_______Reiki 2 Manual_______

I place the Peace of God in your heart and hands, to hold and share.

The heart is pure to hold it.

And the hands are strong to give it.


A certificate does not make you a Healer, the work you do with the energy does.

The Power Symbol/Energy

The Mental/Emotional Symbol/Energy

The Distance Symbol/Energy

Distant Reiki

Reiki Stacks (a technique for mass distant healing, copied with permission. click, then print out)

Time Capsules of Reiki

Advanced Reiki Techniques

Miscellaneous Information

Reiki Net Resources


The information presented on these pages has been taken from various sources, I have been helped greatly in my journey for this knowledge, and I thank all contributors.


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The Power Symbol/Energy
The symbols can either be drawn with the palms of the hand(s), a finger, your head movements, through visualization, or flashed upon by your memory.

* "Focus Power Here"

* "Put All The Power Of The Universe Here"
* Increases power
* Quick activator
* Increases strength
* Brings in light
* Seals in light
* Dispels negative energy
* I use this for just about everything:cleansing, protection, purifying, etc
* With the intent, it can spread out like an umbrella to cover a large area, rain down smaller ones, act as a vacuum to remove negative energies, act as a sentry to prevent anything from entering, etc.
* Serves to focus energy on/around a blocked area, thus disintegrating/removing the block
* Use for clearing a room, by putting it on all walls, floor and ceiling with the appropriate intent.
* Repeating increases power
* Always draw the symbol once and say the name three times
* Sends an intention
* It opens up, brings in and seals in light
* Draw it on the palms of both your hands before you start a treatment. When the treatment is complete, draw it over the client to seal in light
* It releases negative energy; in people, places, things, situations
* It will clear your home, car or even the space surrounding your physical body
* It will bring in light to purify your food and water
* Draw it over crystals and gemstones to help program your intended use
* It will boost the healing properties and reduce possible side effects of medications
* It will increase the effectiveness of flower essences, essential oils and gem elixirs
* Set up on doors and windows so that anyone entering is cleansed of negative energy
* Use it to help with transformation (dying or death), bringing in light to assist when leaving this world
* Draw as you wave to someone
* Draw and lift hand to heavens to lift the soul of dead animals on road
* Draw on a car to have a safe trip, and clear a path to your destination
* Superconscious/God/Higher Self contact
* "The Light Switch"
* "God is here"
* "Bless This"

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The Mental/Emotional Symbol/Energy

The symbols can either be drawn with the palms of the hand(s), a finger, your head movements, through visualization, or flashed upon by your memory.

* Heals addictive issues
* Use on someone who is uptight, scared, worried, has too much going on in their heads
* Harmony Symbol
* Removes negativity, clears and cleans crystals and rooms
* Restores emotional and mental balance
* Clears headaches
* Becoming one with God and humanity
* Clears bad vibes
* Heals/helps after or during arguments
* It also means "God and humanity becoming one" and/or "As above so below"
* Works with psychological, mental, emotional, habits (traits, faults, peculiarities)
* Balances left and right brain
* Relieves mental and emotional pain, negative feelings, and psychological imbalances
* It is used to align the body by balancing the upper four chakras for mental, emotional and spiritual harmony
* Always draw the symbol once and say the name three times
* The Mental/Emotional Symbol opens the mind, healing the mind/body connection through the subconscious
* It helps to release mental or emotional conditions, addictions, pain (emotional), nervousness, anger, fear, depression, and sadness by bringing them to the surface and gently releasing them
* Use to dissipate anger or negative emotions
* It promotes peace and harmony
* Will help to enhance memory
* Use it on energy distortions found in the body or to repair tears in the aura from anesthetics, pain or fear
* It will eliminate negative programming in crystals
* Use to protect and purify self and others (from mental control) by drawing symbol over self or putting self inside symbol
* It will help to release negative attachments
* Use to guard a room from negative emotions, dis-ease or entities
* "God and man coming together"
* Healing the body-mind connection
* Helps to break bad habits
* Will seal an aura (person or thing) from all negativity (if sent with that intent)

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The Distance Symbol/Energy
The symbols can either be drawn with the palms of the hand(s), a finger, your head movements, through visualization, or flashed upon by your memory.

* Opens the door between time and space so that it no longer exists.
* Connection Symbol
* Draw it, allow it to swing open like a door, step through into the vast space with stars, time is nothing here. Do what you need to. This can be used as a meditation for healing self and others.
* The third symbol is the Distance or Absentee Symbol
* It is a bridge between two worlds transcending time and space
* It translates to mean "No past, no present, no future"
* Key to all doors
* Special communication
* For distance healing; use to send treatment to past, present, future, Angels, Masters, Guides.
* Use to home in on a person or situation
* Always draw the symbol once and say the name three times
* It should be used in combination with the other two symbols
* It always comes first (unless Power symbol first)
* This symbol can be used to program a healing to repeat itself every hour by saying it's name 3 times after drawing it (all done while holding the intention of having the "healing repeat until it is no longer needed by their Higher Self"). This is done after the healing. It is suggested that you re-affirm/re-do this at least once every 2 days.
*Using this symbol, you can send distant healing with the intent that "every minute of this healing is 1 hour of healing to ", this compresses your time sending while their time recieving is in no way impaired.
* Gives Peace and Enlightenment
* Use to Release this-life traumas
* Changes thought patterns
* Can be used to clear and change (give freedom from) time, space, limitations, dilusions
* Used to contact Higher Selves of ALL Beings and things,plants,humans,Spirits,Angels, ..etc.
* "The Divine in me salutes (Honors/Greets) the Divine in you"

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Distant Reiki

I suggest tracing the symbols onto your palms (opening the Flow of all the Energies) before doing any of these.

Before sending Reiki to anyone, be sure to have their permission (the permission of their brother is not enough). If you can not contact this person physically, you may ask them on the astral. Draw the Distance symbol, intend to connect with them, see them, ask if they would accept Reiki from you, if they turn away or reject you, respect their decision and leave in a loving manner.

Draw the Distance Symbol in the air, say the person's (being's) name 3 times, intend to connect with it for their healing. Send Reiki with your hands, facing the spot where you drew the symbol, send the other symbols as much as you want, also send some plain Reiki for a while. When you are finished, see them walking away healthy and happy, glowingly full of Reiki.

You can use dolls to represent people and do the symbols over them, going
down the body to all the Reiki points, just like you would do on a real person.

You can see the people as they are now, in regular size, shrink them to between your hands, send the healing symbols and energies to them as a group, when done, see them getting bigger and returning to regular size, returning from where they came.

Relax, take deep breaths. Relax, visualize the person to be healed (or see them as a silhouette, or as a flower that will bloom). Send them color (no specifics, just allow the color(s) of their choice to flow through you, into them and their aura). When their Aura is full of the color(s), send Reiki and the Symbols. See them whole by willing their appearance. They fly to the person, scribing themselves down the length of their body. Call upon the Distance symbol, then Power symbol, then Emotional/Mental symbol, then any other combinations you would like to add (or are guided to add). Allow the symbols to be any color they need/want to be. Wait and listen for any messages (fill their aura with gold, do a new technique, ..etc.) See them happy and well. Watch them walk off into the present moment, you do the same.

Name, or see, those on the "list", and have them form an energetic circle around you. Then open to the Reiki energy, see it come into the Crown Chakra, and "burst" out from every pore and fiber of your Be-ing, bathing those who form the circle with the Reiki energy. You are a channel for the energy, and the deliverance is in the form most appropriate to the need, usually from the hands in a one-to-one situation, but for a large group the whole body can deliver the Reiki energy.

Envision a ball of pure Reiki energy. Into the ball, send the names of all you wish to give healing to. if it's one particular person, you can sometimes see them, and observe what is happening with the energy, but mostly the ball seems to do the job. Once you have asked that they use it as they will for their higher good, the ball then either shoots off to parts unknown, or splits up into smaller balls of energy and heads off to each person. it's quick and easy, so you can send it whenever you wish.

I Have a Healing Pot, where I put names, objects,and pertinent data in the pot, and do the distant healing symbols (all 3) over it and rest my hands on it for about 5 or 10 minutes.

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Time Capsules

Before sending Reiki to anyone, be sure to have their permission (the permission of their brother is not enough). If you can not contact this person physically, you may ask them on the astral. Draw the Distance symbol, intend to connect with them, see them, ask if they would accept Reiki from you, if they turn away or reject you, respect their decision and leave in a loving manner.

Since Reiki knows no limitations of time or space one can actually do the distant treatment at an earlier time and set it to be received at the person's most receptive time, or at a specified time.

First the Power Symbol is drawn (Focus the Energy) then the Distant symbol (make/open the connection)followed by " This is for Bob Jones On Tuesday July 3rd at 7:30pm (feel the connection... the energy will flow just as it does with a hands on treatment). Do the healing Using any of the above-mentioned methods.

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I HIGHLY suggest that you meditate on each symbol and its energy for at least 2 days each. This will GREATLY expand your abilities if done regularly (2 times a week).

Ask for help in the healing process of the healee, from their Guides, Angels, Higher Self, from religious Dieties (God, Jesus,Buddha....etc.), from your Guides, ...etc.

To create a room condicive to the healing atmosphere:

Invite any Guides, Angels or other beings to help, state your intention of creating a Room for the purpose of healing. Place the symbols at all windows and doors. Place all symbols on each wall, the ceiling, and the floor. Place all of the symbols in each corner of the room. Fill the room with Reiki, and then fill the room with each symbol (one at a time).

You can chant either in your head or out loud (if alone) the pronunciation of each symbol throughout the healing.

You can hold the symbol in your hands over each chakra, waiting for the client
to absorb the energies of the symbols.

For Goals: Sandwich of Power Symbol.....Mental/Emotional/Harmony Symbol....Power Symbol over you goals. This Focuses Power, resolves blocks, and empowers the goal

For wishes: see yourself with what you wish for, see the Earth behind you, see a hatched grid (like a waffle) over the previous picture, draw the Power Symbol over it. Give it as much Reiki as you can. Allow it to dissolve. It is unethical and WRONG to try to manipulate others (taking their job, wishing them harm,etc.)

Use the Distance Symbol to intend for a healing to repeat until the being or person is completely healed.

For protection we suggest using the Mental/Emotional Symbol in 3D followed by the Power Symbol in 3D, drawn around the person/place/thing to be protected.

To clear crystals:
Send Mental symbol (let it sink in) until no longer needed (purifies, cleans, clears). Send Power symbol until crystal is bright and glowing (let it sink in). While sending Power symbol, program crystal for it's intended use (protecting, healing,...etc.). Send Distance symbol with intent that the crystal become self clearing/cleaning, and that it connect perfectly with those things/people it is to care for.

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Miscellaneous Information

Do not forget about Mother Earth, She is just as important as us, I suggest that you send Her Reiki at least once a week. You can send it to Her as You see Her, or from outer space, just like a distant healing.

Reiki is the true Teacher, use it, play with it, respect it, and you will learn to trust it. You will learn so very much from doing these things, new worlds will open up for you.....it's all waiting for you, all you have to do is use it and play with the techniques which have been given to you.

Heal the person, not their specific malady......some people have other hidden problems, if you concentrate too much on a certain malady, then not much Reiki gets to the real situation.

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Reiki Net Resources

It is extremely important that you keep in mind that people have differing opinions about Reiki and how it should be treated.


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Please Go to: http://www.nucleus.com/~gateway/healing.html
read about the request for Healers.


Center for Reiki Training

Anthony Agee

Free For All Reiki Links

Reiki One - Information Center Healing Reques.

The Park's Center for Healing Arts

The Reiki Connection

The Reiki Page, david herron

Holistic Internet Community(tm) Directory

Reiki People

Reiki Practitioners on the Internet

The International New Age Healer Directory

Light and Adonea's Reiki Page

End of Manual


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