Welcome to our Guestbook. We always appreciate your comments. Have you signed in yet?

Joan - 10/23/00 19:36:02
My URL:http://angiejim.homestead.com/nakedbeforeyou.html.
My Email:angiejim@infree.com
How did you find us?: from my stats page
Where are you from?: Texas
Are you a Naturist?: Yes

You have a beautiful page. Naturism is to be real and be natural. Your page is very well written that does get that point accross. I encourage you to also visit me sites.

christopher B. Durbin - 09/30/00 05:58:31
My Email:octopus@flash.net
How did you find us?: an extended journey in the opposite direction
Where are you from?: the Ocean....but my physical body was born in oklahoma.
Are you a Naturist?: I wish.

peace...love...and so far, i would say bell bottoms but, more like pedal pushers...

christopher B. Durbin - 09/30/00 05:56:33


KEN AND KAYLA - 09/11/00 23:54:45
My URL:/knknudistinfopages/
Where are you from?: UPSTATE NEW YORK
Are you a Naturist?: YES WE ARE


blieck fernand - 08/11/00 17:14:30
My Email:fernand.bliecképlanetinternet.be

ik ben van west vlaanderen belg niet ver van de kust waar is er een naakt strand .

- 07/30/00 15:31:41


Pat - 07/23/00 22:45:14
My Email:nuckcity@yahoo.com
How did you find us?: surfing
Where are you from?: Washington state
Are you a Naturist?: yes


Linda - 06/27/00 00:58:34
My URL:http://lindasspecialplace.homestead.com
My Email:psychiclady@homestead.com
How did you find us?: another site
Where are you from?: California
Are you a Naturist?: Yes

I've really enjoyed your site. Would you like to trade links?

J l Jordan - 05/25/00 19:12:29
My Email:freepull@aol.com
How did you find us?: Friends
Where are you from?: Texas
Are you a Naturist?: yes (its a way of life)

You have a great site,so keep up the good work and keep your beliefs,there are a lot of ignorant people out there that do not understand what it means to live.

c.silvia - 05/17/00 22:02:33
My Email:carlos607@aol.com
How did you find us?: search
Where are you from?: ca
Are you a Naturist?: yes


- 01/23/00 21:39:35


Duane McKinnon - 12/23/99 00:39:58
My Email:DuEagle@AOL.COM
How did you find us?: Nudists always do.
Where are you from?: Cambria, CA
Are you a Naturist?: From birth!

Please send any brochures fo close to me and some from Central Florida(West Coast) where my daughter is a naturist. Sincerely, Duane(Shaman) McKinnon

John Zylstra - 10/12/99 09:10:26
My Email:janzyl@speedlink.com.au
How did you find us?: Neoplanet
Where are you from?: Australia/Holland
Are you a Naturist?: Yes/home

Always been interested but never been able to get around to join.Besides I like the warmer climates to be able to enjoy these activities.Have been married now divorced and single again,find it hard to go as a single person.

- 09/26/99 02:14:14


Ed Hutcheson - 09/17/99 01:39:53
My Email:hotdot@naples.net
How did you find us?: Linkexchange
Where are you from?: Southwest Florida
Are you a Naturist?: Yes

I hope to live in a naturist community some day.I think the Born Natural site is very positive for the Naturist cause. It would certainly help closet naturist's/nudist's come out of their shells.

George Allen - 09/06/99 16:32:56
My Email:Gallen8748@aol.com
How did you find us?: link from another web page
Where are you from?: Reno Nevada
Are you a Naturist?: Yes

have been a nudist at home for years, however just started to go to the nude beaches at Lake Tahoe and love the experience, plan on joining a club soon

Doug and Shelly - 08/08/99 03:13:47
How did you find us?: net search
Where are you from?: Ohio
Are you a Naturist?: Well we are trying

Just thinking about it. We have both thought about it for awhile and just recently became serious. So here at home we are practicing.

MICHAEL - 08/07/99 14:27:05
My Email:MICHAEL414@webtv.net
How did you find us?: nudism webring
Where are you from?: KENTUCKYT
Are you a Naturist?: yes-home nudist

Hi i really like your website i am a single male home nudist i like to be naked at home when i can i would like to chat with other nudists about the lifestyle. keep up the good work mike.

john w. hibbard - 06/23/99 09:59:35
My Email:hibbardj@capecod.net
How did you find us?: web
Where are you from?: Detroit
Are you a Naturist?: yah

society is almost ready for a change in outerwear

hugh - 06/06/99 05:46:59
My Email:hbmj@aol.com
How did you find us?: surfing
Where are you from?: las vegas
Are you a Naturist?: yes

good site

hugh - 06/06/99 05:46:34
My Email:hbmj@aol.com
How did you find us?: surfing
Where are you from?: las vegas
Are you a Naturist?: yes

good site

Gregor - 05/21/99 14:42:48
My Email:gregors@laplink.com
How did you find us?: Internet
Where are you from?: Berkshire
Are you a Naturist?: Yes

I'm very new to naturism, and am looking to meet female naturists of any age near to my home are for company to good places to go to. Also to talk to and share ideas with female naturists from anywhere in the world. Hope to hear from someone soon.

Gordon - 05/20/99 08:27:15
My Email:gordon@goldenarrow81.freeserve.co.uk
How did you find us?: Friend
Where are you from?: UK
Are you a Naturist?: Yes

Nice site. I am a Naturist from England, and I am looking to contact female Naturists of any age from around the world, with the view to exchange views, e-mails and pictures etc. Keep the site going, and I look forward to hearing from your female visitors Gordon.

Bill - 04/12/99 16:19:32
My Email:bptattoo@email.com
How did you find us?: Surfing the Net.
Where are you from?: Oakdale,Ca
Are you a Naturist?: Alway's

What are clothes? I was born Nude,so I hope I'm bured that way. Ilove this site,but I think it should have a speacel photo site for people like me to post our photos in. What do you think?

martin - 03/24/99 22:25:26
My Email:alserda@acombv.nl
How did you find us?: via geocities
Where are you from?: the netherlands
Are you a Naturist?: yes

I really like you're site. It's very professionel. greetings martin.

ross amspaugh - 03/15/99 19:24:05
My URL:http://tds.net
My Email:ross.amspaugh@tds.net
How did you find us?: on the web
Where are you from?: idaho
Are you a Naturist?: yes i am one

i like to being nude and not wereing clothes at all.

- 03/10/99 23:40:00


Bill Robbins - 02/16/99 02:37:46
My Email:brobb@infoave.net
How did you find us?: browsing internet
Where are you from?: North Carolina

I am not a naturist but I have always wanted to experience it. My ex-wife thought I was crazy and refused to even consider it. Now I am divorced and hesitate to persue any naturist activity due to the fact that I will be considered a voyeur.

- 12/27/98 01:31:16


shana - 12/25/98 03:56:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Park/3347/files/me.html
My Email:psychoshana@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: nudist webring
Where are you from?: i forgot
Are you a Naturist?: I wish

Being nude is great. I wish I could live that way.

Joe P. - 12/20/98 20:48:07
My Email:joe1jop1@aol.com
How did you find us?: net find
Where are you from?: V.A.
Are you a Naturist?: not yet

I like the feeling to be free

Scotty & Linda - 12/16/98 21:00:28
My Email:87_vette@msn.com
How did you find us?: surfing the net
Where are you from?: Pa
Are you a Naturist?: Yes

Looking for some nude beaches or resorts in the Palm Beach area.

R .CRISCIONE - 12/13/98 14:25:47
My URL:http://criscione@worldnet.att.net
Where are you from?: ct.
Are you a Naturist?: no


Nuden99 - 12/08/98 10:44:07
How did you find us?: FANR link
Where are you from?: Pensacola,FL
Are you a Naturist?: YES

Great Site! Just wanted to say hello.

frank and joan - 12/07/98 03:16:54
My Email:bckyrdbear@aol.com
How did you find us?: ETAFINDSEARCH
Where are you from?: Miami
Are you a Naturist?: yes

Beautiful site!

J.L. - 12/05/98 17:58:10
How did you find us?: FANR
Where are you from?: FL
Are you a Naturist?: yes (at home)

Great site I would like to very much to go social but my wife is not quite ready. But maybe with time. Keep up the good work!

- 12/04/98 03:52:25


l w mabe - 12/03/98 16:21:31
My Email:lwmabe@bellsouth.net
Where are you from?: charlotte n c
Are you a Naturist?: no but would like to be

i have always like the feeling of not being with clothes on.i think the body is a thing to be free with out all the confinds

steve - 12/03/98 02:21:09
My Email:damct632@bellsouth.net
How did you find us?: web surf
Where are you from?: pensacola
Are you a Naturist?: yes

I have a friend from this area and is interested in finding a nudist beach near his home, he is from Albert AL. Any help? By the way this site is very good. glad I found it!!

Pierre Tassé - 11/23/98 23:32:30
My Email:pierre.tasse@sympatico.ca
How did you find us?: search
Where are you from?: Ontario,Canada
Are you a Naturist?: No

Was thinking of trying it when my wife and I go to Florida at XMas.

bill mcessy - 11/22/98 10:51:05
My Email:smoooth33@webtv
How did you find us?: natural magazine
Where are you from?: dania fl
Are you a Naturist?: yes


Max - 11/21/98 20:13:41
My Email:MM4567
How did you find us?: web
Where are you from?: PA
Are you a Naturist?: Yes

Looks like will have to move to FL to have suc cess with my MM4567. Not much in PA ! Have an online ladyfriend in FL who would like to try social nudist lifestyle. Cant find one like that in PA. Sincerely, Max

Dario Western - 11/18/98 22:56:10
My Email:westernd@thehub.com.au
How did you find us?: From Charles Daney's page
Where are you from?: AUstralia
Are you a Naturist?: Yes

Very nice, and so true. One wonders with the photo of the babies swimming nude, are you Nirvana fans at all?? You know what I say to people who criticize our lifestyle or think we're crazy? Nevermind! DARIO WESTERN

Kimberly Valinski - 11/07/98 18:10:32
My Email:SPARKLS10
How did you find us?: My boyfriend Bob, went there during the summer, so I thought that I would check out your sight.
Where are you from?: Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Are you a Naturist?: Semi

I think that being a naturist is pretty cool because it gives you a sense of freedom, plus you don't have to worry about what clothes to wear for that day. :)

Ron K. & Jan B. - 11/06/98 00:57:38
My Email:hatma98@aol.com
How did you find us?: Though FANR
Where are you from?: Pensacola Fl.
Are you a Naturist?: Definitely Yes

Have been a nudist for over three years & I find the freedom it offers one of the finest things in life. If some of the closed minds in our socity would try it they might wake up and enjoy their own lives and leave others alone.

ron - 11/04/98 22:07:31
My URL:http://www.paradiselakes.com
Where are you from?: howell n.j.
Are you a Naturist?: yes


- 10/31/98 22:00:35


t. martin - 10/26/98 20:34:51
My Email:bard80@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: netnude.com
Where are you from?: new york n.y.
Are you a Naturist?: not yet


Walt - 10/09/98 12:11:55
My Email:stampman@erols.com
How did you find us?: InfoSponge Naturism Index
Where are you from?: New Jersey
Are you a Naturist?: Yes

Great site. I've just become interested in nudism just recently. I have found it to be a very positive experience. I enjoy being nude. I am always looking for new sites to explore. Through your links, I was able to fine a number of sites that were quite i formative. Thanks!

Denis - 09/30/98 22:07:50
My Email:parseghi@club-internet.fr
How did you find us?: naturist/nudist links
Where are you from?: France
Are you a Naturist?: Yes

Nice site ! Try to have vontacts with naturist people of my age (around 30)

Rolf - 09/15/98 11:01:46
My URL:http://magazine.freepage.de/frank_reich/france/fkk.html
My Email:frank_reich@freepage.de
How did you find us?: by searching in Surf Point
Where are you from?: Leipzig, Germany (East)
Are you a Naturist?: Oh, yes, you can it see in my sites about naturism (FKK in German). Please visit http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Cabana/6955/ to read more about me.

A very nice site about the naturism. With naturist greetings, Rolf

Al Estep - 09/12/98 12:41:04
My URL:http://member.tripod.com/~nekkid
My Email:nekkid@netscape.net
How did you find us?: Link from Buckridge page
Where are you from?: Buckridge
Are you a Naturist?: nudist

Excellent page. Was so refreshing to meet like minded folks, who view our lifestyle as a family oriented happening. We are the first of three generations, our daughters and their families are also nudists. I will check back for updates.

carolyn - 08/29/98 20:49:30
My URL:http://becomingnicotinefree.org
My Email:carolyns@Drizzle.com
How did you find us?: cruising around
Where are you from?: Seattle
Are you a Naturist?: absolutely

I am just getting the hang of this myself and need to learn lots about on-line. Seems like you might be able to help with some techie stuff. I look forward to seeing more of you all.

carolyn - 08/29/98 20:49:29
My URL:http://becomingnicotinefree.org
My Email:carolyns@Drizzle.com
How did you find us?: cruising around
Where are you from?: Seattle
Are you a Naturist?: absolutely

I am just getting the hang of this myself and need to learn lots about on-line. Seems like you might be able to help with some techie stuff. I look forward to seeing more of you all.

Lee Haymond - 07/29/98 17:23:22
My Email:lee_125@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: links from CO Digest
Where are you from?: Greensboro, nc
Are you a Naturist?: yes

We're checking out activities & organizations around here, & the Fla. keys. (We may be going there Sept.) We're open to any correspondances. I notice e-mail addresses don't show. Mine is: lee_125@hotmail.com

Lee Haymond - 07/29/98 17:18:45
My Email:lee_125@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: links from CO Digest
Where are you from?: Greensboro, nc
Are you a Naturist?: yes

We're checking out activities & organizations around here, & the Fla. keys. (We may be going there Sept.) We're open to any correspondances.

mario rossi - 07/10/98 22:00:44
My Email:mario@tin.it
How did you find us?: children
Where are you from?: children
Are you a Naturist?: children


mike hoaglan - 06/13/98 01:52:53
My Email:mikehoaglan@email.msn.com
Where are you from?: so. cal
Are you a Naturist?: yes


Armand - 06/11/98 20:54:20
My Email:ceolin@pt.lu
How did you find us?: while surfing
Where are you from?: Luxembourg
Are you a Naturist?: yes

Hi, nice site. Have a look at my club's pages! http://www.mygale.org/~slnl

Armand - 06/11/98 20:51:47
My Email:ceolin@pt.lu
How did you find us?: while surfing
Where are you from?: Luxembourg
Are you a Naturist?: yes


Thomas H. Hynes III - 06/03/98 01:55:35
My URL:http://aol.com
My Email:ThomasH3rd@aol.com
How did you find us?: webferrot
Where are you from?: Kansas
Are you a Naturist?: Heartland Naturist

Off to Freeport in Jan 99 and its greart they have 9 nude beaches and I found a person to give me the grand tour. Princess country club here I come

Bert - 05/30/98 22:42:52
My Email:FishNude@aol.com
How did you find us?: Nude Surfing
Where are you from?: Colorado, USA
Are you a Naturist?: Yes I am

Anyone interested in exchanging real Naturist photos send me an e-mail. Surf Naked !!!

Bob Walter - 05/29/98 20:47:58
My Email:bobwalter@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: Surfing
Where are you from?: Michigan
Are you a Naturist?: Yes

Nice site. Keep up the good work. Put this page on my list of favorites.

Janusz - 05/13/98 09:48:42
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~WILKOLAK
My Email:janusz524@aol.com
How did you find us?: by Internet
Where are you from?: I`m from Poland
Are you a Naturist?: Yes, I am.

No comments, I`m a naturist from Poland, but now I live in Chicago Illinois, and is a problem with it. I loking for some place here, - nothing.Maybe somebody write to me.

Janusz - 05/13/98 09:31:14
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~WILKOLAK
My Email:janusz524@aol.com
How did you find us?: by Internet
Where are you from?: I~m from Poland, but I live in Chicago
Are you a Naturist?: Yes I do, and is a problem with naturism in Illinois

No comments, I~m a naturist and is a problem whit it here.

Pahl Goff (Bare Pahl) - 03/25/98 07:10:24
My URL:http://www.multinet.com/willies
My Email:pahlkim@msn.com
How did you find us?: msn Seniors Gen. Chat
Where are you from?: "Willamettans" Marcola OR
Are you a Naturist?: aanr Nudist

Teddy Bear we must talk some time. Pahl Goff P. O. Box 640 Marcola, OR 97454

Joe Cook - 03/09/98 07:32:25
My Email:JCook@netcnct.net
How did you find us?: Helios natura freinds
Where are you from?: oregon
Are you a Naturist?: I'm thinking about it?

I have been thinking about being a naturalist for many years but i never knew were to go until i got on the net. So i'm going to browes and see if this is somthing i might want to do. by the way i thought that the words on your front page made alot of se ce.

Ron Everson - 03/07/98 04:25:43
My Email:CortezEversons@compuserve.com
How did you find us?: web ring from doug ball
Where are you from?: Cortez, Colorado
Are you a Naturist?: yes

catchy site!

steve @ lucy - 03/03/98 22:14:04
My Email:lustep4@gte.net
How did you find us?: nude web
Where are you from?: san angelo, tx
Are you a Naturist?: yes

really liked your site . keep up the great nude work. are there any naturist families in our area who would like to form a travel group???????? let us know.

- 02/03/98 06:41:23


Ashley&Audrey Sharley - 02/02/98 15:36:39
My Email:nudistx2@swbell.net
How did you find us?: searching the web on nudism & naturism
Where are you from?: The Colony, Lewisville, Texas 75056
Are you a Naturist?: 365 days a year

You have done a very good job with this site and we will tell others about it. We are a married couple with children who strongly believe people should have the right to go through life and live each day completely naked if they wish to do so. We spend very second of every day naked when we can and when we must wear something we only wear what is required by law. We do not flaunt our nudity but do believe one should have the choise to wear as little or as much as they wish. Keep up the good work. Ashley & Audrey Sharley 5060 Alpha Dr. The Colony, Texas 75056

Ashley&Audrey Sharley - 02/02/98 15:35:56
My Email:nudistx2@swbell.net
How did you find us?: searching the web on nudism & naturism
Where are you from?: The Colony, Lewisville, Texas 75056
Are you a Naturist?: 365 days a year

You have done a very good job with this site and we will tell others about it. We are a married couple with children who strongly believe people should have the right to go through life and live each day completely naked if they wish to do so. We spend very second of every day naked when we can and when we must wear something we only wear what is required by law. We do not flaunt our nudity but do believe one should have the choise to wear as little or as much as they wish. Keep up the good work. Ashley & Audrey Sharley 5060 Alpha Dr. The Colony, Texas 75056

Gary & Sheryl Strickland - 01/21/98 16:08:29
My Email:Strik42/SES4590074
How did you find us?: searching web
Where are you from?: Myrtle Beach SC
Are you a Naturist?: Yes

I think your site is excellent!, found information I was looking for. We are Naturist, but it is very limited here on the beach. I'm retired USAF, and we spent our last 8 years in Germany, where it was great, lived about 4 miles from nude lake, outside K- own germany. Enjoyed your site, If we can help you any, lets us know. Thanks Gary & Sheryl

GW - 01/11/98 03:14:12
My Email:tgw321@aol.com
How did you find us?: Just browsing
Where are you from?: MS
Are you a Naturist?: house


Rick - 01/10/98 13:59:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/4407/
My Email:Rick407@geocities.com
How did you find us?: Nudism Web Ring
Where are you from?: Florida
Are you a Naturist?: Yes

Nice site. Maybe Geocities should set up a subdivision just for nudists. There seems to be enough of us around. Good luck.

Ernest Ovalle Jr. - 12/18/97 20:58:52
My Email:alvira@flash.net
How did you find us?: link
Where are you from?: California
Are you a Naturist?: yes

As an avid nudist, I think clothes are a waste except in cold weather. I surf the internet while naked. Keep up the good work in promoting the naturist lifestyle.

vince - 12/14/97 19:59:50
My Email:littlevince@worldnet.att.net
Where are you from?: New Jersey
Are you a Naturist?: Yes

thanks for the information....hope to stop in again.

Rick McCartney - 12/12/97 00:32:25
How did you find us?: nudist web ring
Where are you from?: Tulsa OK.
Are you a Naturist?: yes


Hedotravelers - 12/08/97 13:27:36
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~hedotravelers/index.html
My Email:hedotravelers@yahoo.com
How did you find us?: Nudist Web Ring
Where are you from?: Fl.
Are you a Naturist?: Yes

Very good Web Page. Keep up the good work.

David - 11/25/97 08:58:45
My Email:cd46@juno.com
Are you a Naturist?: yes

I love being naked

Norman Fortin - 11/22/97 04:29:45
My Email:AlfKin @aol.com
How did you find us?: Naturist link page
Where are you from?: Norwich CT USA
Are you a Naturist?: YES!

I support the first amendment comepletely. I,ll be back to check out your site again.

Norman Fortin - 11/22/97 04:27:26
My Email:AlfKin @aol.com
How did you find us?: Naturist link page
Where are you from?: Norwich CT USA
Are you a Naturist?: YES!


SEAN M. - 11/11/97 05:24:53
My URL:http://www.dlcwest.com
My Email:smonckton@dlcwest.com
How did you find us?: Naturist site
Where are you from?: Regina, Sk., Canada
Are you a Naturist?: You better believe it!

Just browsing for intersting clubs to travel to, Thanks for the info!

Przemyslaw Kapalka - 11/07/97 17:52:06
My Email:pkap@moskit.art.olsztyn.pl
How did you find us?: link from Polish naturists-page
Where are you from?: Poland, town Olsztyn (north-east)
Are you a Naturist?: not associated, but I practise it

I have not a time to watch this page this moment. But I will certainly come back to it. It is very interesting, funny, and a good view what is a naturism and what for is it. Thank you for this page!

bschultz@snet.net - 11/03/97 01:33:04
Where are you from?: USA
Are you a Naturist?: YES


linda - 10/31/97 05:16:00
My Email:c18e40@aol.com
How did you find us?: nudism ring
Where are you from?: mississippi
Are you a Naturist?: damned straight

good sight excelent web links what about a survey in your web style, it could let us know a lot

rick fetrow - 10/29/97 14:30:04
My Email:r.fet@mailexcite.com
How did you find us?: internet
Where are you from?: nebraska
Are you a Naturist?: yes


E. Planck - 10/14/97 04:02:18
My Email:erniep3@sssnet.com
How did you find us?: internet
Where are you from?: Ohio
Are you a Naturist?: Semi


Eric Moeser - 10/06/97 03:01:01
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Cookcut/index.html
My Email:cookcut@aol.com
How did you find us?: Nudism Web Ring
Where are you from?: Lancaster, CA
Are you a Naturist?: Yes

Hello! It's always good to see positive web sites on naturism. Keep it up!

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