Life-Styles of the Poor and Unknown

Human beings are the meanest and most destructive animals on the planet. Even though we can take pride in our Mother Theresas and Albert Schweitzers, we nonetheless owe collective responsibility for the Hitlers and Saddam Husseins. These heros and jerks are all members of the same species. There is both good and evil in us all.

The "rich and famous" have a life-style in which they are thrust into the position of constantly dealing with the worst of our species. Movie stars, for example, must put up with inconsiderate fans, as well as greedy and unproductive folks who, uninvited, attempt to share in their hard-earned wealth.

On the other hand, if you are among the "poor and unknown" the inconsiderate and the greedy will usually leave you alone.

This is a distinct advantage of being poor and unknown... and, if fact, maybe the reason the "poor and unknown" are usually less crabby than the "rich and famous."

In this program Carl Weisbrod will show you how to "reality test" that which you have or think you want. The goal is to help you avoid wasting energy and time on people, possessions, and even attitudes that bring you no joy or comfort.

Have you heard the cliche' you can't see the trees for the forest... (or) the forest for the trees? Using this metaphor, this is a program that helps you look at the forest and the trees as the separate entity that they are.

To Order: email a request using the words [lifestyles of Poor and Unknown]. Don't forget your mailing address. As are all programs, it is unconditionally guaranteed--just return for a full refund. It's a $35 program--you will receive a statement with the course. Tech support is always available.


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© Carl Weisbrod 1997