On Line Support Groups


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Msg Board Online Support Groups PKD Chat room

PKD Links Dialysis/Transplant Links Low Protein Diet Page

Yahoo PKD E-lists

Group for ADPKD or mainly the adult version of PKD.

PKDCARE (mainly U.S.) is a support group for people whose lives are affected by Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD or ARPKD)


Group for ADPKD or mainly the adult version of PKD.

The PKD UK Support Group gives people in the UK with PKD (and their family or carers) the opportunity to share their experiences, ask questions and get mutual support.


Group for ARPKD or mainly the childhood version of PKD.


Smartgroups PKD E-lists

Group for ADPKD or mainly the adult version of PKD.


Transplant Email Discussion List:

This listserve contains discussions on topics related to transplantation of all the solid organs.

To subscribe, send email to listserv@wuvmd.wustl.edu

and in the body of the message type:

SUBSCRIBE TRNSPLNT Your Name (where �Your Name� is replaced with your actual name.)

Dialysis Email Discussion List:

This listserve contains discussions on topics related to ESRD issues.

To subscribe, send email to listproc@wugate.wustl.edu

and in the body of the message type:

SUBSCRIBE DIALYSIS Your Name (where �Your Name� is replaced with your actual name.)

Chat rooms/Message boards

New Link Bridget's PKD Community Bridget is trying to create a community of people with PKD who can share hope and information with each other. You don't need to join the community to use the message board but do for the chat room (it's free). If you have hotmail, you can use your name and password to get in.