By Charles Ebel, Director, Herpes Resource Center
At last! A comprehensive book that provides balanced, reassuring information on the medical and emotional issues surrounding genital herpes. Nineteen chapters cover recurrences, treatment options, transmission, pregnancy, telling your partner, impact on sexuality, long-term relationships, vaccine research, and more. Includes a glossary, resource list, and index. (224 pages)
"Charlie Ebel has become one of the most knowledgeable people in the country on the issues of genital herpes...his ability to synthesize this information into a readable style is unique."
-Lawrence Corey, M.D.
Sales of Managing Herpes support the Herpes Resource Center, a program of the American Social Health Association (ASHA). ASHA is a private, nonprofit agency dediciated to stopping sexually transmitted disease. Services include the National Herpes Hotline, a network of 100 local support groups for people with herpes, and a quarterly journal, The Helper.
To order call the Herpes Resource Center (800) 230-6039. Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. Eastern time. The price is $19.95 each (includes shipping and handling).