Hypnotism and the Allegory

The Allegory Method

For 25 years, Dr. Weisbrod has been developing the allegorical story as a way to fortify suggestions. This was during the time that other therapists were just beginning to discover the power of the metaphor. The power of the allegory is still not commonly recognized.

The allegory approach is far superior to the subliminal tapes that were popular during the 1980s.

Some of the allegories were written exclusively for certain programs. Several, for example, for the Weight Control Program, two each for the Smoking Elimination Program, the Self-Hypnosis Program, and the Blocks to Success Program..

Other allegories can be used separately, but rather than list them here, we suggest you order The Introduction to Allegories Program.

This is a program that is designed to precede all allegories. On side B of the audio cassette you will receive an allegory for general motivation. You will then receive a list for other topics.

To Order: email a request for the Allegory Starter Kit. You will be billed $10 for this program.



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© Carl Weisbrod 1997