Don't forget to dream

Despite what comes to you

For if you forget to dream

Your dreams can never come true

Remember how to dream

When your world comes crashing down

Who knows what revelations you might find

When that dream finally comes around

Hold your dreams dear

When life brings you tears

Keep those dreams near

They'll help you cope with your fears

Keep your dreams so very sacred

When life's a bitter pill,

'Cause if you let them go,

They'll forever go unfulfilled

You may alter the path that you are on,

If you will OWN your dreams my friend,

And if those particular dreams fail

You can always dream again

So if your feeling down my friend,

Keep these words close to you,

Throughout life no matter the struggles or trials

Your dreams will pull you through

Another wonderful pic by Jinger Dixon at Cool Graphics. I am the same person

When you stare at me

As I navigate the grocery store aisle

See you scrutinize my being

Why you don't return my smile

You think I don't know what your thinking

As your face turns into a frown

I hear your words as you stand behind me

The harsh, cruel judgements As you put me down

Once my clothes were like yours

And my health was just as fine

But today I have no cure

And spend most of my time reclined

You see; you who judge me

I have an insidious, invisible disease

It leaves me imprisoned not free

In a constant state of unease

So before you criticize my existence

And say things so mean and cruel

Instead admire my persistence

Otherwise you're just a fool

For I am the same as you

I yearn for a normal life

free of pain and healthy

Free of trouble and strife

I forgive you for you shortsightedness

And your narrow mind

I will pray for your enlightenment

maybe someday you'll be kind

This poem was inspired by a trip to the grocery store a long time ago when I first became ill with CFIDS/Fibromyalgia. I had pulled out our food stamps, (we couldn't have eaten back then without them) and a lady, well-dressed, with lots of gold jewelry, behind me made a disparraging remark about my integrity and life. It struck me then , that we judge others based on what they have in this country. And by judging them , limit our own understanding

Across the years

When this disease

Has added to my tears

I pray relief from the pain

Trying not to give rise to my fears

I struggle on despite the stones that block my way

And pray to sweet Jesus above

May there be a cure for CFIDS someday