Information from around the World
a drug to market in Huntington's Disease
Now is an extremely exciting time in the Huntington's research world - new discoveries
are made on a weekly basis from all corners of the world, each one providing a better
understanding of HD and bringing us a bit closer to a treatment that will have an impact
on Huntington's disease. Nowhere is this excitement more visible than in the area of
clinical research.
Chosing Quality
Health Care - A Guide FL-Karen Karle - USF Social Worker
This guide was developed by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), in
cooperation with other agencies of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and
other public- and private-sector health organizations. AHRQ was formerly the Agency for
Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR)
First, and foremost, as most of you know I am in NO way, shape or form a medical or clinical professional nor do I have any plans to become one! I am only one human being who has lived with Huntington's Disease since 1983 and, over those years, have learned that HD affects people differently primarily because of how the disease affects different area's of the brain. So, in my unprofessional opinion, atrophy of specific area's in the brain caused by Huntington's disease can be directly related to the changes seen in an individual's judgment, memory, and other cognitive functions experienced in people with HD.