Dr El Ebiary - 11/04/00 02:20:53
My Email:felebia@aol.com


Jim Bower - 01/14/00 20:18:13
My URL:http://www.intelemed-usa.com
My Email:info@intelemed-usa.com

I read your web page and guest book and found it very interesting. May I encourage dematology specialists and professionals to consider a dermatology telemedicine program among your elite group located all over the world; and centralized for consult and xpert opinion at the Dematology & STD, Faculty of Medicine, al-Minya University, Egypt. This is a great opportunity to form a cohesive group of worldwide dermatology professionals of which one can remain in contact both professionally, acadamically and so ially. [J.Bower (941)747-9553]

Hussein - 12/20/99 00:57:11
My Email:samarazen@earthlink.net

Dear Sir: Thank you for your prompt response. My brother had gone to El Ezhar University specializing in Dermatology and STD. He recently accepted a job in Saudi Arabia but I don't which facility. I am desperately trying to find him regarding personal family mat ers. I can be reached @ (702)804-9921 in Las Vegas, NV, USA. Your help is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Hussein

hussein - 12/14/99 16:10:05
My Email:samarazen@earthlink.net

Hussein M. Elmahgry desperately seeking brother, Dr. Galal M. Elmahgry. Urgent. Please help.

Hossam Abdel-Wahab - 08/19/99 16:39:31
My Email:semsem105@hotmail.com

Dear/ Professor and Dean I can not express my happiness and I send you my hearty congratulations. I think we should congratulate ourself, our hospital , our faculty and our university since the perfect man in the perfect place. I am sure that you will lead us to join 2000 by your brilliant ideas and sincere efforts. My dreams were so great, but now I am sure they are going to be true. Thanks god and hope of great success -as usual- in your new position. With my best wishes.. Sincerely,your son, Hossam Abdel-wahab

Amal talaat - 07/21/99 11:36:48
My Email:amaltalaat@aol.com

Dear Professor: I am proud of being a member of the department and to be one of your students. I wish I could deserve this and to be always someone you could be proud of. Amal Talaat

Amal Talaat - 07/21/99 10:55:18
My Email:amaltalaat@aol.com

I am so happy to find our home page at last. I miss the whole department and I wish them the best of luck. Amal

Hossam and Ahmed Kotb - 07/19/99 20:19:47

Dear/ Professor It is our pleasure to visit your site again, Ahmed is very happy to see this nice valuable efforts and He hopes to be a good member in our department, next year. With our best wishes. Sincerely, Hossam & Ahmed

Hossam Abdel-Wahab - 06/21/99 16:35:40

Dear Professor I can not express my feeling of happiness after watching your great home page. I am so proud to be one of your students and I proimse you to do my best to be a good representative of our department. With my best regards.. Sincerely Resident/ Hossam Abdel-Wahab (21/6/1999)

Dr Azeem Alam Khan.MSc(Dermatology)U.K,M.B.,B.S. - 04/29/99 23:18:08
My Email:sakhan@meganet.com.pk
Address1:: 1,Golf Road Rawalpindi CanttPakistan
Address2:: 1,Golf Road Rawalpindi Pakistan
City:: Rawalpindi Cantt
State:: Punjab Pakistan
Profission:: Dermatologist

Excellent Site!!!I am a Dermatologist from Pakistan.I have recently done M.Sc in Clinical Dermatologuy from St.John's Institute Of Dermatology London UK.I have got 5 years expeience in Dermatology.Nowdays i am desperately looking for job in middleast.I sh ll be grateful If somebody could help me regarding this matter. yours Dr Azeem alam Khan 1, Golf Road Rawalpindi Pakistan E-mail Address:sakhan@meganet.com.pk

Dr Azeem Alam Khan.MSc(Dermatology)U.K,M.B.,B.S. - 04/29/99 23:15:23
My Email:sakhan@meganet.com.pk
Address1:: 1,Golf Road Rawalpindi CanttPakistan
Address2:: 1,Golf Road Rawalpindi Pakistan
City:: Rawalpindi Cantt
State:: Punjab Pakistan
Profission:: Dermatologist

Excellent Site!!!I am a Dermatologist from Pakistan.I have recently done M.Sc in Clinical Dermatologuy from St.John's Institute Of Dermatology London UK.I have got 5 years expeience in Dermatology.Nowdays i am desperately looking for job in middleast.I sh ll be grateful If somebody could help me regarding this matter. yours Dr Azeem alam Khan 1, Golf Road Rawalpindi Pakistan E-mail Address:sakhan@meganet.com.pk

Artur Antonio Duarte - 01/13/99 15:25:44
My Email:drartur@netpoint.com.br
Address1:: Rua Capital Federal 95
City:: São Paulo-SP
State:: Brasil
Postal(Zip)code:: 01259-010
Profission:: Medical doctor and professor

I am still waiting information about the congress and about my subscription and reservation hotel, sorry for insist, but I have send the program and my subscription to University until January, 30. I have already received the fax-confirmation , but no instruction how can I have to send money Thanks in advance. My FAX : 55.11. 38713155

Dr. Artur Duarte - 01/12/99 12:52:23
My Email:DrArtur@netpoint.com.br
Address1:: Rua Capital Federal 95
City:: São Paulo-SP
State:: Brazil
Postal(Zip)code:: 01259-010
Profission:: Medical doctor and Professor

I ask for subscription at the Cayro Congress and Hotel reservation but a I received only a Fax saying Ok. I dont Know How Can I do the payment, and the amount. Here , in Brazil, it is easier I do the payment by credit car instead send money for Bank. I am waiting a answer. Thanks in advance.

Dr.Bilal Doğan - 11/26/98 08:52:08
My Email:gataderm@turk.net
Address1:: GATA Haydarpaşa Eğitim Hastanesi Dermatoloji Kliniği Üsküdar
City:: İstanbul
State:: Turkey
Postal(Zip)code:: 81327
Profission:: Consultant Dermatologist

Could you please send me information about the meeting which will be held in Egypt in April 1999. Yours sincerely.

Mark V. DAhl, M.D. - 03/31/98 16:33:21
Address1:: Box 98 F-UMC
City:: Minneapolis
State:: MN
Postal(Zip)code:: 55343
Profission:: prof & Chair

I remember you well. Congratulations on your department and web site. Mark

Mark V. DAhl, M.D. - 03/31/98 16:33:16
Address1:: Box 98 F-UMC
City:: Minneapolis
State:: MN
Postal(Zip)code:: 55343
Profission:: prof & Chair

I remember you well. Congratulations on your department and web site. Mark

Aly Hegazy - 03/20/98 23:26:43
My Email:alyhegazy@egyptnetwork.com
Address1:: 24 Gomhoreyya Street
Address2:: 5 Bank Misr Street
City:: Mansoura
State:: Dakahleyya
Profission:: Dermatologist

Congratulations , Go on

Hussein Hassab-El-Naby, MD - 03/19/98 18:15:50
My Email:helnaby@mailexcite.com
City:: Cairo
State:: Egypt
Profission:: Ass. Prof. of Dermatology & Dermatopathology, Al-Azhar Univ.

It is a great effort and a very well presented work, keep on and show us the best of you. Hussein

Hussein Hassab-El-Naby, MD - 03/18/98 21:15:46
My Email:helnaby@mailexcite.com
City:: Cairo, Egypt
Profission:: Ass. Professor of Dermatology & Dermatopathology, Al-Azhar Univ.

It is really a great work and a very elegant presentation, keep going and show us the best of you, and I will keep visiting your page. Hussein

Hussein Hassab-El-Naby, MD - 03/18/98 21:13:51
My Email:helnaby@mailexcite.com
City:: Cairo, Egypt
Profission:: Ass. Professor of Dermatology & Dermatopathology, Al-Azhar Univ.

It is really a great work and a very elegant presentation, keep going and show us the best of you, and I will keep visiting your page. Hussein

- 03/13/98 15:29:28


Markus - 03/01/98 23:12:10
My URL:/HotSprings/Spa/4547
My Email:penndragon@geocities.com

Greetings to my "Neighborhood"

Edward Beaulieu PA-C - 02/23/98 07:38:49
My Email:edtysan@msn.com
Address1:: 5750 E. El Camino Quinto
City:: Apache Junction
State:: Arizona
Postal(Zip)code:: 85219
Profission:: Physician Assistant

extremely interesting and educational site.

Aly Hegazy - 01/03/98 23:17:06
My Email:hegazy@deltanet.ie-eg.com
Address1:: 24 gomhoreya street
Address2:: 5 Bank Misr street
City:: Mansoura
State:: Egypt
Profission:: Derma & Andro

Congratulations for this nice looking and valuable site . Your work is wealthy and of great help to all dermatologists . Waiting to see you at el-minya during your fruitfull february conference . A Hegazy

Aly Hegazy - 01/03/98 23:14:46
My Email:hegazy@deltanet.ie-eg.com
Address1:: 24 gomhoreya street
Address2:: 5 Bank Misr street
City:: Mansoura
State:: Egypt
Profission:: Derma & Andro

Congratulations for this nice looking and valuable site . Your work is wealthy and of great help to all dermatologists . Waiting to see you at el-minya during your fruitfull february conference . A Hegazy

AHMED SHERIF TALAAT - 12/27/97 22:29:35
State:: UK
Postal(Zip)code:: E2 8PR

Congratulations for this great amazing work and presentations. I am so pleased to find this wonderful touch. All Egyptians are so proud of this remarkable efforts. All the best for all my professors and colleagues in the Department of Dermatology at El-Minya University Hospital. Wishing you all lots and lots of luck.

Soliman Hussein Ahmed - 12/25/97 12:59:07
My Email:hcenter@ritsec3.com.eg
Address1:: 5 Ahmed Al-Asmy Street Ain Shams Sharkiea
Address2:: 7 Aly Pacha Ibraheem El-Helmiea Al-Gadida
City:: Cairo
State:: Cairo
Postal(Zip)code:: 11311
Profission:: Head of Cairo Leprosy Center

Congratulations for this wealthy hard work which it is well-done . Very good beautifull presentations specially those rare will introduced cases Go ahead GOD will bless you and your active team faihfully Dr. Soliman Hussein Head of Hansen Center

Gunther Eysenbach - 12/08/97 22:29:29
My URL:http://www.derma.med.uni-erlangen.de
My Email:eysenbach@derma.med.uni-erlangen.de
Address1:: Dept of Dermatology
City:: University Erlangen
State:: Germany
Profission:: MD

The "challenging cases" are fascinating. Please consider contributing images to our dermatology online image atlas (http://www.derma.med.uni-erlangen.de), as we are constantly looking for international submissions.

Harvey Lui - 11/23/97 07:28:08
My URL:http://www.derm.ubc.ca
City:: Vancouver
State:: B.C.
Profission:: Dermatologist

Congratulations on your contribution to the international online dermatology community.

elemir - 11/19/97 10:06:05
My Email:elemir@correionet.com.br
Address1:: r. barao geraldo de rezende 282/72
City:: campinas
State:: sao paulo
Postal(Zip)code:: 13020-440
Profission:: dermatologist

Congratulatios!it's a wonderful site. elemir

Alexander G.Katsitadze - 11/18/97 17:29:56
My Email:alexk@access.sanet.ge
Address1:: 11 Chavchavadze Avenue
City:: Tbilisi
State:: Republic of Georgia
Postal(Zip)code:: 380079
Profission:: Dermatologist

Thank you very much.I highly recommend to expansion your page.

Thomas L. Ray, M.D. - 11/18/97 15:06:54
My URL:http://tray.dermatology.uiowa.edu/
Address1:: Dept. of Dermatology
Address2:: Univ. of Iowa College of Medicine
City:: Iowa City
State:: Iowa, U.S.A.
Postal(Zip)code:: 52242
Profission:: Dermatologist

Congratulations! A wonderful contribution to the field.

- 10/25/97 07:39:08


Steven Emmet - 10/24/97 02:54:37
My Email:emmet@emmet.com
Address1:: 773 Academy Drive
City:: Solana Beach
State:: CA
Postal(Zip)code:: 92075
Profession:: dermatologist

very nice site...keep up the good work!... steve

Amal Talaat - 10/23/97 21:01:12
City:: Menia
State:: Egypt
Profession:: Dermatologist

Great work Congratulation

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