We, the Renegades, are a family of eight woman ranging in various ages and scattered all around North America. We all started with a couple of things in common. We all have Fibromyalgia and we all needed to have a closer relationship with people that understood.
At first we were an on-line support group, but as we became closer and closer to each other the bond between us sealed and we knew that we were now a family of wonderful, caring sisters. That's why you'll hear me calling them my ReneSis'. They are as much a part of my life as the family I have at home.
If it wasn't for Nebbie helping me with this page and all my other ReneSis' encouraging me, I would never have had the nerve or the know how. So thanks guys and I love you!!!!
The Renegades have no rules...well, yes one rule is that we have no rules. We can be ourselves and we laugh, talk, play and cry together. When one or two of us hurt, the others are all there to help the others through it.
We're a very playful bunch too. We love inventing new words that relate to us. We dream about the FibroMansion and how we will set it up. We don't dwell on our condition, but instead offer advice and support to deal with it.
We haven't even met yet, but we've sent pictures of ourselves, our families, our pets and even some of our crafts and hobbies. Some of us has talked over the phone, sent letters, cards, gifts through the mail and we've talked on PowWow together. Of course we e-mail on a regular basis. The fun part is we don't worry about spelling. We call this Fibroeese. And the funny part is we all understand it even when we are in FibroFog.
We help each other with our computer problems and even if it's a long e-mail process, eventually we get it figured out. If one of our systems are down or someone goes away on holidays we call this ReneWithdrawl. I feel somehow it was fate that brought us together.
We all have a common goal. We want to get the word out about Fibromyalgia. We're all fighters when it comes to this area and we want Fibromyalgia Syndrome to be recognized for what is and how it affects people that have it and their families and friends.
We might be wacky and wild, yet we're compassionate and sincere. We are planning to ALL meet together hopefully in October of 1998. It feels like such a long time, but see, we are also practical and realistic and know that this takes planning and money. So the goal is set and it gives us time to figure away to do it, but we know in our hearts that we WILL find the way and I for one can't wait!
Well, if it seems I'm bragging about the Renegades, I guess I am! They're just so dear to my heart and I love them so much. I'm proud to be a Renegade and part of the best family ever!!!
Friends closer than sisters!