22/99 21:47:05
My Email:cpcbooks@mindspring.com
Location: raleigh, n.c

Thanks for an excellent website. A young girl in our church Lisa Barbour has just