Charisma & Power

Sigmund Freud, M.D. is probably the most maligned of all scientists. Perhaps it's because his clinical research and writings put the spotlight on some of the worst aspects of human nature.

No matter what you think of Freud, don't forget that he was the first to clearly understand that the human personality could be divided into three parts. A century ago, Freud wasn't sure enough of himself to tell it like it is, so he hid the meanings with Latin lingo, and called these personality parts the ego, id, and superego..

Then Eric Berne came along. As an Army psychiatrist with psychoanalytic (Freudian) training, he was required to evaluate thousands of soldiers in a very short space of time. To simplify his thinking and write clearer reports he changed Freud's superego, ego, and id to parent, adult, and child, respectively. (A decision that eventually got him kicked out of his psychoanalytic training program.)

Eric Berne called his approach Transactional Analysis (TA).

Understanding the Freudian/Berne model of the personality will give you an objective insight about those you communicate with in a way that wouldn't happen otherwise. This objective insight, by the way, is why so many patients fall in love with their psychotherapists. It's also the reason that psychotherapists are almost never sued for malpractice--even though they screw up as often as medical doctors.

Simply put, Assertive Training is a verbal self-defense system that can be used as protection from verbally aggressive people.

Transactional Analysis and Assertive Training are only a couple of "sources of power" that are taught in this course. The goal of the course is to help the student become more charismatic.

To Order: email the words [Charisma & Power] with your Post Office address. You will be billed $35 at receipt of the 2 cassette/workbook program. If you are unhappy with the program in any way, return it for a complete refund. Tech support is included.


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© Carl Weisbrod 1997