The theory behind the Healing Mind is quite simple: YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK!

If you think happy thoughts, you will be happy and if you think depressing thoughts you will be depressed. We all create our own reality in our minds and it is to this reality that we relate; not to some reality "out there".

If you have an emotional problem it is your mind that is creating it and you can use your mind to solve it. First you have to discover what thoughts you are thinking that creates your problem and then you have to change this thinking pattern. You have to also realize that you, and only you control what you think and while you may have little control, at times, over the "outside world" you have complete control over what you think about it.

It is not what happens to you that cause emotional problems; it is your attitudes about what happens that causes the pain. These attitudes or beliefs about reality can be difficult to change because they have become a part of your worldview but they can be changed if you are willing to work at it.



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