Who Am I?

    I often ask my Self that question! My name is PJ. and the purpose of this little corner of the Internet is to share my perspective on life from an astrologically-based point of view. I am a practicing astrologer (member of the AFA) and got my cyber-feet wet spending two fun years working in MSN's New Age Forums, primarily as the Section Leader for Astrology and as the Forums' Managing Editor. I coordinated the readings newsgroup as well as doing readings there. I also hosted a very, very popular weekly Readings Chat. (Yes, I do them "in real life," too! Email me if you are interested in becoming a client.) I am now proud to be the Webmistress of Astrology & New Age, a brand new endeavor launched in the fall of 1999 by my Self and some of the former MSN staff to continue our educational efforts in the areas of astrology and related New Age subjects such as healing.

    My near-instant attraction to the possibilities of the Internet have led to a continuing expansion of creative effort. Besides online astrology, I have discovered an outlet for my love of art via web design. As a member of the Creative Designz Guild, a small sample of some of my other work can be seen here. As a state-licensed wildlife rehabilitator, my involvement with squirrels has also found its own creative niche at A Squirrel's Tale, an award-winning web site for those who also love those endearing little "fuzz-butts"; replete with information and including my own photography.

    I have studied both piano and voice (classical) and music, especially Renaissance and Baroque, continues to be a big part of my life. I also spend a lot of time studying alternative medicine, diet and nutrition, and finally got even more serious about my own health in the spring of 1999 when I took up running. I competed in my first 5K race in September of 1999 and met my personal goals, though I'm not sure I'm up to doing such a thing again. It's a pretty wild experience for one who prefers solitary runs before dawn! I currently pay my bills by working as a Consistent Engineering Environment contract Site Manager for a global IT provider, and also have quite a bit of experience as a Unix systems administrator. (Technical support can be hilarious as well as challenging.)

    If you've already guessed that my spiritual beliefs do not follow conventional traditions, you're right. Easiest answer to the question, "What do you call your Self?" is "electic pagan", but this doesn't really do it justice. I have a strong affinity for Tibetan Buddhism and the Eastern ideology of karma, yet this way of perceiving the world is colored by both the Wiccan and Earth-based paths. I am pro-life yet also pro-choice, with these beliefs being encompassed by an equally strong belief in self-responsibility - meaning that we must each take full and sole responsibility for the consequences of our actions.

    With all of this, as well as a Mate, a house, five cats, one big dog, one squirrel inside and a dozen or so outside, and the occasional wildlife ehabilitation guest, I'm never bored!

    And since I am often asked: I am a double Cancer with Libra rising and a strong first house, Aries Mars in the 7th house, Leo Mercury conjunct Uranus in the 10th and Venus in Gemini.

Comes the Dawn

After a while you learn the subtle difference
between holding a hand and chaining a soul.
And you learn that love doesn't mean leaving
and company doesn't always mean security.
And you begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts
and presents aren't promises
And you begin to accept your defeats
with your head up and your eyes ahead
with the grace of a woman, not the grief of a child
And you learn to build all your roads on today
because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans
and futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight.
After a while you learn that even sunshine burns
if you get too much.
So you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul
instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.
And you learn that you really can endure
that you really are strong
and you really do have worth.
And you learn and you learn
with every goodbye you learn...

Veronica A. Shoffstall

I know, you are curious about the person behind the pages, aren't you? (Aren't we all? Come on, you can admit it!) So here are some curiosity satisfiers:

The requisite photo of yours truly.
And of course, the kids.
The optional photo of my Magick Dragon.
And one more of us together.
Last, but not least, some odds & ends.



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