NSRC Board Meeting Februray 16, 2001</HEAD>

Nebraska Society for Respiratory Care Board Meeting
May 9, 2001
State Meeting, Kearney, NE

May 9, 2001
State Meeting, Kearney, NE

Meeting called to order by President Shane Blake at 5:25 PM and the agenda presented.

Agenda presented.


Shane Blake, President
Jeff Gonzalez, President Elect
Jennifer Bush, Vice President
Frank Freihaut, Treasurer
Donna DiPaolo, Secretary
Tom Bainbridge, Delegate
Bruce Anderson, Webmaster
Jan Morgan, Publications Chair
Mike Stoakes, Election Chair

Doug Stroemel, Board of Director
Patty Bauer, Board of Director
Melody Bero, Past Vice President
Bruce Couillard, Past President
Marcy Wyrens, Delegate, Chair Legislative/Bylaws
Tad Hunt, Board of Director
Jane Matsui, Education Chair
Linda Tobin, Public Relations Chair


Donna reported. The minutes from the February 9, 2001 BOD Meeting were reviewed. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Jeff and seconded by Frank. The motion carried.


Frank reported. See attached. Frank clarified the Legislation/Bylaws expenditures. A motion was made by Donna and seconded by Jeff to approve the Treasurers Report. The motion carried.


Tom reported. There will be a $15.00 increase in AARC membership fees in 2002. He presented a letter justifying the increase from Carl Wiezalis M.S., R.R.T., AARC President and Jonathan Lee R.R.T., Speaker for the AARC House of Delegates.


Jeff reported. Jeff updated the BOD on the status of several bills we were interested in: the tax increase on Cigarettes did not pass; the Polysomnography bill did not come up this year, maybe next session; the Paramedic Issue is still open, and the American Communication Group is working with them also and will alert us to any Conflict of Interest Issues: the bill to involve Pharmacists in the dispensing of Oxygen did pass, but the language was changed, so he will research and let us know how it will affect us.


a.) Nomination/Election: Mike reported. See attached. We need to start soliciting recruits for 2002 now. The application will be in the August Inspiration.

b.) Web Page: Bruce reported. See attached. Bruce will update the vendor page on the site. He would also like to put a PACT sign up on it. He will check with hospitals for their Web sites, so he can make links to them.


Jeff presented his budget for the next year. It is "bare bones", as we need money for Legislative Issues. He highlighted some changes for the BOD:

1.) Increase in Delegate Expenses

2.) Increase in the Video Program

3.) Decrease in Scholarship Program to one $400.00 with AARC Membership, and 2 runner ups with an AARC Membership each.

The NSRC will provide State Park Passes for BOD members. The Delegates will be responsible for the Summit Award.

Jeff made a motion to approve the Budget with an amendment on Page 2, to increase from $500.00 to $650.00 for BOD Meetings. The motion was seconded by Donna and approved.


Jenny requested all the BOD members to make themselves available throughout the remainder of the State Meeting. She reported that registrations are going fine.

A motion was made by Donna and seconded by Frank to adjourn. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 6:15 PM.

Respectfully submitted by Donna DiPaolo, NSRC Secretary

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