Self-Hypnosis Training

The official title for this program is The Weisbrod Thought Flow Inventory: A Self-Hypnosis Process. Or W-TFI for short.

Several independent studies have surprised behavioral scientists by showing a similar result. Superb goal achievers, those who have achieved astronomical success, have been found to have one unique trait in common.

Included in the study group have been Presidents of the United States, successful inventors, Nobel Prize Laureates, and other members of the "rich and famous."

These people were found to have a superior ability to visualize. They could visualize in unusual detail; to the point when a goal became a reality it produced feelings of "deja vu" (I've done this before).

Imagine yourself with a goal of opening a business. Then imagine that picture (of the business) was burned into your brain, and played over and over again like a videotape. Each time you moved closer to the goal, the images in your mind incorporated the reality and then fast-forwarded to an even brighter and more focused picture of the desired result. When your goal was achieved, all but you were amazed. For you, it had simply been an exciting mental journey, ending in the reality as its natural conclusion.

With such a system it would be difficult to fail!

Those with this ability are usually unaware that they are unique. It seems to them the normal way of thinking.

Unfortunately, more often than not, a more typical mental function is one of worry... the "what-ifs." "what if I fail... what if it doesn't work... what if I'm not smart enough... etc."

Achieving lofty goals is not as much related to intelligence, or even education, as one might think. It's absolutely true that the top 1% of the world's most powerful (or most accomplished) are NOT in the top 1% of intelligence--not even close. On the other hand, they're always at that top 1% level in the ability to visualize goals.

The W-TFI is the only self-hypnosis program that (first) helps you quantify the types of images that already exist in your imagination, and then shows you how to re-format them just like "the rich and famous." Only then will you be trained for your personal self-hypnosis process.

The program consists of two hours of instruction in combination with a workbook. The self-hypnosis process utilizes two allegories (also on audio cassette) and another workbook.

Don't order this program unless you're ready to do some work--it's not an easy process.

As in all programs it is unconditionally guaranteed. Return it and receive a complete refund--no questions asked. It includes an album of (3) audio cassettes and two workbooks. You will be billed $90 at the time you receive your program. Tech support is available at no additional charge.

To Order: Email your request for the [Self-Hypnosis program]. Don't forget your Post Office address. You will be billed $90 for the complete program.


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© Carl Weisbrod 1997