Belief in a higher entity gives us spiritual awareness and paves the road to Heaven. The idea of organized, ritual religion is not uncommon.

The Five (5) Major religions are:

  • Islam
  • Christianity
  • Judism
  • Hinduism
  • Buddhism

    All these 5 religions have concepts of a "higher being" and a "path" to obtain spiritual happiness. This belief allows us to seek solace and achieve a sense of spiritual awakening which decreases stress, anxiety and frustration in this ever changing world.

    Studies have shown that "Prayer" in its many different forms, is effective in the healing of disease. Islam, using the sayings and practices of the Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) advocates spiritual healing. Many times, the Muslims are reminded of the healing obtained from prayer.

    Larry Dossey, M.D., has written 2 current books that explore the concept of prayer in today's world. Also see Prayer as Healing for a recent article.

    Meditation as practiced by the followers of TM or another meditation process, is an effective tool to combat stress or high-powered living in today's society. Herbert Benson, M.D. has written many articles on the use of meditation and has developed a process of relaxation techniques.

    Visualization and positive affirmations introduced here in the US in the 70's by O.Carl Simonton, M.D. for cancer therapy and by Louise Hay for use in 12-step programs and other programs are powerful tools currently in use in cancer support groups, 12-step programs and similar groups. Positive affirmations can be linked to the use of an Islamic "tasbeh" where the muslim "recites the holy names of Allah (swt)" and might be also linked to the use of a Catholic rosary or Greek Orthodox worry beads and Tibetan beads.

    Spiritual happiness is then a quest for all of us. Current studies show most Americans (>70%) believe in God and also in angels and heaven. Some scholars believe that as the last few years in this century end, we will see a resergence in religion and a return to God.

    Links to other sites on the Web

    Khialafah (islamic)
    Mosque of Internet
    Quran was Sunnah Society
    Christianity .Net
    Judism 101

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