School Daze

As you may already know, I am a resource teacher for 5th graders. I work with high risk kids: kids with learning disabilities, ADD/ADHD and kids who are struggling for who knows what reason. I absolutely love my job. I surprised the kids and myself when I told them I really missed them over our break, but it was quite true.

My purpose for this portion of my page is to encourage those who see it to help make education a true priority again. Above all else, we as individuals must be personally accountable for our impact on the children in our lives. Teachers need to be there, at school, first and foremost out of a love for the children. We are there to teach children first, and the three R's second. Parents must be constantly aware of the powerful influence that each and every decision they make has on their children. They truly are sponges, soaking up all they see and hear. I would give all I have to take the pain and confusion out of the lives of children growing up neglected, forgotten and abused. Unfortunately that is not possible. The solution lies in each one of us, as individual members of society, who truly can, one at a time, make a difference.

The Cracker Jacks

This is the middle school team with which I work

Parents and Children Together Online

Interesting Places For Kids

Homework Helpline

Great Resource for Research!

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*Learning Disabilities Resources*

Special Education Resources on the Internet (SERI)

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