The Onion Institute Bookstore |
Onion Institute team of reviewers is at work day and
night just to produce reviews of the key books that you
want. Throughout InnerBalloons, there are four central
themes, and these are the same themes that run throught
The Onion Institute Bookstore:
The books
are available centrally from this page, although they are
also suggested throughout the site. For instance, if you
read an article about certain NLP techniques, there'll
probably be a short bibliography to support you in
learning those techniques. Some people decide people
decide to buy the books immediately, others browse
through some of the information on this site before they
buy. Clicking on a book title
takes you to a review. Of course by now, you've probably
already imagined what it'd be like to understand what the
book tells you and you can just click to buy the book at Self-organisation and Adaptive Behaviour
Persuasive writing and web site design
This page is currently re-organising itself,
but... all links work. In association with Last updated:14 October 1997 |
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