This is my 1st attempt at a HTML Help page or guide. What follow's will be practical guidance to demonstrate and give examples of how to do things both with views and the HTML behind it!

Firstly, the two programs most used to create this web page:

AOLPress, available for free download from is a very comprehensive web page making program. AOLPress is a wysiwyg program and is just as easy as using a word processor! It has a very comprehensive online tutorial, which includes links for where to get more information.

It is available for both PC's and Macs, as well as a few ß versions for other types of computers! It is quite a large program, a few Mb at least but very useful, if you don't have fast internet connection, find someone who does, or buy it off AOL. You have to pay if you don't download it your self!!!

Please Note that I'm not endorsing AOL, just that this particular piece of software is useful!

Throughout my site I have used various examples of HTML. These include the 'Forms ' on my Renal Page, Tables, throughout the site. The Embed Command is featured on the Image Rich version of my site's homepage

The second piece of software is HTML Vocabulary  by J. W. Walker, it is a comprehensive digital readme for HTML code! It is available from or

Various other shareware, and freeware programs have also been used, but I'll leave you to discover them for yourselves!

Claris HomePage is also very good. I am currently trialing version 1.0 and am finding it extremly easy to use. Version 1 is currently available free on various magazine freebie CD's! The one good thig about it is that it is very fast, to load and to use.

Designing a Web Page; Tips for beginners!:

Drop Down Menu's, these allow a selection to be made with a drop down list, sinilar to those used in forms, they are a useful way of navigating within a site with many subtopics, or within a page.

This web site was created on a Apple Macintosh Powerbook. Details of Apple products are available at:

Apple UK and Ireland

The first form I'm trying out for my Renal page!