[Herkimer diamond]

Crystals and stones fascinate us. All of human history records the use of "pretty rocks" for personal adornment, healing and ritual. They delight us even if we don't know anything about them. As we grow in our knowledge of them to delight is added an ever deepening respect and appreciation of these stone people.


  • My visit with Max the crystal skull

  • Cleansing Crystals

  • Attunement to Crystals


  • Check out the Crystal=Keepers Campfire circle

    Crystal Creations Of Australia Crystal Creations of Australia

  • Quartz Crystal Photography
    In 1996 I began to photograph quartz crystals and have created this website to display the results of that ongoing project.

  • Exquisite Contemporary Crystal Skull
    This skull was carved by Hans Showens in Ida Oberstein (Germany) in 1986 and weighs 8 lbs.

  • Crystal Creations by Tom Struble
    My love for carving quartz crystal comes from years of experience as a lapidarian, combined with training and apprenticeship under quartz crystal carver Frank Dorland, world-renowned art conservator and biocrystallographer.

  • Beyond the Rainbow
    At our real-time store, Crystal Gardens, we've been helping people to grow and create more beauty and harmony in their lives since 1987. Beyond the Rainbow offers us a greatly expanded opportunity to share both the crystals, flower essences, and essential oils, which have helped our customers (and us), and the fine selection of jewelry, statues, fountains, chimes, stained glass, and other gifts for the harmonious home.

  • Accord of Crystals
    Accord of Crystals also follows the vision of a traditional healer who saw a world where all were of the same family without any thoughts of color, religion, or place of birth. It will happen when enough people have a personal crystal. This will cause the Earth could return to its original balanced state. Join us and get a crystal today.

  • Crystals, Gems and Stones
    I've created this page using some charts that I've had laying around as well as from email, web sites, and other books I've read. This page is made specifically for the healing properties of the following crystals, gems, and stones and some of the elements they relate to.

  • The Society of Crystal Skulls International
    Founded in New York in 1945 by Mr. F. R. 'Nick' Nocerino, the Society of Crystal Skulls, International is an organization devoted to research and education in the specific area of crystal skulls.

  • Sun Angel innovations gemstone Glossary
    A very nice database with pictures of the stone and a brief description of it's uses and vibration.

  • Herkimer Diamond Mines
    Herkimer Diamonds are beautiful double - terminated quartz crystals found in Herkimer, New York. Incredibly, these phenomenal gemstones are close to five hundred million years old. The crystals are magnificent works of nature, found in the rock, having a diamond - like geometrical shape. Thus, the name recognition of "Herkimer Diamonds".

  • The Crystalis Institute
    The Crystalis Institute is a teaching and healing retreat organization located at the heart of the Green Mountain range in north central Vermont, USA. The Institute was founded by Naisha Ahsian in 1994 as a means to share information and education with those interested in transformation and healing through working with the energetic properties of crystals. Since that time, the Institute has expanded its scope to include an educational effort on the World Wide Web, a professional certification training course in Crystal Resonance Therapy, workshops and seminars worldwide, life counseling through intuitive readings, spiritual travel experiences, and many other works.

  • Crystalguy
    This Website was, as far as I know, the first art jewelry site on the Internet. When I first built it almost two years ago I searched in vain to find any craftsman-made jewelry out there on the Web.

  • Crystals
    An alphabetized index of crystal and stone types and their uses.

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