Hello, I'm Kristina,
Welcome to my online dedication to the men and women in blue and the spouses that
stand behind them. Feel free to take a look around, or e-mail me with suggestions and
URL's of any links you would like to see here in the future. I ask that you please bear in
mind that this site is still under construction and at this time I do not have all my links in
place, so please come back and visit soon.
If you would like to link to my page you can use either of these banners but please direct
all traffic to:
When I started with this project it was to support my husband and other officers, and as
an outlet for all of my worries and fears that come with the job as we all know, and since
then some things have changed and that is all thanks to you, the people who write me and
let me know how much my page means to you. I never dreamed I would get this many
visitors let alone this many responses. I am glad to have lifted some spirits along the way
because you have all lifted mine. And I thank you more than you could know.
Seeing as we are expecting another season of fires here, I thought it only appropriate that
I leave this message to remind us of the damages rendered by last years fires and the
brave men and women who helped us to fight for our homes and the homes of our
neighbors. I can only hope that we will again band together with such comaraderie in the
face of another such disaster.
I would like to take this time to thank all of the FireFighters helping in the state of
Florida, this not only means the ones from here but there are also alot here from all over
the country who deserve thanks as well. Some of these men and women come from as far
away as Alaska. These men and women have barely had time to rest lately, as soon as
one fire is out another starts. I know that I speak for all of us when I say we are really
thankful that you all have the courage it takes to do this job. I don't know where we'd be
without you! THANK YOU!!!
A letter of thanks and word of prayer
***NEW*** My Awards ***NEW***
Law Enforcement Graphics
Linkable Law Enforcement Graphics
***UPDATED***My Family Album***UPDATED***
About Me
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Read My Guestbook
Law Enforcement Links
Other Links
If you would like to submit your site here please notify me either by e-mail or
my guestbook.
NOTE: Although I do occasionally create a link to sites not pertaining to Law
Enforcement, ALL sites will be thoroughly researched for any material I deem
compromising to the Integrity of my page and the high standards of my visitors. However
if I do choose to refuse your URL you will recieve an e-mail stating why.
All banners have been moved to a new location, those pertaining to Law
Enforcement are inside the "Law Enforcement Links" page and the rest have been moved
to the "Other Links" page. Thank you and sorry for any inconvenience.